What documents need to be prepared to transfer official communist party activities in Vietnam and in what order?

I am a communist party member who wants to transfer official communist party activities in the country. I would like to ask, what documents do I need to prepare and what are the orders and procedures to be transferred to communist party activities?

How to write a communist party introduction letter for people who transfer official communist party activities in Vietnam?

According to the guidance at Point 4.2, Clause 4, Section II, Guideline 12/HD-BTCTW in 2022, the recording of introduction papers for communist party activities for those who transfer official communist party activities uses the official communist party introduction paper (with 10 boxes), the background is colored with a leaf-colored pattern printed with the specific symbols of each provincial communist party committee and the like), the convention is the "10-cell type" introduction to the communist party's activities. The specific way to write the introduction paper is as follows:

- A letter of introduction to communist party activities, written by a professional officer or person who is signed by the introduction; use only one ink and typeface; Write clearly, accurately, do not erase, correct, do not use red ink and pencil. For all 4 types of paper introducing communist party activities, if box 1 is incorrect, another paper must be transferred to rewrite it, in the remaining cells with minor errors, it can be corrected by crossing out the wrong place (but ensuring Make sure you can still read the wrong word), rewrite it correctly on top of the mistake, stamp the seal of the communist party committee or the organization or political agency of the communist party committee in the correct place.

- Some points to note when writing the introduction of communist party activities:

+ Number of communist membership card: Write the number in the communist party card to be transferred or issued with a new communist party member card of the communist party member.

+ Number of background: Write the communist party member's background number.

+ Number of communist membership book: Write in the order in the list of communist party members of the branch.

+ Number of communist party activity introduction book: Write it according to the ordinal number in the book about the communist party's activities of the communist party committee.

+ Section "Participation fee has been paid at the end of the month": Write a communist party member's introduction letter for any month, then collect communist party fee for the end of that month.

+ Section “Dear”, “regarding” or “on behalf of”: Write “the branch committee…”; or “Standing Board…”; or “Communist party committee…”; or “Organizers…”; “Political room…”. Sign, specify the position, full name and seal of the committee, or organization, or political agency as prescribed.

+ Attached file section: When assigning a communist party member to transfer to communist party activities to bring any documents in the communist party member's file, write in the section "Attached documents" in the introduction to communist party activities of that type of document.

What documents need to be prepared to transfer official communist party activities in Vietnam and in what order?

What documents need to be prepared to transfer official communist party activities in Vietnam and in what order?

What documents are included in the dossier of official transfer of communist party activities in Vietnam?

According to the instructions in Section 4.3.1, Clause 4, Section II of Guideline 12/HD-BTCTW in 2022, the application for transferring official communist party activities in the country includes the following documents:

- Formal introduction of communist party activities.

- Communist party membership card (when communist party members transfer communist party activities out of district communist party committees and equivalent).

- Communist party membership card.

- Profile of communist party members.

- A self-criticism of communist party members, with comments from the cell and the grassroots communist party committee where the communist party member was introduced and transferred to official communist party activities.

What are the steps in the process of transferring official communist party activities in Vietnam?

According to the instructions in Section 4.3.1, Clause 4, Section II of Guidance 12/HD-BTCTW in 2022, the order to transfer official communist party activities in the country goes through the following steps:

Step 1: The branch committee (including the grassroots branch committee) where the communist party member transfers to officially go, after examining the competent authority's decision for the communist party member to transfer work, study or transfer residence residence..., self-criticism and communist party card of the communist party member, write box number 1 in the "10-box" introduction to the communist party to introduce the communist party member to the immediate superior committee such as the divisional communist party committee or the grassroots communist party committee, or standing committee of district communist party committee and equivalent (if grassroots cell belongs to district communist party committee and equivalent), or organizational committee of provincial communist party committee and equivalent (if grassroots branch belongs to provincial communist party committee and equivalent).

The Communist party cell does not have a communist party committee, when the secretary transfers his official communist party activities, the secretary can sign a paper to transfer communist party activities (box 1).

Step 2: The communist party committee of the inspection department, write box 2 to introduce the communist party member to the grassroots communist party committee.

Step 3: The grassroots Communist party Committee checks and writes comments on the communist party member's review; write box 3 to introduce communist party members to the immediate superior communist party committee such as: standing committee of district communist party committee and equivalent, or organizing committee of provincial communist party committee and equivalent (if grassroots communist party committee belongs to provincial communist party committee and equivalent) , complete the procedures, seal the communist party member's profile (if he has been assigned to manage the communist party member's profile) and hand it over to the communist party member to report to the communist party committee of the destination.

Step 4: The standing committee of the district communist party committee and the equivalent shall check and write in box 4 to introduce the communist party member to the immediate superior level of the grassroots communist party organization where the communist party member will transfer to such as the standing committee of the district communist party committee and the equivalent. equivalent, or organizing committee of the provincial Communist party Committee and the equivalent (if the grassroots communist party organization where the communist party member transfers to belongs to the provincial communist party committee and the equivalent); fully inspect the documents in the communist party member's file (admission record, communist party member card and other relevant documents), seal the communist party member file and hand it over to the communist party member to bring; write 02 notices of changing communist party activities and send them by official mail (one to the immediate superior level of the Communist party organization's grassroots organization where the communist party member transfers, one to the grassroots committee where the communist party member transfers to).

Step 5: Organizing Committee of Provincial Communist party Committee and equivalent; political organs of the Communist party Committees of Military Regions, Army Corps, Armed Forces, Armed Forces, General Departments and the equivalent in the Military Communist party Committee, the Communist party Work Department and political work in the Central Public Security Communist party Committee where communist party members are located. If the communist party member is transferred for inspection, write in box 5 to introduce the communist party member to the immediate superior level of the Communist party organization's grassroots organization where the communist party member will transfer to such as: standing committee of district communist party committee and equivalent, organizing committee of provincial communist party committee and the like. equivalent; check and seal the communist party member's files and hand them over to communist party members; write 02 notices of changing communist party activities and send them by official dispatch (one to the immediate superior level of the Communist party organization's grassroots organization where the communist party member transfers, one to the grassroots committee where the communist party member transfers); write box 6 to receive and introduce communist party members to direct subordinates such as: the standing committee of the immediate superior of the grassroots communist party committee, or the grassroots communist party committee or grassroots branch affiliated to the communist party where the communist party is located. members transfer to activities; check, accept and manage all communist party member files (if the grassroots committee has been assigned to manage communist party member files, seal the communist party member files and hand them over to the communist party members to bring).

Step 6: Standing committee of district communist party committee and equivalent place where communist party members transfer, check, write box 7 to receive and introduce communist party members to immediate subordinates such as grassroots communist party committee, or grassroots branch the office where the communist party members transfer to live; check, manage or transfer communist party member files as above.

Step 7: The grassroots communist party committee where the communist party member transfers to: check and collect the communist party member's profile for management (if assigned to manage), write box 8 to receive and introduce the communist party member to the division communist party committee (if any), or the branch committee where the communist party members transfer to live.

Step 8: The Communist party Committee of the division where the communist party member transfers, write box 9 to receive and introduce the communist party member to the cell branch where the communist party member transfers to live.

Step 9: The Communist party Committee (including the grassroots branch committee) writes in box 10 to receive communist party members about their activities and transfer the communist party member's letter of introduction to the communist party's activities to the grassroots Communist party Committee for management according to regulations; if it is a grassroots branch, it will directly manage the introduction of that communist party's activities.

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