What are the tasks of Ministry of Health of Vietnam in preventive medicine? What is the organizational structure of the Ministry of Health of Vietnam?

What are the tasks of Ministry of Health of Vietnam in preventive medicine? What is the organizational structure of the Ministry of Health of Vietnam? - Y Nguyet (Dong Nai)

What are the regulations on position and functions of the Ministry of Health of Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Article 1 of Decree 95/2022/ND-CP on the position and functions of the Ministry of Health as follows:

The Ministry of Health of Vietnam is a governmental agency in charge of performing the state management of healthcare services, including the following fields: preventive medicine; medical examination and treatment, rehabilitation; medical assessment, forensic examination and forensic psychiatric assessment; traditional medicine; medical equipment; pharmaceutical products and cosmetics; food safety; health insurance; population, reproductive health; state management of public services rendered in the fields within the scope of its management.

What are the tasks of Ministry of Health of Vietnam in preventive medicine? What is the organizational structure of the Ministry of Health of Vietnam?

What are the tasks of Ministry of Health of Vietnam in preventive medicine?

According to the provisions of Clause 5, Article 2 of Decree 95/2022/ND-CP, one of the tasks of the Ministry of Health, including the duties and powers of preventive medicine, is as follows:

- Formulate and promulgate within its competence or request competent authorities to promulgate specialized regulations, national standards, national technical regulations, and economic - technical norms in the following fields:

+ Surveillance, prevention and control of infectious diseases, HIV/AIDS, non-communicable diseases, occupational diseases, accidents and injuries;

+ Vaccination;

+ Laboratory biosafety;

+ Border health quarantine;

+ Environmental health and hygiene, occupational health, school hygiene and health services;

+ Community nutrition;

+ Prevention and control of harmful effects of tobacco; prevention and control of harmful effects of alcoholic beverages;

+ Domestic water quality;

+ Management of insecticidal and germicidal chemicals and preparations for household and medical use;

- Promulgate, review and modify lists of infectious diseases for which the use of vaccines and biological products is mandatory, and organize the provision of vaccines and biological products to eligible entities in accordance with regulations of law;

- Play the leading role and cooperate with relevant ministries and regulatory authorities in promulgating and amending occupational health standards for each occupation or job, the list of diseases requiring long-term treatment under which patients are entitled to enjoy sickness benefits and the list of occupational diseases under which patients are entitled to enjoy occupational disease benefits in Vietnam;

- Organize the surveillance of infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases, idiopathic diseases, factors affecting human health and other public health matters; early detection of infectious diseases causing epidemics and announcement of outbreak and successful outbreak control in accordance with the law; play the leading role and cooperate with relevant authorities in providing accurate and timely information concerning infectious diseases;

- Request competent authorities to make decisions, or make decisions within its competence, on implementation of epidemic prevention and control measures; inspect, expedite and assist relevant agencies and local governments in implementing epidemic prevention and control measures; formulate and organize the implementation of public health emergency response plans;

- Instruct and organize the conduct of border health quarantine activities at border checkpoints; provide timely information and reports on dangerous infectious diseases and public health issues in the world so as to proactively take prevention and control measures;

- Manage, instruct and conduct workplace environment monitoring activities; direct the conduct of workplace environment monitoring activities at industrial parks and industrial clusters posing high risks of occupational diseases; evaluate, monitor and manage workplace hazards; establish workplace environment monitoring database, announce the list of eligible providers of workplace environment monitoring services and the list of entities suspended from provision of workplace environment monitoring services as prescribed by law;

- Provide instructions within its competence on management of occupational health, health examination for employees, examination for early detection of occupational diseases and workplace monitoring of employee health; play the leading role in managing the issuance of certificates of professional training in occupational health, workplace first aid and emergency skills in accordance with the law regulations;

- Direct and instruct the provision of primary health care services in community;

- Appraise, issue, re-issue and revoke certificates of biosafety level-3 and level-4 laboratories, except laboratories under the management of the Ministry of National Defence of Vietnam;

- Issue, re-issue, extend, suspend and revoke registration numbers, import licenses, certificates of free sales of insecticidal and germicidal chemicals and preparations for household and medical use; issue receipt notes of applications for declaration of eligibility to conduct testing or experiment on insecticidal and germicidal chemicals and preparations for household and medical use; issue certificates of advertising contents for insecticidal and germicidal chemicals and preparations for household and medical use in accordance with regulations of law;

- Organize the issuance, re-issuance, modification and revocation of certificates of eligibility to run HIV confirmatory tests, and suspension of HIV confirmatory tests conducted by its affiliated health facilities and health facilities affiliated to other ministries or regulatory authorities;

- Designate certification bodies to assess the conformity of tobacco products with regulations; issue, suspend, revoke or re-issue certificates of declaration of conformity of tobacco products in accordance with regulations of law;

- Manage and instruct treatment for opioid and tobacco addiction nationwide;

- Direct, instruct and inspect the implementation of specialized regulations and national technical regulations on preventive medicine nationwide;

- Direct, instruct and inspect the conduct of HIV/AIDS prevention and control activities nationwide.

What is the organizational structure of the Ministry of Health of Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Article 3 of Decree 95/2022/ND-CP, the organizational structure of the Ministry of Health includes:

- 18 organizations that assist the Minister of Health of Vietnam in performing the state management functions:

- Department of Health Insurance.

- Department Maternal Health and Children.

- Organization and Personnel Department.

- Department of Planning and Finance.

- Department of Legal Affairs.

- Department of International Cooperation.

- Ministry Office.

- Ministry Inspectorate.

- Administration of Science, Technology and Training.

- General Department of Preventive Medicine.

- Vietnam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control.

- Health Environment Management Agency.

- Department of Medical Services Administration.

- Traditional Medicine Administration of Vietnam.

- Drug Administration of Vietnam.

- Vietnam Food Administration.

- Department of Infrastructure and Medical Equipment.

- Population Department.

+ Department of Population.

- 03 administrative units serving the Ministry of Health’s state management functions:

- Health Strategy and Policy Institute.

- National Health Information Center.

- Health and Lifestyle Newspapers.


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