07:50 | 23/07/2024

What Day is the Tet Ong Cong Ong Tao in 2024? What Do People Typically Do on Tet Ong Cong Ong Tao?

When is the Ong Cong Ong Tao Festival 2024? What do people usually do on the Ong Cong Ong Tao Festival? Inquiry from D.H in Ha Giang.

When is Tet Ong Cong Ong Tao 2024?

Tet Ong Cong Ong Tao is one of the important occasions before the Lunar New Year. According to tradition, Tet Ong Cong Ong Tao is held on the 23rd day of the 12th lunar month (i.e., December 23 lunar calendar) every year. At this time, the Kitchen God returns to heaven riding a carp to report all the notable events in the family to the Jade Emperor.

According to the perpetual calendar, Tet Ong Cong Ong Tao 2024 falls on Friday, February 2, 2024. Since this is a weekend, families can thoroughly prepare and conduct the rituals dedicated to Ong Cong Ong Tao on the correct 23rd day of the 12th lunar month.

In case the homeowner is busy on this day, it is also acceptable to perform the rituals for the Kitchen God before the 23rd day of the 12th lunar month.

When is Tet Ong Cong Ong Tao 2024? What do people usually do on the day of Tet Ong Cong Ong Tao?

When is Tet Ong Cong Ong Tao 2024? What do people usually do on the day of Tet Ong Cong Ong Tao? (Image from the internet)

Will workers have Lunar New Year 2024 off during Tet Ong Cong Ong Tao 2024?

Based on the provisions of Article 112 of the Labor Code 2019 as follows:

Holidays and Tet celebrations

1. Employees are entitled to take leave and receive full pay on the following holidays and Tet days:

a) New Year's Day: 1 day (January 1, Gregorian calendar);

b) Lunar New Year: 5 days;

c) Victory Day: 1 day (April 30, Gregorian calendar);

d) International Labor Day: 1 day (May 1, Gregorian calendar);

e) National Day: 2 days (September 2, Gregorian calendar, and 1 adjacent day before or after);

f) Hung Kings Commemoration Day: 1 day (March 10, lunar calendar).

2. Foreign workers working in Vietnam, apart from the prescribed holidays at Clause 1 of this Article, are entitled to an additional day off during their national traditional New Year and National Day of their country.

3. Annually, based on actual conditions, the Prime Minister decides specific days off as prescribed at points b and e, Clause 1 of this Article.

Thus, under the above provisions, employees are entitled to take leave and receive full pay during the Lunar New Year for 5 days.

Additionally, Section 5 of the Notice 5015/TB-LDTBXH 2023 clearly sets out the Lunar New Year holiday plans for employees as follows:

- For the Lunar New Year: employers choose 1 day at the end of the Year of the Cat and 4 days at the beginning of the Year of the Dragon or 2 days at the end of the Year of the Cat and 3 days at the beginning of the Year of the Dragon, or 3 days at the end of the Year of the Cat and 2 days at the beginning of the Year of the Dragon.

- Notify employees of the 2024 Lunar New Year holiday plan at least 30 days in advance.

- If the weekly day off coincides with the holidays prescribed at Clause 1, Article 112 of the Labor Code 2019, employees are entitled to a compensatory day off on the next working day as per Clause 3, Article 111 of the Labor Code 2019.

- Employers are encouraged to apply the same Lunar New Year holiday schedule for employees as for officials and public employees.

Therefore, according to the 2024 Lunar New Year holiday plan for employees mentioned above, workers are not yet off for the Lunar New Year 2024 during Tet Ong Cong Ong Tao.

What type of fireworks can citizens use during Lunar New Year 2024?

Based on the provisions of Article 17 of Decree 137/2020/ND-CP as follows:

Use of Fireworks

1. Organizations and individuals with full civil capacity are allowed to use fireworks in the following cases: festivals, Tet, birthdays, weddings, conferences, grand openings, anniversaries, and cultural and artistic activities.

2. Organizations and individuals may only purchase fireworks from entities authorized to produce or trade fireworks.

According to the provisions at point b, Clause 1, Article 3 of Decree 137/2020/ND-CP, fireworks are products made either by hand or industrially, which, when subjected to mechanical, thermal, chemical, or electrical impact, create sound, light, and color effects in space without causing an explosion.

Individuals with full civil capacity may purchase and use fireworks from authorized producers or traders.

Currently, only the One Member Limited Liability Company 21 Chemical (Factory Z121) under the Ministry of National Defense is authorized to produce and supply fireworks in our country. Some types of Z121 fireworks listed by the One Member Limited Liability Company 21 Chemical under the Ministry of National Defense, valid from August 1, 2023, include:

| No. | Type of Fireworks | Price || --- | --- | --- || 1 | Outdoor Silver Water Spray Tube | 25,000 VND/tube || 2 | Indoor Silver Water Spray Tube | 26,000 VND/tube || 3 | Handheld Fire Flower Tube, 200 mm | 33,000 VND/pack of 5 tubes || 4 | Handheld Fire Flower Tube, 150 mm | 32,000 VND/pack of 5 tubes || 5 | Fire Flower Stick | 13,000 VND/pack of 10 sticks || 6 | Spinning Flower | 55,000 VND/set || 7 | 2m Silver Waterfall | 450,000 VND/rope || 8 | Flower Spray Rack, 25 tubes | 330,000 VND/rack || 9 | Flower Spray Rack, 36 tubes | 438,000 VND/rack || 10 | Spray Pellet Rack, 36 tubes | 398,000 VND/rack || 11 | Special Pellet Spray Rack, 25 tubes | 330,000 VND/rack || 12 | Pellet Spray Rack, 25 tubes:

- Produced before December 31, 2022

- Produced from January 1, 2023 | 216,000 VND/rack

250,000 VND/rack || 13 | Blinking Rack, 25 tubes:

- Produced before December 31, 2022

- Produced from January 1, 2023 | 231,000 VND/rack

264,000 VND/rack || 14 | Blinking Rack, 36 tubes | 438,000 VND/rack |

Thus, during the Lunar New Year 2024, citizens are allowed to purchase and use specific types of fireworks produced by Factory Z121 under the Ministry of National Defense, including: water spray tubes, fire flower sticks, spinning flowers, silver waterfalls, pellet spray racks, and blinking racks.

These fireworks produce beautiful sound and color effects without causing an explosion, suited for recreational purposes. The purchase and use of fireworks must comply with regulations regarding age, ID documentation, and safe usage practices.


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