10:40 | 01/06/2024

What are the requirements for schools in Vietnam to organize education on the “escape from a car” skill for children?

“What are the requirements for organizing education on the “escape from a car” skill for children at kindergartens, preschools, or elementary schools?” - asked a reader

May schools in Vietnam organize education on the “escape from a car” skill for children?

According to Clause 1, Article 2 of the Regulations on Management of Life Skills Education and Extracurricular Activities issued by the Minister of Education and Training together with Circular 04/2014/TT-BGDDT, life skills education activities are understood as educational activities that help learners form and develop positive and healthy habits, behaviors and attitudes in dealing with personal and social life situations, thereby perfecting their personality and further improving their personal development orientation based on life values.

Under Clause 1, Article 1 of the Regulations on Management of Life Skills Education and Extracurricular Activities issued by the Minister of Education and Training together with Circular 04/2014/TT-BGDDT, the organization of extracurricular life skills education will be applied to educational institutions involved in life skills education and extracurricular activities such as:

- Small-scale childcare facilities; kindergartens and preschools;

- Elementary schools, lower or upper secondary schools, boarding high schools for ethnic minorities, semi-boarding high schools for ethnic minorities, college preparatory schools, specialized schools, gifted schools, professional secondary schools, colleges, and universities;

- Continuing education centers, foreign languages and informatics centers and community learning centers (hereinafter collectively referred to as educational institutions).

The "escape from a car" by children is also considered a skill education activity according to the regulations.

Therefore, schools can organize education on the “escape from a car” skill for children at kindergartens, preschools, or elementary schools to equip children with the necessary knowledge when encountering emergencies.

However, the education organization must be carried out outside of regular school hours, meet the conditions for organizing teaching, and be licensed by a competent authority.

What are the requirements for schools in Vietnam to organize education on the “escape from a car” skill for children?

Schools in Vietnam must meet the following 03 requirements to organize education on the “escape from a car” skill for children:

(1) Physical facilities

- There are classrooms and function rooms that are well illuminated and satisfy school sanitation requirements as legally prescribed.

- Teaching equipment must be safe and fit for teaching contents, activities and age-related psychological characteristics of learners.

(2) Teachers, presenters and coaches

- Fully meet health requirements.

- Are of good moral character; are not facing disciplinary action in the form of warning or more severe sanction, or are not being prosecuted for penal liability.

- Have completed professional certificates in pedagogy majors; have a good command of related areas of life skills or other educational activities.

(3) Syllabuses and curriculum documents

Syllabuses and curriculum documents circulated or approved by the Ministry of Education and Training should be provided in full.

If they are selected or created autonomously, they must be approved by competent licensing or certification agencies stated in Article 7 and Article 8 of these Regulations; must meet requirements, convey information tailored to traditional customs and values of Vietnam, and not challenge legislation.

(The above requirements are specified in Article 4, Article 5, and Article 6 of the Regulations on Management of Life Skills Education and Extracurricular Activities issued by the Minister of Education and Training together with Circular 04/2014/TT-BGDDT)

What are the procedures for certification of registration for education on the “escape from a car” skill for children at preschools and elementary schools in Vietnam?

Under Article 8 of the Regulations on Management of Life Skills Education and Extracurricular Activities issued by the Minister of Education and Training together with Circular 04/2014/TT-BGDDT, the procedures for certification of registration for education on the “escape from a car” skill for children at preschools and elementary schools in Vietnam are specified as follows:

Step 1: Educational institutions prepare the application for registration for education on the “escape from a car” skill, including:

- Official dispatch for registration for life skills education and extracurricular activities;

- List and biodata with valid proofs of teachers, coaches and presenters (clearly give their full name, education level, position, occupation, pedagogical capacity and expertise in the fields of life skills or related educational activities) participating in planning, design and provision of life skills education and extracurricular activities;

- Plan of action, syllabuses, textbooks, and curriculum documents used in teaching and coaching activities.

Step 2: Educational institutions submit the application for registration for education on the “escape from a car” skill to the Head of the Division of Education and Training to certify registration.

Step 3: Within 05 working days of receipt of valid application, competent authorities mark their certification of registration for life skills education and extracurricular activities on applications for registration submitted by educational institutions, stating that it is to certify that registration is granted, and then send them back to educational institutions.

In case of refusal to grant registration, written responses clearly stating reasons should be sent.

Thư Viện Pháp Luật

Schools in Vietnam
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