07:47 | 23/08/2024

What documents are included in the corporate income tax declaration dossier for foreign airlines in Vietnam? When is the deadline for submitting the tax declaration dossier?

What documents are included in the corporate income tax (CIT) declaration dossier for foreign airlines in Vietnam? When is the deadline for submitting the tax declaration dossier? Ms. Nhung - Quang Tri.

What documents are included in the CIT declaration dossier for foreign airlines in Vietnam?

Based on Section 13.4 stipulated in Appendix I promulgated together with Decree 126/2020/ND-CP, the CIT declaration dossier for foreign airlines includes:

- The corporate income tax declaration for foreign airlines (Form No. 01/HKNN issued together with Circular 80/2021/TT-BTC).

- A copy of the contractor contract, subcontractor contract with confirmation from the taxpayer (for the first tax declaration of the contractor contract).

- A copy of the business license or practicing certificate with confirmation from the taxpayer.

What documents are included in the CIT tax return dossier for foreign airlines? What is the deadline for submitting the tax return dossier?

What documents are included in CIT declaration dossier for foreign airlines in Vietnam? What is the deadline for submitting the tax declaration dossier? (Image from the Internet)

Is CIT for foreign airlines a quarterly tax declaration in Vietnam?

Based on point a, clause 2, Article 8 of Decree 126/2020/ND-CP, it is stipulated as follows:

Types of taxes declared monthly, quarterly, annually, for each tax obligation occurrence, and tax finalization declaration


2. The types of taxes and other collections belonging to the state budget declared quarterly, include:

a) Corporate income tax for foreign airlines, foreign reinsurance.

b) Value-added tax, corporate income tax, personal income tax for credit institutions or third parties authorized by credit institutions to exploit secured assets while pending resolution, declared on behalf of secured asset owners.

c) Personal income tax for organizations, individuals paying taxable income as per personal income tax law, where such organizations, individuals pay value-added tax quarterly and opt for quarterly personal income tax declaration; individuals earning salary, wage directly declare personal income tax, opting for quarterly personal income tax declaration.

d) Other types of taxes and collections belonging to the state budget declared by organizations or individuals on behalf of others, where such organizations or individuals pay value-added tax quarterly and choose to declare on behalf of others quarterly, except as stipulated in point g, clause 4 of this Article.

dd) Surcharge when crude oil prices fluctuate upward (excluding petroleum activities of the Vietsovpetro Joint Venture in Block 09.1).


Thus, based on the above regulation, CIT for foreign airlines is a quarterly tax declaration.

What is the deadline for submitting the CIT declaration dossier for foreign airlines in Vietnam?

Based on point b, clause 1, Article 44 of the Law on Tax Administration 2019, it is stipulated as follows:

Deadline for submitting tax declaration dossier

1. The deadline for submitting tax declaration dossiers for taxes declared monthly or quarterly is specified as follows:

a) No later than the 20th day of the month following the month when the tax obligation arises for monthly declarations and payments;

b) No later than the last day of the first month of the quarter following the quarter when the tax obligation arises for quarterly declarations and payments.

2. The deadline for submitting tax declaration dossiers for taxes calculated annually is specified as follows:

a) No later than the last day of the third month from the end of the calendar year or fiscal year for annual tax finalization dossiers; no later than the last day of the first month of the calendar year or fiscal year for annual tax declaration dossiers;

b) No later than the last day of the fourth month from the end of the calendar year for personal income tax finalization dossiers directly settled by individuals;

c) No later than December 15 of the preceding year for a fixed tax declaration dossier of household businesses, individual businesses paying fixed tax; for newly operational household businesses, individual businesses, the filing deadline is no later than 10 days from the start of business activity.

3. The deadline for submitting tax declaration dossiers for taxes declared and paid for each occurrence of tax obligation is no later than the 10th day from the occurrence of the tax obligation.

4. The deadline for submitting tax declaration dossiers in case of termination of activity, contract termination, or reorganization of enterprise is no later than the 45th day from the event date.

5. the Government of Vietnam stipulates the submission deadlines for agricultural land use tax; non-agricultural land use tax; land levy; land rent, water surface rent; mineral extraction right licenses; water resource extraction right licenses; registration fees; license fees; collections transferred to the state budget according to law on management and use of public property; cross-border profit reports.

6. The deadline for submitting tax declaration dossiers for export and import goods is governed by the Law on Customs.

7. If a taxpayer declares tax through electronic transactions on the last day of the submission deadline and the tax authority's electronic portal encounters a problem, the taxpayer submits the tax declaration dossier and electronic payment documents on the next day when the electronic portal resumes operation.

Thus, based on the above regulation, the deadline for submitting the CIT declaration dossier for foreign airlines is no later than the last day of the first month of the quarter following the quarter when the tax obligation arises.

Vietnam: What is the Form No. 01/HKNN on CIT declaration for foreign airlines?

The CIT declaration form for foreign airlines is Form No. 01/HKNN issued together with Circular 80/2021/TT-BTC. Below is the image of the CIT declaration form for foreign airlines:

Download the CIT declaration form for foreign airlines: Here.


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