What are the sample leave of absence forms for students and parents to refer to? What is the sample leave of absence form written by parents in Vietnam?
What are the sample leave of absence forms for students and parents to refer to? What is the sample leave of absence form written by parents in Vietnam?
Below are sample leave of absence forms for students and parents to refer to
(1) Leave of absence form 1:
Download Leave of absence form 1
(2) Leave of absence form 2
Download Leave of absence form 2
(3) Leave of absence form written by parents
Download Leave of absence form written by parents
What are the sample leave of absence forms for students and parents to refer to? What is the sample leave of absence form written by parents in Vietnam?
What are the rights and duties of students in Vietnam?
Pursuant to Article 34 and Article 35 of the Charter issued with Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT, the rights and duties of students are clearly stated as follows:
Duties of students
- Learn and train according to curricula and education plans of their schools.
- Respect their parents, officials, teachers and staff of their schools, and those older than them; maintain solidarity and mutual support in learning and training; conform to the charter and rules of their schools; and abide by the law.
- Take exercises and maintain personal hygiene.
- Participate in group activities of their schools and classes, Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneer Organization and Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union; help their families, join physical and social activities and environmental protection activities, and maintain traffic order and safety.
- Protect school and public property; contribute to fostering, preservation and enhancement of school traditions.
Rights of students
- Receive comprehensive education with fairness, be provided with time, facilities, hygiene and safety to learn in class and self-learn at home, be informed of their education and training, and be able to use learning, cultural and sport equipment of their schools as per the law.
- Receive respect, protection and fair and democratic treatment, complain to their schools and education authorities about decisions concerning themselves; transfer school with legitimate reason as per existing regulations; enter school before the compulsory starting age, skip a grade and study at an age higher than the compulsory attendance age according to regulations in Article 33 of this charter.
- Participate in activities for development of their gifts in academic subjects, sports and art organized by their schools if able to.
- Students eligible for social benefits, disadvantaged students and gifted students may receive sponsorship or other benefits as per the law.
- Transfer school if eligible according to regulations following school transfer procedures stipulated by the Minister of Education and Training.
- Enjoy other rights as per the law.
What is the eligibility for graduation recognition in lower secondary education in Vietnam?
Pursuant to Article 4 of the regulations on recognition of secondary school graduation issued together with Circular 31/2023/TT-BGDDT, regulations on eligibility for graduation recognition for students are as follows:
- Are not older than 21 years old (in calendar year) if they finish Formal education program for lower secondary education; or are at least 15 years old (in calendar year) if they finish Continuous education program for lower secondary education.
In case of students returning from overseas, participating in accelerated study, attending class at an older age, regulations on age and grades of the Ministry of Education and Training.
- Have completed Formal education program for lower secondary education or Continuous education program for lower secondary education.
- Have adequate documents as follows.
+ In respect of students finishing ninth grade in education institutions, their application shall consist of their school reports.
+ In respect of students who do not fall under Clause 1 of this Article, application for graduation recognition consists of:
++ Written application for graduation recognition;
++ Legitimate copies of birth certificate or ID Card;
++ Original copies of school reports or printed copies of electronic school reports verified by education institutions where the students finish ninth grade. If a student loses original copies of his/her school report or does not possess printed copies of electronic school report, he/she must provide written verification of disciplinary and academic results of education institutions where he/she finishes ninth grade.
Thus, the new Regulations have removed the eligibility "not failing to attend more than 45 periods in ninth grade (one absence or multiple absences combined)" for graduation recognition.
However, education institutions organize class repetition for students who have not been recognized for completion of Formal education program for lower secondary education or Continuous education program for lower secondary education in the ninth grade due to failure to attend more than 45 periods in ninth grade and apply for grade repetition (if eligible).