What is detailed guidance on province-level procedures for issuance of practitioner certificates in fire prevention and fighting consultancy in Vietnam in 2024?

What is detailed guidance on province-level procedures for issuance of practitioner certificates in fire prevention and fighting consultancy in Vietnam in 2024?

What is detailed guidance on province-level procedures for issuance of practitioner certificates in fire prevention and fighting consultancy in Vietnam in 2024?

Pursuant to Subsection 1, Section I, Part A of the Administrative Procedures issued together with Decision 3384/QD-BCA-C07 2024, the procedures for issuing practitioner certificates in fire prevention and fighting consultancy at the provincial level are as follows:

- Step 1: Individuals or organizations prepare the dossier according to legal regulations.

- Step 2: Individuals or organizations submit the dossier to the Fire Prevention, Fighting and Rescue Police Department of the provinces or centrallly affiliate cities

- Step 3: The receiving officer checks the validity and composition of the dossier (documents in the dossier submitted to the police agency must be originals, authenticated copies, copies accompanied by originals for verification if submitted directly or by public postal services;

Originals or authenticated electronic copies if the dossier is submitted online via the national public service portal, the public service portal of the Ministry of Public Security).

+ If the dossier is valid and complete, an Administrative Procedure Receipt Certificate for Fire Prevention and Fighting will be issued to the applicant (1 copy for the applicant, 1 copy for filing) or a notification of receipt will be sent via email or phone message to the agency, organization, or individual submitting the dossier;

+ If the dossier is incomplete or not valid, it will be returned with guidance for completion. The information will be recorded on the Dossier Supplementation Guidance Certificate (1 copy for the applicant, 1 copy for filing) or the content of the guidance will be recorded and notified via email or phone message to the agency, organization, or individual submitting the dossier.

- Step 4: Based on the appointment date on the Administrative Procedure Receipt Certificate for Fire Prevention and Fighting or the notification via email or phone message, individuals or organizations will come to the place of submission to receive the results directly, by public postal services, or electronically through the public service account previously used for submission.

- Method of implementation:

+ Direct: Submit the dossier directly at the Single-Window Division of the Fire Prevention, Fighting and Rescue Police Department of the provinces or centrallly affiliate cities.

+ Public postal services: Submit the dossier via public postal services.

+ Online: Submit the dossier through the National Public Service Portal, Public Service Portal of the Ministry of Public Security.

+ Dossier reception times: Business hours on working days from Monday to Friday each week (excluding public holidays and Tet as prescribed by law).

- Processing time: 7 Working days from the date of receiving a complete and valid dossier.

- Fees and charges: None.

Guidance on Procedures for Issuing Provincial Certificates of Fire Prevention and Fighting Practice in 2024

What is detailed guidance on province-level procedures for issuance of practitioner certificates in fire prevention and fighting consultancy in Vietnam in 2024? (Internet image)

What are types of practitioner certificates in fire prevention and fighting consultancy in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 43 of Decree 136/2020/ND-CP stipulating the Degrees and certificates concerning fire prevention and fighting and conditions for issuance of certificates concerning fire prevention and fighting in Vietnam as follows:

Degrees and certificates concerning fire prevention and fighting and conditions for issuance of certificates concerning fire prevention and fighting


2. Certificates of fire prevention and fighting:

a) Certificates of knowledge enhancement about fire prevention and fighting;

b) Consulting Practice Certificates for fire prevention and fighting: Consulting Practice Certificate for fire prevention and fighting design; Consulting Practice Certificate for fire prevention and fighting appraisal; Consulting Practice Certificate for fire prevention and fighting supervision; Consulting Practice Certificate for fire prevention and fighting technical inspection and certification; Consulting Practice Certificate for fire prevention and fighting construction command.

Practitioner certificates in fire prevention and fighting consultancy include various types of certificates:

- Consulting Practice Certificate for fire prevention and fighting design;

- Consulting Practice Certificate for fire prevention and fighting appraisal;

- Consulting Practice Certificate for fire prevention and fighting supervision;

- Consulting Practice Certificate for fire prevention and fighting technical inspection and certification;

- Consulting Practice Certificate for fire prevention and fighting construction command.

What are the components of the dossier for issuing practitioner certificates in fire prevention and fighting consultancy at provincial level?

Pursuant to Subsection 1, Section I of the Administrative Procedures issued together with Decision 3384/QD-BCA-C07, the composition and quantity of the dossier include:

- Application document for issuing a fire prevention and fighting consulting practice certificate (Form PC30), original, quantity: 01.

- Declaration of professional experience in fire prevention and fighting activities (Form PC31), original or authenticated copy or a copy accompanied by the original for verification, quantity: 01.

- Diplomas and certificates related to the request for a fire prevention and fighting consulting practice certificate, original or authenticated copy or a copy accompanied by the original for verification, quantity: 01.

- 02 colored photos (3x4 cm) of the individual requesting the issuance of a fire prevention and fighting consulting practice certificate, original.

Pursuant to Appendix IX attached to Decree 50/2024/ND-CP, which stipulates the forms for Application for Issuance/Replacement/Reissuance of practitioner certificates in fire prevention and fighting consultancy and the Declaration of Professional Experience in Fire Prevention and Fighting Operations as follows:

- Form PC30: Application for Issuance/Replacement/Reissuance of Fire Prevention and Fighting Consulting Practice Certificate.

>> Form PC30: Download

- Form PC31: Declaration of Professional Experience in Fire Prevention and Fighting.

>> Form PC31: Download

Thus, the above are the dossier components required for issuing a Fire Prevention and Fighting Consulting Practice Certificate at the provincial level.


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