02:40 | 26/02/2023

What documents must be submitted to enjoy lump sum social insurance benefits for foreigners in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam?

What documents must be submitted to enjoy lump sum social insurance benefits for foreigners in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam? - Question from Mr. Quoc (Ho Chi Minh City)

What documents must be submitted to enjoy lump sum social insurance benefits for foreigners in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam?

According to the instructions in Official Dispatch 772/BHXH-CD in 2022 issued by the Ho Chi Minh City Social Insurance, a dossier for lump sum social insurance benefits in Section 1 of Official Dispatch 772/BHXH-CD in 2022 includes:

- Social insurance book (original) has closed the process of participating in social insurance.

- Application form No. 14-HSB.

- Power of attorney in accordance with current law (if any).

In case of suffering from life-threatening diseases such as cancer, polio, cirrhosis of the liver ascites, leprosy, severe tuberculosis, HIV infection that has progressed to AIDS, a copy/summary of the medical record may be added. present non-self-service status; if suffering from other diseases, it shall be replaced with a record of assessment of the level of working capacity decrease (working capacity) of the Medical Assessment Council showing the decrease in occupational capacity of 81% or more and not self-service.

In case of payment of inspection fee, there must be an invoice and receipt for collection of assessment fee; a list of inspection contents of the medical assessment-implementing establishment.

Note: When applying for lump sum social insurance benefits, foreign workers present their passports translated into Vietnamese and authenticated in accordance with Vietnamese law.

What documents must be submitted to enjoy lump sum social insurance benefits for foreigners in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam?

What documents must be submitted to enjoy lump sum social insurance benefits for foreigners in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam?

How to apply for lump sum social insurance benefits in Vietnam?

An application form for lump sum social insurance benefits specified in Form No. 14-HSB is as follows:

Download form No. 14-HSB: here

How to record a lump sum social insurance benefits claim as follows:

How to write application form No. 14-HSB:

(1) Fill in the full name of the beneficiary;

(2) Enter the phone number. In case the employee does not have a phone, he/she can write down the phone number of his/her relative when needing to be contacted, along with his/her full name and relationship with that person;

(3) Fill in the full address of the place of residence of the person requesting settlement: House number, alley (alley, alley), street, nest (village, hamlet), commune (ward, township), district, province, city; in case the beneficiary authorizes another person to make the application and procedures, write the address of the authorized person;

(4) In case the authorized person is the applicant, specify: “I am .... authorized to make the application” otherwise, leave blank. Example: I am Nguyen Van A authorized to make an application”; and submit together with the Power of Attorney.

(5) Tick the content of the request for settlement and specify the information.

(6) In case the application is submitted later than the time of receiving the pension or the certificate of waiting for the regime is lost, an explanation shall be added during the time of submission of the application for illegal exit or being or declared missing by the Court or serving prison sentence (if yes, specify the time of illegal exit, declared missing or serving prison sentence) or specifying the loss of the certificate of waiting for the regime and committing to take responsibility for the content of the explanation.

(7) In case of another request, specify the content of the request and information related to the settlement request, for example: In case of disagreement on information about the family name, middle name, first name, date, month, The year of birth between the ID card/passport/citizen identity card and the dossier for entitlement to and waiting for social insurance benefits, clearly state the disagreement about what information, enclosed with a copy of the identity card/passport of the citizen identity card.

(8) Address to receive pension, social insurance benefits, new place of residence: Specify house number, alley, street, group (village, hamlet), commune (ward, town), district (town, city), province, and city. In case the payment point has been identified at the place of request for receipt, clearly state it.

(9) Check the corresponding boxes to choose the form of receiving pensions and benefits.

If receiving a one-time subsidy in cash, then mark the next to choose whether the recipient is at the social insurance agency or through a social insurance service organization; if receiving through an ATM account, additionally write the account number, bank, bank branch opening the account.

(10) In case the application is submitted later than the prescribed time limit, the reason for the late submission must be clearly stated.

How much is the lump sum social insurance benefits for foreigners in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam?

The rate of lump sum social insurance benefits for foreigners in Ho Chi Minh City specified in Section 3 of Official Dispatch 772/BHXH-CD in 2022 is as follows:

Calculating according to the number of years of paying social insurance premiums specified at Points b and c, Clause 2, Article 60 of the 2014 Law on Social Insurance in Vietnam, specifically:

- 2 times the average monthly salary on which social insurance premiums are based for the years of payment since 2014;

- For a period of social insurance premium payment of under 1 year, the social insurance allowance must equal the paid premium amount but not exceed 2 times the average monthly salary on which social insurance premiums are based.

What is the time of submission and settlement of dossiers for lump sum social insurance benefits for foreigners in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam?

According to the instructions in Section 2 of Official Dispatch 772/BHXH-CD in 2022 as follows:

- Time of application submission:

Within 10 days from the time of termination of the labor contract or the time when the work permit, practice certificate or practice permit expires (whichever comes first), the employee does not continue to work. If the employee continues to work under the labor contract or the license is not extended, the employee who has a claim for lump sum social insurance benefits shall submit the prescribed dossier to the social insurance agency.

- Time limit for processing dossiers:

Within 05 working days from the date of receipt of a complete dossier as prescribed, the social insurance agency is responsible for settling and organizing payment to the employee, in case of non-settlement, it must reply in writing and clearly state the reason.


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