01:54 | 11/01/2023

What is a hybrid electric vehicle in Vietnam? What information does the energy label on a hybrid electric vehicle provide?

May I ask what hybrid electric vehicle are? What information does the energy label on a hybrid electric vehicle provide? Question of Ms. Trang (Hung Yen)

What is a hybrid electric vehicle in Vietnam?

In Article 3 of Circular No. 48/2022/TT-BGTVT on definitions as follows:

For the purposes of this Circular, terms used herein shall be construed as follows:
1. Electric power train is a system consisting of one or more electrical energy storage devices (e.g. accumulators, batteries, electromechanical flywheels or supercapacitors); one or more power stabilizers; one or more electrical devices used to convert stored electrical energy into mechanical energy which is transmitted to the wheels as the driving force for a vehicle to move.
2. Hybrid electric power train is a drive system that consumes energy from both energy sources stored in a vehicle as follows:
a) Fuel;
b) Electrical energy storage device.
3. Pure electric vehicle (PEV) is a vehicle driven by an electric power train.
4. Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is the vehicle that is driven by a hybrid electric powertrain system (even including any vehicle that consumes fuel only to recharge its electrical energy storage device).
5. Off-Vehicle (Off-board) charging hybrid electric vehicle (OVC-HEV) is a hybrid electric vehicle that can be recharged by plugging into an external source of electricity.
6. Not off-vehicle (off-board) charging hybrid electric vehicle (NOVC-HEV) is a hybrid electric vehicle that cannot be recharged by an external source of electricity.

Thus, hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is the vehicle that is driven by a hybrid electric powertrain system (even including any vehicle that consumes fuel only to recharge its electrical energy storage device). It includes 2 types:

- Off-Vehicle (Off-board) charging hybrid electric vehicle (OVC-HEV)

- Not off-vehicle (off-board) charging hybrid electric vehicle (NOVC-HEV).

What is a hybrid electric vehicle in Vietnam? What information does the energy label on a hybrid electric vehicle provide?

What is a hybrid electric vehicle in Vietnam? What information does the energy label on a hybrid electric vehicle provide? (Image from the Internet)

What information does the energy label on a hybrid electric vehicle provide?

In Clause 9, Article 3 of Circular No. 48/2022/TT-BGTVT stipulating as follows:

9. Energy consumption label of a vehicle (hereinafter referred to as energy label) is a label describing information relating to types of fuel used, energy consumption levels and relevant information of the following vehicles:
a) For pure electric cars, pure electric motorcycles and pure electric mopeds: Electricity consumption;
b) For off-board charging hybrid electric cars and motorcycles: Types of fuel used, fuel consumption, electricity consumption;
c) For not off-board charging hybrid electric motorcycles: Types of fuel used, fuel consumption.

Thus, energy labels affixed to electric or hybrid electric cars, motorcycles and mopeds provide the following information:

- For pure electric cars, pure electric motorcycles and pure electric mopeds: Electricity consumption;

- For off-board charging hybrid electric cars and motorcycles: Types of fuel used, fuel consumption, electricity consumption;

- For not off-board charging hybrid electric motorcycles: Types of fuel used, fuel consumption.

General instructions on energy labeling for hybrid electric vehicles in Vietnam?

In Article 4 of Circular No. 48/2022/TT-BGTVT on general instructions on energy labelling for electric or hybrid electric cars, motorcycles and mopeds as follows:

- Vehicles of the same type

+ For pure electric cars, hybrid electric cars: Vehicles of the same type are defined in the Appendix VIII hereto (applied to manufactured or assembled vehicles) or the Appendix IX hereto (applied to imported vehicles);

+ For hybrid electric motorcycles and pure electric motorcycles, vehicles of the same type are defined as vehicles having the same basic features, including: those vehicles that are owned by the same industrial owner; share the same trademark, design and technical specifications; are manufactured by the same production line; whose equivalent inertial mass is determined according to the corresponding standard mass shown in Table D.12-4 of TCVN 13062:2020, even including the characteristics of vehicles and engines specified in Appendix V hereto;

+ For pure electric mopeds, vehicles of the same type are defined as the vehicles having the same basic features, including: those vehicles that are owned by the same industrial owner; share the same trademark, design and technical specifications; are manufactured by the same production line; whose equivalent inertial mass is determined according to the corresponding standard mass shown in Table 3 of point 3.7.1 of Article 3 in QCVN 04:2009/BGTVT - National technical regulation on emission of gaseous pollutants from assembled or manufactured motorcycles and mopeds; motorcycles and mopeds imported as new ones, released with consent from the Minister of Transport, even including the characteristics of vehicles and engines specified in Appendix V hereto.

- After submitting the completed Publication Form of energy consumption as referred to in Appendix II or Appendix III hereto to the quality control body, assembly plants or importers shall attach energy labels to each vehicle before making them available for sale. Energy labels must stay attached to vehicles until assembly plants, importers and businesses deliver these vehicles to their customers.

- For not off-vehicle charging hybrid electric cars, the energy labeling shall be as prescribed in the Joint Circular No. 43/2014/TTLT-BGTVT-BCT dated September 24, 2014 of the Minister of Transport, and the Minister of Industry and Trade, stipulating the energy labeling for 7-seater cars, or the Circular No. 40/2017/TT-BGTVT dated November 9, 2017 of the Minister of Transport, stipulating the energy labeling for passenger 7-9 seater cars.

Circular No. 48/2022/TT-BGTVT takes effect from July 1, 2023.


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