What documents and procedures need to be prepared when temporarily transferring communist party activities in Vietnam?

I am a communist party member and currently want to temporarily transfer communist party activities in Vietnam. I would like to ask, what documents do I need to prepare and in what procedures to be transferred communist party activities?

How to write an introduction letter to communist party activities for people who temporarily transfer communist party activities in Vietnam?

According to the instructions at Points 4.2 and 4.3, Clause 4, Section II of Guidance 12/HD-BTCTW of Vietnam in 2022, the registration of communist party activities introduction paper for people who transfer communist party activities temporarily uses a temporary introduction letter for communist party activities (with a 8 cells, background patterned in lemon yellow), convention is the "8-cell type" introduction of communist party activities. The specific way to write the introduction paper is as follows:

- A letter of introduction to communist party activities, written by a professional officer or person who is signed by the introduction; use only one ink and typeface; Write clearly, accurately, do not erase, correct, do not use red ink and pencil. For all 4 types of paper introducing communist party activities, if box 1 is incorrect, another paper must be transferred to rewrite it, in the remaining cells with minor errors, it can be corrected by crossing out the wrong place (but ensuring Make sure you can still read the wrong word), rewrite it correctly on top of the mistake, stamp the seal of the communist party committee or the organization or political agency of the communist party committee in the correct place.

- Some points to note when writing the introduction of communist party activities:

+ Number of communist membership card: Write the number in the communist party card to be transferred or issued with a new communist party member card of the communist party member.

+ Number of background: Write the communist party member's background number.

+ Number of communist membership book: Write in the order in the list of communist party members of the branch.

+ Number of communist party activity introduction book: Write it according to the ordinal number in the book about the communist party's activities of the communist party committee.

+ Section "Participation fee has been paid at the end of the month": Write a communist party member's introduction letter for any month, then collect communist party fee for the end of that month.

+ Section “Dear”, “regarding” or “on behalf of”: Write “the branch committee…”; or “Standing Board…”; or “Communist party committee…”; or “Organizers…”; “Political room…”. Sign, specify the position, full name and seal of the committee, or organization, or political agency as prescribed.

+ Attached file section: When assigning a communist party member to transfer to communist party activities to bring any documents in the communist party member's file, write in the section "Attached documents" in the introduction to communist party activities of that type of document.

What documents and procedures need to be prepared when temporarily transferring communist party activities in Vietnam?

What documents and procedures need to be prepared when temporarily transferring communist party activities in Vietnam?

What documents are included in the dossier of temporary transfer of communist party activities in Vietnam?

According to the instructions in Point 4.3.2, Clause 4, Section II of Guidance 12/HD-BTCTW of Vietnam in 2022, a dossier of temporary transfer of communist party activities in Vietnam includes the following documents:

- Provisional letter of introduction to communist party activities.

- Communist party membership card or decision on admission of communist party members (if you are a reserve member).

- A self-criticism of the communist party member, with comments from the branch and grassroots communist party committee where the communist party member has transferred and where the communist party member will temporarily live when he returns.

What are the steps in the process of transferring temporary communist party activities in Vietnam?

According to the instructions in Point 4.3.2, Clause 4, Section II, Guideline 12/HD-BTCTW in 2022, the order of temporary transfer of communist party activities in the country goes through the following steps:

Step 1: The branch committee (including the grassroots branch committee) where a communist party member transfers to temporarily transfer communist party activities, after examining the competent authority's decision to allow the communist party member to go on a business trip, study..., copy self-criticism and communist party card of the communist party member, write in box No. 1 a temporary introduction of communist party activities "type 8" to introduce the communist party member to the grassroots communist party committee; if it is a grassroots communist party committee, then introduce the communist party member to the grassroots communist party committee, or the grassroots branch where the communist party member will go to temporary communist party activities.

Step 2: The grassroots communist party committee where the communist party member is moving, check, write in box 2 to introduce the communist party member to the grassroots communist party committee or grassroots branch where the communist party member will go to temporary communist party activities.

Step 3: The grassroots Communist party Committee where the communist party member transfers to temporarily engage in communist party activities: check and write box 3 to receive and introduce the communist party member to the affiliated cell branch; Communist party committees or grassroots branch committees write box 4 to receive Communist party members who come to temporary communist party activities.

Step 4: When the communist party member returns from the task: The branch committee, or the grassroots branch where the communist party member is living, shall temporarily check and comment on the self-criticism of the communist party member, write in box 5 to introduce Communist party members go to the grassroots communist party committee or grassroots branch where the communist party member will return.

Step 5: The grassroots communist party committee where the communist party member is temporarily checking, write in box 6 to introduce the communist party member to the grassroots communist party committee, or the grassroots branch where the communist party member will return.

Step 6: The grassroots communist party committee where the communist party member returns, check, write in box 7 to receive and introduce the communist party member back to the affiliated branch cell. The grassroots branch or branch committee receives communist party members in box 8 for communist party members to live in the cell, and at the same time transfers the communist party membership certificate of the communist party member to the grassroots Communist Party Committee for management according to regulations.

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