What are the requirements for students who want to be admitted to the Communist party of Vietnam while studying at university?

I want to ask students who want to be admitted to the Communist party while studying at university, what requirements should be met? – Question of Ha (Ha Duong)

Can students join the Communist party while studying at university?

According to the provisions of Article 1 of the Charter of the Communist party of Vietnam in 2011 as follows:

Article 1.
1. A member of the Communist party of Vietnam is a revolutionary soldier in the vanguard of the working class, the working people and the Vietnamese nation, striving all his life for the Communist party's purposes and ideals, putting the interests of the Communist party first. of the Fatherland, the working class and the working people above personal interests; strictly abide by the Political Platform, the Communist party Charter, the Communist party's resolutions and the State's laws; have employees, successfully complete the assigned tasks; have morals and a healthy lifestyle; closely associated with the people; obey the Communist party's organization and discipline, and maintain the unity and unity in the Communist party.
2. Vietnamese citizens who are eighteen years old or older; acknowledge and voluntarily: implement the political platform, the Communist party's charter, standards and duties of communist party members, operate in a grassroots communist party organization; Through practice, they have proven themselves to be excellent people, trusted by the people, and can be considered for admission to the Communist party.

At the same time, based on Section 1 of Regulation 24-QD/TW in 2021 stipulating as follows:

Age and educational background of people entering the Communist party of Vietnam
1.1. About age.
1.1.1. At the time of the Communist party cell's admission consideration, a person joining the Communist party must be from 18 to 60 years old (monthly).
1.1.2. The admission to the Communist party of those over 60 years of age shall be considered and decided by the Communist party Committee directly under the Central Government.
1.2. About the educational background.
1.2.1. People entering the Communist party must have a junior high school diploma or higher.
1.2.2. Education of Communist party entrants living in mountainous areas, islands, ethnic minority areas, areas with extremely difficult socio-economic requirements and other specific cases due to Communist party development requirements If the general regulations cannot be met, the instructions of the Secretariat shall be followed.
Thus, the requirements to be admitted to the Communist party include: Vietnamese citizens aged eighteen or over; acknowledge and voluntarily: implement the political platform, the Communist party's charter, standards and duties of communist party members, operate in a grassroots communist party organization; Through practice, they have proven themselves to be excellent people, trusted by the people, and can be considered for admission to the Communist party.

Thus, students can join the Communist party while studying at the University.

What are the requirements for students who want to be admitted to the Communist party of Vietnam while at university?

What are the requirements for students who want to be admitted to the Communist party of Vietnam while at university? (Image from the Internet)

What are the background requirements for students to be admitted to the Communist party while studying at university?

Pursuant to subsection 3.4, Section 3 of Guidance 01-HD/TW in 2021 on background checks of people entering the Communist party include:

- People who join the Communist party.

- Father, mother, father, mother-in-law (husband) or person who directly takes care of himself; The spouse or natural child of the person joining the Communist party has full civil act capacity (hereinafter referred to as the relative).

Contents of verification and verification

- For people joining the Communist party: Clarifying issues about political history and current politics; on the observance of the Communist party's guidelines, guidelines and policies, and the State's laws; political, moral and lifestyle qualities.

- For relatives: Clarifying issues about political history and current politics; the observance of the lines, guidelines and policies of the Communist party and laws of the State.

What are the procedures for joining the Communist party of Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 4 of the Charter of the Communist party of Vietnam in 2011 stipulating the procedures for admission to the Communist party as follows:

- Having a voluntary application to join the Communist party;

- Report honestly background to the branch;

- Officially introduced by two communist party members.

Where the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union is organized, those entering the Communist party at the young age must be a union member, and be introduced by the grassroots executive committee and an official communist party member.

In agencies and enterprises where there is no organization of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, people who join the Communist party must be a trade unionist, be introduced by the grassroots trade union executive committee and an official communist party member.


- Being an official member of the Communist party and working together with the person joining the Communist party for at least one year;

- Report to the branch on the background, quality and capacity of the person entering the Communist party and take responsibility for his/her introduction. If there is anything unclear, report it to the branch and superiors for consideration.

Before being admitted to the Communist party, how long does a student have a preparatory period?

Pursuant to Article 5 of the Charter of the Communist party of Vietnam in 2011 as follows:

Article 5.
1. Persons admitted to the Communist party must undergo a 12-month preparatory period, counting from the date the Communist party cell holds the admission ceremony. During the preparatory period, the cell continued to educate, train and assign official communist party members to help them improve.
2. At the end of the preparatory period, the cell considers the recognition of official communist party members one by one and votes as when considering admission; if they are not eligible to be communist party members, they shall request the competent communist party committee to decide to remove their names from the list of reserve communist party members.
3. The cell's resolution on the request for recognition of official communist party members must be decided by the competent communist party committee.
4. If a Communist party member is officially recognized, the communist party member's age is counted from the date stated in the admission decision.

Thus, before being admitted to the Communist party, each citizen must undergo a 12-month preparatory period, counting from the date the Communist party cell organizes the admission ceremony.

During this time, each student should try to practice and improve to be considered for admission to the communist party.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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