What conditions must an employee protecting the stockpile meet in order to be promoted to the rank of civil servant in Vietnam in storage according to the latest regulations?

May I ask what conditions do I meet to protect the warehouse to be able to take the exam to the rank of civil servant in Vietnam, I want to take the exam this year, so I want to know about the latest regulations? I hope the advisory board can help me. Thank you!

What are the standards of the storekeeper?

According to Article 22 of Circular 29/2022/TT-BTC stipulating the standards of warehouse keeper as follows:

- Storekeepers are civil servant in Vietnam performing professional and professional tasks of the national reserve industry, directly implementing preservation processes and techniques to preserve and preserve national reserve goods; take full responsibility for the quantity and quality of national reserve goods assigned to manage.

+ Standards of professional and professional competence

+ Understand the basic issues of laws, regimes and policies related to national reserve work, administrative reform program, development strategy of the national reserve industry;

+ Firmly grasp the regulations and operating procedures in the preservation and preservation of national reserve goods; identify, inspect and determine the categories of imported and exported goods in terms of standards, quality and quantity in accordance with the prescribed order and procedures;

+ Mastering and proficiently using technical and measuring equipment for the delivery, receipt and preservation of national reserve goods;

+ Capable of making clear and coherent documents and records for the import and export of national reserve goods according to the State's regulations;

+ Proficiently use office equipment and other equipment to serve task requirements.

- Standards of professional qualifications and training

- Possess a college degree or higher with a major in economics or engineering in line with the requirements of the job position

What conditions must an employee protecting the stockpile meet in order to be promoted to the rank of civil servant in Vietnam in storage according to the latest regulations?

What conditions must an employee protecting the stockpile meet in order to be promoted to the rank of civil servant in Vietnam in storage according to the latest regulations?

In order to take the exam to raise the rank to storekeeper, which conditions must be met?

According to Article 22 of Circular 29/2022/TT-BTC stipulating the conditions for the exam to be the storekeeper as follows:

The duties of the storekeeper are as follows:

- Prepare warehouse and necessary tools and means before putting goods into reserve as prescribed;

- Directly perform the initial inspection when delivering and receiving goods in and out of the warehouse in accordance with quality standards; the correct quantity according to the import and export slips and the prescribed order and procedures;

- Carry out regular and periodic preservation according to the technical preservation procedures. In the process of preserving goods, if there is an unusual incident or a phenomenon is detected that affects the quality of the goods, it must be proactively handled, and at the same time, report it to the leader for timely solutions. ;

- Make initial documents, update the goods tracking log for each warehouse or warehouse compartment;

- Manage and track all stocked goods, assets and equipment assigned to direct management by the unit.

- Know how to proficiently use the equipped fire prevention and fighting equipment.

- For civil servant in Vietnam participating in the competition for promotion to the rank of Storekeeper, in addition to the standards specified in Clauses 3 and 4 of this Article, they must hold the rank of Warehouse Security Guard and have held the rank of Warehouse Security Officer for a period of time. reserves or equivalent for at least 03 years or more (excluding probationary period, probationary period), of which must have at least full 01 year (12 months) continuously hold the rank of Warehouse security guard by the end of the year. the deadline for submitting the application for admission to the promotion exam.

Thus, in order to take the exam for promotion to the rank of Warehousekeeper, civil servant in Vietnam must hold the rank of Warehouse Security Guard and have held the rank of Warehouse Security Officer or equivalent for at least 3 years or more (excluding the reserve guard). probationary period, probationary period), in which, must have at least full 01 year (12 months) continuously hold the rank of Warehouse Security Guard until the expiration of the deadline for submitting the application for registration for the rank promotion exam.

How are security guards regulated?

According to Article 23 of Circular 29/2022/TT-BTC, regulations on warehouse employees are as follows:

- Responsibilities

+ Reserve security guards are law enforcement officers at State Reserve Sub-Departments, performing the duties of patrolling, guarding and protecting the national reserve warehouse area and ensuring the safety of national reserves. according to regulations.

- Mission

+ Supervising import and export activities; instructing and inspecting people and vehicles entering and leaving the reserve area according to regulations (checking documents, export and import slips and entering the monitoring books);

+ Carry out patrol and guard work in the warehouse area under its management during the shift in accordance with the agency's protection regulations; to ensure safe preservation of national treasures and goods;

+ Make a record, organize the protection of the scene as prescribed when there is a violation of safety, security and order in the warehouse area; timely report to superiors and functional agencies for handling;

+ Participate in the development of plans for fire prevention, fighting, and prevention of floods and storms in the warehouse area under its management. Coordinate with regional police, neighboring agencies and relevant individuals to organize the implementation of plans as prescribed;

+ Maintain secrecy and well implement confidentiality regulations on national reserve assets and goods.

- Standards of professional and professional competence

+ Ability to perform the function of supervising the import and export activities of goods exactly in accordance with the regulations of the agency and the State;

+ Capable of recording in a specific, clear and accurate log book of people and vehicles entering and leaving the warehouse;

- Standards of qualifications for training and retraining

+ Have a high school diploma or higher;

+ Possess a certificate of professional training in fire prevention and fighting.

Circular 29/2022/TT-BTC takes effect from July 18, 2022.

Lê Nguyễn Cẩm Nhung

Civil servant in Vietnam
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