What are the standards to be a commune-level cadastral official in 2023? What are the duties of the commune-level cadastral official in Vietnam?

May I ask what standards citizens need to meet in 2023 to be a commune-level cadastral official in Vietnam? Question of Mr. Lam (Bac Ninh)

What are the standards to be a commune-level cadastral official in Vietnam in 2023?

In Article 1 of Circular 13/2019/TT-BNV of Vietnam as amended by Article 1 of Circular 04/2022/TT-BNV of Vietnam, there are specific standards for recruiting commune-level officials as follows:

Specific standards
1. Commune-level officials must fully meet the general standards specified in Article 3 of the Government's Decree No. 112/2011/ND-CP of Vietnam dated December 5, 2011 on officials in communes, wards and townships (hereinafter referred to as Decree No. 112/2011/ND-CP of Vietnam for short) and specific standards are as follows:
a) Age: Full 18 years or older;
b) General education level: Graduated from high school;
c) Professional qualifications: University degree or higher in a training discipline suitable to the requirements and tasks of each commune-level official title, unless otherwise provided for by law, the People's Committee of The province shall specify standards for professional qualifications from intermediate to higher for officials working in communes: mountainous, highland, border, island, island commune, deep-lying and remote areas, ethnic minority areas, areas with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions.
d) Computer skills: To be granted certificates of using information technology according to the basic information technology skills standards specified in the Circular No. 03/2014/TT-BTTTT dated March 11, 2014 of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Information and communication.
2. Based on the standards of commune-level officials specified in Clause 1 of this Article and the actual conditions of the locality, the People's Committee of the province shall decide:
a) The training branch is suitable to the requirements and tasks of each commune-level official title in each recruitment period;
b) Develop training and retraining plans for each commune-level official title on state management and political theory; foreign languages, ethnic minority languages (for the working area, ethnic minority languages must be used in official activities).
3. The provisions of Decree No. 34/2019/ND-CP of Vietnam and this Circular are the basis for the People's Committees of provinces and districts to organize the implementation of planning, resource generation, training and retraining, recruitment, implementation of regimes and policies or downsizing of staff. For officials who have been recruited before this Circular takes effect but have not yet met the standards specified in Clause 1 of this Article, within 5 years from the effective date of this Circular, they must satisfy the following requirements: comply with the regulations.

Thus, in order to be a commune-level official, it is necessary to meet the general standards of being 18 years or older, having graduated from high school and having a university degree or higher in a training discipline suitable to the requirements of the task, having a certificate in the use of information technology.

The specific conditions and standards for being a commune-level cadastral official will be detailed by the provincial-level People's Committee, depending on each locality.

What are the standards to be a commune-level cadastral official in 2023? What are the duties of the commune-level cadastral official in Vietnam?

What are the standards to be a commune-level cadastral official in 2023? What are the duties of the commune-level cadastral official in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the duties of the commune-level cadastral official in Vietnam?

In Clause 4, Article 2 of Circular 13/2019/TT-BNV of Vietnam, there are regulations on the duties of each commune-level official title as follows:

Duties of each title of commune-level official
4. Officials of Cadastral - construction - urban and environment (for wards and townships) or officials of Cadastral - agriculture - construction and environment (for communes)
a) Advise and assist the Commune-level People's Committees in organizing the performance of tasks and powers of the Commune-level People's Committees in the following fields: Land, administrative boundaries, natural resources, environment, construction, urban, traffic, agriculture and new rural construction in the area according to the provisions of law;
b) Directly perform the following tasks:
Collecting information, synthesizing data, making books of documents and building reports on land, administrative boundaries, natural resources, environment and biodiversity, planning, construction, urban, traffic, agriculture and new rural construction in the area according to the provisions of law;
Organize the mobilization of people to apply scientific and technical advances to production and environmental protection in the locality;
Participating in technical supervision of construction works under the management competence of commune-level People's Committees;
To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with other officials in, performing administrative procedures in receiving and verifying documents to verify the origin, status of land registration and use, land dispute status and changes in land in the area; prepare documents and documents on land and the licensing of renovation and construction of works and houses in the area for the Chairman of the commune-level People's Committee to decide or report to the superior-level People's Committee for consideration and decision according to the provisions of law;
c) Perform other tasks as prescribed by specialized laws and as assigned by the President of the People's Committee at the administrative level.

Thus, commune-level cadastral officials will have to perform the tasks as prescribed above.

What is the content of the commune-level cadastral official exam?

In Article 11 of Decree 112/2011/ND-CP of Vietnam, as amended by Clause 4, Article 1 of Decree 34/2019/ND-CP of Vietnam, stipulating the content, form and time of the exam for officials in communes, wards and townships as follows:

Content, format and time of the exam
The examination for the selection of commune-level officials is conducted in two rounds as follows:
1. Round 1: The multiple-choice exam is conducted in the form of a computer-based exam. In case the district-level People's Committee is not able to organize the computer-based exam, the multiple-choice test is on paper.
a) The content of the multiple-choice exam consists of two parts:
Part I: General knowledge 60 questions about the political system, organizational apparatus of the Party, State, socio-political organizations; Government administrative management; guidelines, guidelines and policies of the Party and laws of the State. Exam time 60 minutes;
Part II: Informatics 30 questions on basic knowledge and skills in applying office informatics to professional tasks. Exam time 30 minutes;
In case the exam is held on a computer, the content of the multiple-choice test does not include the computer exam.
b) Exemption from the informatics exam (round 1) for those who have an intermediate diploma in information technology, informatics or math - informatics or higher;
c) The results of Round 1 are determined according to the number of questions correctly answered for each part of the test as specified at Point a, Clause 1 of this Article. If 50% or more of the questions are answered correctly for each section, the participant candidates may continue to take the second round as prescribed in Clause 2 of this Article;
d) In case the district-level People's Committee organizes the first round on a computer, it must notify the candidate of the results immediately after taking the computer-based test; do not conduct a review of the results of the first round on a computer;
dd) In case the district-level People's Committee organizes the first round of paper-based exam, the marking shall be done as follows:
No later than 15 days after the end of the round 1 exam, the round 1 exam must be completed;
Within 5 working days after the end of the first round of marking, the results of the first round must be announced so that the candidates know and notify the receipt of the application for re-examination within 15 days after the date of notification of the above results. The web portal of the district-level People's Committee;
In case there is an application for re-examination, within 15 days after the expiration of the time limit for receiving the application for re-examination, the re-evaluation must be completed and the results of the re-examination shall be announced for the candidates to know;
Based on practical conditions in the course of organizing the examination, the chairperson of the district-level People's Committee may decide to extend the time limit for performing the tasks specified at Point dd, Clause 1 of this Article, but not exceeding 15 days.
e) Within 05 working days after the closing date of the first round examination as prescribed at Points d and dd Clause 1 of this Article, the district-level People's Committee chairperson must notify the summoning of qualified candidates for the second round;
No later than 15 days after the notice of summoning candidates to participate in the second round, the second round must be held.
2. Round 2: Exam for specialized professional subjects
a) Content of the exam: The candidate's knowledge, capacity and skills to perform official duties as required by the official title to be recruited.
In the same entrance exam, if there are official positions and titles with different professional requirements, the district-level People's Committees shall organize the formulation of different professional subject exam questions, ensuring that they are suitable for the title of official to be recruited;
b) Exam format: Interview or written test:
The chairperson of the district-level People's Committee shall decide the form of the interview or the written exam. In case the second round is held by interview, no re-examination shall be carried out;
c) Exam time: 30 minutes for interview, 180 minutes for written exam;
d) Scale (interview or written test): 100 points.

Thus, the content of the exam to recruit commune cadastral officials will include 2 rounds. Round 1 will consist of 2 parts, a multiple-choice exam, part 2 is a 30-question computer science exam about basic knowledge and skills in applying office informatics to professional tasks. In the second round, the exam content will be a specialized professional exam.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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