04:57 | 06/01/2023

What are the responsibilities and rights of members of strong research groups in higher education institutions in Vietnam?

May I ask what the responsibilities and rights of leaders and members of strong research groups in higher education institutions in Vietnam are? Question from Ms. Quyen (Thanh Hoa)

What are the responsibilities and rights of leading organizations of strong research groups in higher education institutions in Vietnam?

In Clause 1, Article 11 of Decree No. 109/2022/ND-CP stipulating the responsibilities and rights of the organization leading strong research groups in a higher education institution, including:

- Guide and support permanent lecturers who meet the eligibility requirements for strong research group leader in higher education institutions specified in Clause 1, Article 9 of this Decree to gather domestic and foreign human resources who have built up research orientation and development plan in 5 years;

- Issue regulations on incentives to develop strong research groups in higher education institutions, provide incentives for income and teaching hours for members of strong research groups in higher education institutions, and include regulations in financial regulations, internal spending regulations to ensure compliance with regulations and be publicly announced;

- Formulate annual budget estimates and submit them to competent authorities for approval and allocate funds to implement the policy of incentives for strong research groups in higher education institutions according to regulations;

- Prepare reports on the performance of the strong research group and send it to the superior agency on an annual basis.

What are the responsibilities and rights of members of strong research groups in higher education institutions in Vietnam?

What are the responsibilities and rights of members of strong research groups in higher education institutions in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the responsibilities and rights of strong research group leaders in higher education institutions in Vietnam?

In Clause 2, Article 11 of Decree No. 109/2022/ND-CP, the responsibilities and rights of strong research group leaders in higher education institutions include:

- Formulate a research orientation and development plan for 5 years and submit it to the organization leading the strong research group for approval;

- Make an application to request the leading organization to recognize a strong research group in a higher education institution;

- Gather domestic and foreign teams in related fields of expertise to coordinate with members of strong research groups in higher education institutions to interpret research orientations and development plan for 5 years that has been approved; assign specific tasks to each member to carry out research activities associated with doctoral training, maintain stability and increase the quantity and quality of scientific and technological products every year;

- Effectively use the facilities and equipment of the organization leading the strong research group in the higher education institution and those of the organizations and enterprises that cooperate in performing the research tasks; use the funds allocated in accordance with regulations to achieve the products committed in the description of the research orientation and development plan in 5 years; be accountable to the organization leading the strong research group in the higher education institution and relevant regulatory agencies;

- Send annual report on the performance of the strong research group to the leading organization;

- Be autonomous in attracting experts, postgraduate students and interns to participate in performing research tasks of the strong research group in higher education institution; in admitting members to join strong research groups in higher education institution; in using and allocating resources within the strong research group in the higher education institution;

- Propose to the organization leading the strong research group, relevant ministries, branches and agencies in the development of new research orientations and new training programs; to develop scientific and technological products of the strong research group in higher education institution;

- Enjoy incentives and support policies equivalent to those for leading scientists in higher education institutions according to regulations on utilization of individuals in scientific and technological activities.

What are the responsibilities and rights of strong research group members in higher education institutions in Vietnam?

In Clause 3, Article 11 of Decree No. 109/2022/ND-CP, the responsibilities and rights of strong research group members in higher education institutions are as follows:

- Effectively perform the tasks assigned by the group leader and be accountable to the group leader for the effective performance of the assigned tasks; actively participate in scientific and technological activities of the domestic and foreign scientific community;

- Propose to the group leader about new research and training directions; be encouraged to discover and introduce excellent experts, scientists, postgraduate students, interns, trainees and students to join the strong research group in the higher education institution;

- Key members are given priority to participate in post-doctoral research programs at foreign training institutions or research institutions; be given priority to be sent to practice and work for a definite time at overseas science and technology organizations to perform research tasks of the strong research group in the higher education institution according to programs and projects approved by the competent authorities;

- A member of a strong research group in a higher education institution who is a lecturer or is committed to being a lecturer is given priority in funding support for training postgraduate students under doctoral training programs approved by competent authorities according to regulations;

- Co-leaders of the group, key members being foreign scientists are entitled to incentives according to regulations on attracting overseas Vietnamese for scientific and technological activities and foreign experts participating in scientific and technological activities in Vietnam.

Decree No. 109/2022/ND-CP takes effect from March 1, 2023.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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