07:31 | 06/01/2023

What incentive policies does the State have for strong research groups in higher education institutions in Vietnam?

May I ask what incentive policies the State and higher education institutions have for strong research groups in higher education institutions in Vietnam? Question from Ms. Tien (Quang Ngai)

What incentive policies does the State have for strong research groups in higher education institutions in Vietnam?

In Clause 1, Article 10 of Decree No. 109/2022/ND-CP, strong research groups in higher education institutions are entitled to incentives from the State as follows:

- Given priority to receive orders to perform national science and technology tasks;

- Given priority to the proposal of allocating investment capital for investment projects to develop facilities and laboratories for scientific research and technology transfer activities according to the research fields of the strong research group according to the provisions of law provisions of the law on public investment;

- Given priority to appoint members to participate in post-doctoral research programs to perform research tasks at domestic and foreign training institutions and research institutions; be sent to practice and work for a definite term to perform research tasks at overseas science and technology organizations under programs and projects approved by competent authorities;

- Receive financial support to publish research results in reputable international scientific journals, register for protection of intellectual property rights for inventions or utility solutions or domestic and foreign plant varieties, publish scientific works of high scientific and practical value under programs or projects approved by competent authorities;

- To receive financial support for attending specialized scientific conferences and seminars at home and abroad according to programs and projects approved by competent authorities;

- Receive support for using national key laboratories and other laboratories to carry out scientific and technological activities;

- Be facilitated by public libraries and scientific and technological information organizations to access information and databases on science and technology to perform research tasks.

The supported and financed matters at points c, d and dd of this clause must not overlap with other supported and financed matters from the state budget.What incentive policies does the State have for strong research groups in higher education institutions in Vietnam?

What incentive policies does the State have for strong research groups in higher education institutions in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What incentive policies do higher education institutions have for strong research groups?

In Clause 2, Article 10 of Decree No. 109/2022/ND-CP, strong research groups in higher education institutions are entitled to incentives from higher education institutions as follows:

- Receive funds for regular operation, have working rooms and necessary office facilities for operation; be supported to find investment sources outside the state budget to build facilities and laboratories, and are assigned to directly manage and use facilities and laboratories from sources of funds for research activities; receive financial support according to the ability of the higher education institution to complete approved research assignment;

- Group leaders and key members who are permanent lecturers of the organization leading strong research groups in higher education institutions are entitled to a 50% reduction in annual standard teaching hours.

Funding for implementation of incentive policies for strong research groups in higher education institutions in Vietnam?

In Article 12 of Decree No. 109/2022/ND-CP on funding for implementation of incentive policies for strong research groups in higher education institutions as follows:

Funding for implementation of incentive policies for strong research groups in higher education institutions
1. Funds for implementation of policies on incentives for strong research groups in higher education institutions shall be allocated from sources of funds for scientific and technological, education and training, development investment and other lawful sources according to the law on state budget, law on science and technology, law on public investment and other relevant regulations.
2. Higher education institutions supported by scientific and technological sources shall implement the incentives policy for strong research groups in higher education institutions for scientific and technological tasks ordered by the State as specified. Funds for implementation of incentives policies from the source of science and technology for strong research groups in higher education institutions may be provided from the national science and technology development fund or from the science and technology development fund of provinces and centrally affiliated cities and from other lawful funding sources (if any) according to regulations.
3. The superior agency competent to manage the state budget of the higher education institution shall summarize the budget estimates for the implementation of incentives policies for strong research groups in the higher education institution from cost estimates made by the higher education institution and send it to the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Planning and Investment for consolidation in accordance with the law on state budget.

Thus, funds for implementation of policies on incentives for strong research groups in higher education institutions shall be allocated from sources of funds for scientific and technological, education and training, development investment and other lawful sources according to the law on state budget and from the national science and technology development fund or from the science and technology development fund of provinces and centrally affiliated cities and from other lawful funding sources (if any) according to regulations.

Decree No. 109/2022/ND-CP takes effect from March 1, 2023

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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