What are the requirements for the content of the subjects in the 6th grade curriculum of secondary education institutions in Vietnam?

My child will enter 6th grade in the near future, I heard that there are guidelines from the Ministry of Education and Training on 6th grade subjects, how are the guidelines governing the educational program for 6th grade subjects. eh? Thank you!

What are the requirements for building the school's educational plan?

Pursuant to Official Letter 1496/BGDĐT-GDTrH in 2022, implementing the secondary education program for the school in Vietnam year 2022-2023 promulgated by the Ministry of Education and Training, providing regulations on building the school's educational plan for the following subjects. 6th grade as follows:

- The development and implementation of the school's education plan is made according to Official Letter No. 5512/BGDĐT-GDTrH dated December 18, 2020 of the Ministry of Education and Training on the development and organization of the implementation of the educational plan. of the school (Official Letter 5512); Appendices attached to Official Letter 5512 are used for reference in the development of the subject teaching plan, the educational activities organization plan, the teacher's education plan, the lesson plan (teachers). judgment).

What are the requirements for the content of the subjects in the 6th grade curriculum of secondary education institutions in Vietnam?

What are the requirements for the content of the subjects in the 6th grade curriculum of secondary education institutions in Vietnam?

How is the curriculum for 6th grade subjects for the school in Vietnam year 2022-2023?

Pursuant to Official Letter 1496/BGDĐT-GDTrH in 2022, implementing the secondary education program for the school in Vietnam year 2022-2023 promulgated by the Ministry of Education and Training on the  Educational program of 6th grade subjects as follows:

- History and Geography

+ The History and Geography curriculum includes History and Geography, each subject is designed according to its own content circuit, in which many related teaching contents are arranged close together to support each other. together; Historical content integrates into the appropriate parts of the Geography content and the Geographic content integrates into the appropriate parts of the History content. Based on the situation of the school's teachers, the principal assigns teachers to teach the contents of the program in accordance with the teachers' professional capacity. Schools, Departments of Education and Training, and Departments of Education and Training need to actively develop training and retraining plans so that teachers can meet professional requirements to undertake the teaching of the entire subject program.

+ The subject teaching plan is built according to each subject of History and subject of Geography, each subject is arranged to be taught simultaneously in each semester. For general topics in grade 7, the principal assigns teachers with appropriate expertise to teach the general topic.

+ Regular testing and evaluation are carried out during the teaching process in each subject. Periodic exams and assessments are built including the content of History and Geography subjects in proportion to the content and teaching time of each subject and common topic up to the time of the test. , evaluate. Teachers are assigned to teach common topics, and are responsible for checking and evaluating common topics (including regular and periodical assessment).

- Natural Sciences

+ The Natural Science curriculum includes topics: Substance and its change, Living things, Energy and change, Earth and sky. The topics are arranged mainly according to linear logic, have a certain degree of combination with concentric structure, and at the same time, there are some interdisciplinary and integrated topics to form general principles and laws of science. natural world. Based on the situation of the school's teaching staff, the principal assigns teachers to teach topics suitable to the teachers' professional capacity. Schools need to actively develop training and retraining plans so that teachers can meet professional requirements to undertake teaching topics or the entire subject program.

+ The subject teaching plan is built in accordance with the logic of arranging the topics of the subject program and the teaching organization conditions of the school.

+ The regular examination and assessment in each semester is carried out during the course of teaching the subject as planned. Periodic tests and assessments are built including the content of the topics implemented according to the teaching plan, ensuring the appropriate ratio with the content and teaching time to the time of testing and assessment.

What does the curriculum for the 6th grade subjects in skills include?

Pursuant to Official Letter 1496/BGDĐT-GDTrH in 2022 implementing the secondary education program for the school in Vietnam year 2022-2023 promulgated by the Ministry of Education and Training, stipulating the educational program for 6th grade subjects on skills as follows: :

- Informatics and Foreign Languages ​​1

+ Organize the teaching of Informatics and Foreign Languages ​​1 according to the 2018 GDPT Program for students who have learning ability and are suitable to the school's organization and implementation conditions. For schools that have not yet taught Informatics and Foreign Languages ​​1 under the 2018 National Curriculum, continue to implement Informatics and Foreign Languages ​​1 under the 2006 GDPT, in which attention should be paid to enhancing supplementary content. under the 2018 GDT to prepare students to study these subjects under the 2018 GDT at the high school level.

- Art

+ Art program includes 02 contents: Music and Fine Arts. The organization of teaching should pay attention to the arrangement of teaching and the same content to ensure the equivalent duration in each semester.

+ The subject teaching plan is built in accordance with the teaching organization conditions of the school and the teacher's educational plan.

+ Examination and evaluation: for each content of Music, Fine Arts, 01 test result is selected and evaluated regularly in each semester; Encourage periodic testing and evaluation through practice, learning products or learning projects. Periodic test and assessment including two contents Music and Fine Arts are conducted separately according to each content similar to the subject assessed by comments; The results of periodic tests and assessments are rated Pass when both Music and Art content are rated Pass.


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