What documents should be submitted to the National Assembly of Vietnam for decision on important socio-economic issues?

What documents should be submitted to the National Assembly of Vietnam for decision on important socio-economic issues? - Question from Mr. Trung (Hai Phong)

What documents should be submitted to the National Assembly of Vietnam for decision on important socio-economic issues?

Pursuant to Article 49 of the Rules on National Assembly sessions promulgated together with Resolution No. 71/2022/QH15, stipulating the documents submitted to the National Assembly for decision on socio-economic issues as follows:

Dossier to submit to the National Assembly of Vietnam for decision on important socio-economic issues
1. Government report or report.
2. Draft resolution.
3. Verification report of the agency of the National Assembly.
4. For submission to the National Assembly for decision on state budget estimates and annual central budget allocation, investment policies for national target programs and national important projects, the dossier must also include a report on opinions of the State Audit Office of Vietnam. For submission to the National Assembly for approval of the state budget finalization, the dossier also contains the report on the state budget finalization audit of State Audit Office of Vietnam.
5. Other documents as prescribed by law.

Accordingly, dossiers submitted to the National Assembly for decision on important socio-economic issues include:

- Government report or report.

- Draft resolution.

- Verification report of the agency of the National Assembly.

- For submission to the National Assembly for decision on state budget estimates and annual central budget allocation, investment policies for national target programs and national important projects, the dossier must also include a report on opinions of the State Audit Office of Vietnam. For submission to the National Assembly for approval of the state budget finalization, the dossier also contains the report on the state budget finalization audit of State Audit Office of Vietnam.

- Other documents as prescribed by law.

What documents should be submitted to the National Assembly of Vietnam for decision on important socio-economic issues?

What documents should be submitted to the National Assembly of Vietnam for decision on important socio-economic issues?

How are important socio-economic issues considered and decided at a National Assembly session?

Pursuant to Article 50 of the Rules on National Assembly sessions promulgated together with Resolution No. 71/2022/QH15 on this issue as follows:

Order of the National Assembly to consider and decide on important socio-economic issues at a National Assembly session
1. The Government representative presents the proposal or report.
2. The representative of the agency in charge of verification shall present the verification report.
3. Representatives of agencies or organizations shall report to the National Assembly on relevant fields as assigned by the National Assembly Standing Committee.
4. Before discussing at the plenary session of the National Assembly, the National Assembly deputies may discuss at the National Assembly Delegation Group, the Ethnic Council, or the National Assembly's Committee.
5. During the discussion at the plenary session of the National Assembly, a member of the Government shall explain the opinions of the National Assembly deputies on issues related to the report, report and draft resolution.
6. The National Assembly Standing Committee shall direct the agency in charge of verification to coordinate with relevant agencies and the Secretary General of the National Assembly in studying, explaining, absorbing and revising the draft resolution; report to the National Assembly on the explanation, absorption of opinions of the National Assembly deputies and revision of the draft resolution.
7. The National Assembly votes to approve the draft resolution.

Thus, the National Assembly considers and decides on important socio-economic issues at a National Assembly session in the following order:

- The Government representative presents the proposal or report.

- Then, the representative of the agency in charge of verification presents the verification report.

- Representatives of agencies and organizations shall report to the National Assembly on relevant fields as assigned by the National Assembly Standing Committee.

- Before discussing at the plenary session of the National Assembly, the National Assembly deputies may discuss at the National Assembly Delegation Group, the Ethnic Council, or the National Assembly's Committee.

- During the discussion at the plenary session of the National Assembly, the Government member shall explain the opinions of the National Assembly deputies on issues related to the report, report and draft resolution.

- The National Assembly Standing Committee directs the agency in charge of verification to coordinate with relevant agencies and the Secretary-General of the National Assembly in studying, explaining, absorbing and revising the draft resolution; report to the National Assembly on the explanation, absorption of opinions of the National Assembly deputies and revision of the draft resolution.

- The National Assembly votes to approve the draft resolution.

In what order will the National Assembly consider and decide on important socio-economic issues at the two National Assembly sessions in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Article 51 of the Rules on National Assembly sessions promulgated together with Resolution No. 71/2022/QH15 on consideration and decision on important socio-economic issues at the two National Assembly sessions in Vietnam as follows:

(1) At the first session:

- The Government representative presents the report or presentation;

- The representative of the agency in charge of the verification presents the verification report;

- Representatives of agencies and organizations shall report to the National Assembly on relevant fields as assigned by the National Assembly Standing Committee;

- Before discussing at the plenary session of the National Assembly, the National Assembly deputies may discuss at the National Assembly Delegation Group, the Ethnic Council, or the National Assembly's Committee;

- During the discussion at the plenary session of the National Assembly, the Government member shall explain the opinions of the National Assembly deputies on issues related to the report, report and draft resolution.

- During the period between the two sessions, the Government shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the agency in charge of, the verification and relevant agencies in organizing the study, explanation, reception and revision of the draft resolution.

(2) At the second session:

- On the basis of receiving opinions of National Assembly deputies at the previous session, the Government shall submit to the National Assembly the report, report and draft resolution which has been received and revised;

- The representative of the agency in charge of the verification presents the verification report;

- Representatives of agencies and organizations shall report to the National Assembly on relevant fields as assigned by the National Assembly Standing Committee;

- Before discussing at the plenary session of the National Assembly, the National Assembly deputies may discuss at the National Assembly Delegation Group, the Ethnic Council, or the National Assembly's Committee;

- During the discussion at the plenary session of the National Assembly, the Government member shall explain the opinions of the National Assembly deputies on issues related to the report, report and draft resolution;

- The National Assembly Standing Committee directs the agency in charge of verification to coordinate with relevant agencies and the Secretary-General of the National Assembly in studying, explaining, absorbing and revising the draft resolution; report to the National Assembly on the explanation and absorption of opinions of National Assembly deputies and revision of the draft resolution;

- The National Assembly votes to approve the draft resolution.

However, in case the draft resolution has not been passed, the National Assembly shall consider and decide at the proposal of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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