01:52 | 18/03/2022

What are the standards for Good Teaching Teacher, Good Teaching Lecturer title at the Ministry of National Defense by the latest regulation in 2022?

Hello Lawnet, what are the standards for Good Teaching Teacher, Good Teaching Lecturer title at the Ministry of National Defense by the latest regulation in 2022?

What is the principle of considering and recognizing Good Teaching Teacher, Good Teaching Lecturer title in the Ministry of National Defense?

According to the guidance in Article 4 of Circular 13/2022/ TT-BQP, the considering and recogniting Good Teaching Teacher, Good Teaching Lecturer title in Ministry of National Defense shall comply with the following principles:

"Article 4. Principle of considering and recognizing Good Teaching Teacher, Good Teaching Lecturer title

1. Based on the standards of Good Teaching Teacher, Good Teaching Lecturer title prescribed at each level.

a) At the grassroots level: Evaluation of teaching practice results through contests, lectures combined with inspection and testing, results of completing school year tasks according to the standards of good teachers, good teachers. as specified in this Circular.

b) Ministry of National Defense: Set up a Council of the Ministry of National Defense to review and approve the application file according to the standards of good teachers and good teachers specified in this Circular.

2. Ensure accuracy, fairness, publicity, democracy, transparency, objectivity, substance and honesty.

3. In accordance with the guidelines and lines of the Party, policies and laws of the State, and regulations of the Ministry of National Defense.

4. The results of the consideration of Good Teaching Teacher, Good Teaching Lecturer title at the grassroots level must be approved by the same Party committee before summarizing and reporting to the competent authorities for consideration and decision."

What are the general standards for Good Teaching Teacher, Good Teaching Lecturer title in the Ministry of National Defense?

According to the guidance in Article 12 of Circular 13/2022/ TT-BQP, the general standards for Good Teaching Teacher, Good Teaching Lecturer titles at the Ministry of National Defense include:

"Article 12. General standards

1. Regarding political, ethical and thinking qualities

a) Having firm political will, absolute loyalty to the Fatherland, People, Party and State; firmly grasping and properly applying the basic views of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's thought, strictly abide by the guidelines and lines of the Party, policies and laws of the State, orders and charters of the Army, regulations of the unit and locality of residence.

b) Having good moral qualities, exemplary, clean and healthy lifestyle, which is trusted by the school, faculty (subject) and students.

c) The school years must be assessed and classified as officers who have completed their tasks well or higher; For preschool teachers, the school years must meet the professional standards of Good or higher.

2. Having three or four consecutive years without achieving the title of Good Teaching Teacher, Good Teaching Teacher at grassroots level, including the year adjacent to or coinciding with the year of application for consideration and recognition of the title of Good Teaching Teacher, Good Teaching Teacher at Ministry of National Defense; Particularly for preschool teachers, having 01 year of achieving Good Teaching Teacher at national level organized by the General Department of Political Affairs or achieving Good Teaching Teacher at provincial or municipal level or higher. The next review does not take into account the achievements of the previous review that was recognized.

3. Meeting the criteria for scientific research specified in Article 13 hereof."

What are the standards on scientific research for Good Teaching Teacher, Good Teaching Lecturer title at the Ministry of National Defense?

According to the guidance in Article 13 of Circular 13/2022/ TT-BQP, the standards on scientific research for Good Teaching Teacher, Good Teaching Lecturer title at the Ministry of National Defense include:

"Article 13. Standards for scientific research

1. For teachers in academies, officer schools and universities, the following criteria must be met by the year under consideration:

a) The main authors of 03 scientific articles have been published in specialized scientific journals, interdisciplinary journals, seminar proceedings at the university level or higher.

b) Lead 01 or 02 grassroots-level scientific research initiatives (approved by the Head of the General Staff, Head of the General Department of Politics, Head of the General Department, Head of the University management level) or participate in 02 or more ministerial-level scientific research projects which have been accepted and evaluated.

c) The editor 02 or participate in the compilation of 03 curricula, documents or authors of 02 reference books and specialized books used in teaching for subjects of the school.

d) Instructing 02 graduate students or 02 students to train specialized doctors, resident doctors or 03 university students who have successfully defended their graduation thesis, dissertation, graduation thesis or two or more students who have won the third prize at the ministerial, national, international competitions, creative youth awards, participated in the Olympic competition or 02 students researching scientific topics at the grassroots level to be evaluated and accepted.

2. For teachers in colleges and intermediate schools; military schools of military zones, legions, Hanoi Capital Command, Ho Chi Minh City Command, non-commissioned officers and non-commissioned officers must meet the following criteria:

a) The main author of 02 articles published in specialized journals, proceedings of scientific research seminars at grassroots level.

b) Take charge for 02 or participated in 03 grassroots-level scientific research topics and initiatives or participated in 02 or more grassroots-level scientific research topics and initiatives (approved by the Head of the General Staff, Head of the General Political Department, Head of the General Department, Head of the University management level) with acceptance and evaluation of Pass or higher.

c) The editor 01 or participate in the compilation of 02 curricula and materials used in teaching for the training subjects of the school.

3. For preschool teachers, the following criteria must be met by the year under consideration:

Take lead in two measures to improve the quality of child care, nurturing and education, education management, which are effectively applied in preschool establishments, which are assessed by the district-level Examination Council, the General Directorate or equivalent with a rating of Good or higher."

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