06:53 | 09/09/2024

What are the specific tasks and solutions for sports activities in Vietnam for the school year 2024-2025 under Official Dispatch 4557?

What are the specific tasks and solutions for sports activities in Vietnam for the school year 2024-2025 under Official Dispatch 4557?

What are the specific tasks and solutions for sports activities in Vietnam for the school year 2024-2025?

According to Sub-item 2, Item I, Section B of Official Dispatch 4719/BGDDT-GDTC in 2024, the specific tasks and solutions for sports activities for the school year 2024-2025 in Vietnam are as follows:

- Continue to implement and summarize the execution of Decision 1076/QD-TTg in 2016 of the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam on approving the Comprehensive Scheme for the Development of Physical Education and School Sports for the period 2016-2020, with orientations towards 2025.

- Enhance the school sports movement, encourage and bolster the spirit of exercise, voluntarily choose suitable sports, and actively participate in physical and sports activities within and outside the school.

- Strengthen the establishment and effective maintenance of school sports clubs, inter-school sports clubs, etc.; cooperate well with sports centers to create beneficial and healthy playgrounds for students.

- Increase the organization of sports competitions from the school/cluster level to the district Department of Education and Training level, province, and city level for students. Form teams to participate in student sports competitions at various levels and send students to participate in regional, continental, and world sports events (see attached Appendix).

Note: Organize training activities, improve professional competence, teaching methods for physical education teachers and lecturers in educational institutions. Review and effectively use facilities, playgrounds, and equipment for physical education, sports activities in educational institutions; develop a cooperative program with local physical and sports management authorities to support the use of sports facilities in the area serving physical education and sports activities for students.

What are the specific tasks and solutions for sports activities for the school year 2024-2025 according to Official Dispatch 4557?

What are the specific tasks and solutions for sports activities in Vietnam for the school year 2024-2025 under Official Dispatch 4557? (Image from the Internet)

What are the specific tasks and solutions for physical education for the school year 2024-2025 in Vietnam?

According to Sub-item 1, Item I, Section B of Official Dispatch 4719/BGDDT-GDTC in 2024, the specific tasks and solutions for physical education for the school year 2024-2025 in Vietnam are as follows:

- Effectively implement the physical education curriculum, arrange reasonable and scientific time to contribute to improving the quality of lessons; renew teaching forms, methods, and assessment methods to create interest and not pressure for students during the physical education learning process and sports activities; approach by individualizing learners, suitable to the actual conditions of educational institutions.

- Organize sports activities linked with the content of physical education, diversify the content and forms of activities, encourage students to actively and proactively participate in physical training to improve health and physical development.

+ Organize morning exercises, and mid-hour exercises suitable for the psychological and physiological conditions of each school; prepare necessary conditions to gradually implement swimming lessons; schools should have specific plans to organize general sports activities, especially focusing on traditional sports, self-defense martial arts for students suitable to the practical conditions of localities and educational institutions.

+ Strengthen the organization of nutritious and safe meals, combined with increasing scientific and reasonable physical activities.

What are the general tasks specified in Official Dispatch 4719/BGDDT-GDTC in 2024?

Based on Section A of Official Dispatch 4719/BGDDT-GDTC in 2024, the general tasks are as follows:

(1) Continue to innovate, improve the quality of physical education, and physical exercise activities for students, with a special focus on combining reasonable nutrition policies and suitable forms of physical activities for each education level and locality to ensure the goal of comprehensive development of virtues, intellect, physicality, and aesthetics.

(2) Direct and fully implement the contents and requirements on safe school practices, and accident and injury prevention in educational institutions. Enhance coordination among families, schools, and society to organize care, training, and management of preschool children and students inside and outside the school safely and effectively; focus on epidemic prevention and control, school disease prevention, accident and injury prevention, and mental health care.

(3) Continue to maintain, stabilize, and develop the student sports competition system associated with the content of the Physical Education subject under the 2018 General Education curriculum; the Physical Education curriculum under higher education training programs, develop swimming programs, and encourage traditional sports.

(4) Promote the application of information technology, digital transformation (build and effectively exploit digital learning materials, electronic lectures, etc.) for physical education, and sports activities; complete the database on school health and criteria for building safe, friendly, and happy schools. Implement inspection, supervision, and auditing tasks according to authority.

(5) Organize summarization, and evaluation of Schemes and programs on physical education and school health for the period 2021-2025; continue to propose and advise on construction in the next phase.


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