01:59 | 23/08/2024

What are the required documents and procedures for issuance of an auto transport business license in Vietnam?

"What are the required documents and procedures for issuance of an auto transport business license in Vietnam?" - asked Ms. Thu (Ho Chi Minh City)

Which entities are required to hold auto transport business licenses in Vietnam?

Article 17 of Decree 10/2020/ND-CP stipulates the issuance of auto transport business licenses as follows:

Issuance of auto transport business license

1. Auto transport businesses must obtain the auto transport business license (hereinafter referred to as “business license”).

2. The business license shall include:

a) Name and address of the transport business;

b) Business registration certificate (enterprise registration certificate), including its number, date of issuance and issuer;

c) Legal representative;

d) Business type;

dd) Issuer of the business license.

3. Departments of Transport have the power to issue the business license.

Thus, entities required to have a Business License for Transport Services by Automobile are units that engage in passenger and goods transport by automobile.

Procedures and dossier for applying for a Business License for Transport Services by Automobile

What are the required documents and procedures for issuance of an auto transport business license in Vietnam? (Image from Internet)

What are the required documents for the issuance of an auto transport business license in Vietnam?

Clauses 1 and 2 of Article 18 of Decree 10/2020/ND-CP stipulate the documents required for issuance and re-issuance of auto transport business licenses as follows:

Application for issuance and reissuance of business license

1. For enterprises and cooperatives operating a transport business, an application for the business license consists of:

a) An application for the business license made using the form in Appendix I of this Decree;

b) Copies of degrees and/or certificates of the person directly operating the transport business;

c) A copy or the authentic copy of the decision on establishment and regulations on functions and duties of the traffic safety management and monitoring unit (for enterprises and cooperatives operating fixed-route transport business, buses, taxis, tractor trucks and passenger transport under electronic contracts).

2. For household businesses operating a transport business, an application for the business license consists of:

a) An application for the business license made using the form in Appendix I of this Decree;

b) A copy of the business registration certificate.


Thus, the required documents for the issuance of an auto transport business license in Vietnam for enterprises and cooperatives include:

- Application form;

- Copies of degrees and/or certificates of the person directly operating the transport business;

- A copy or original decision on establishment.

The required documents for the issuance of an auto transport business license in Vietnam for household businesses include:

- Application form;

- A copy of the business registration certificate.

What are the procedures for issuance of an auto transport business license in Vietnam?

Clause 1 of Article 19 of Decree 10/2020/ND-CP stipulates the procedures for issuance, re-issuance, and revocation of auto transport business licenses as follows:

Procedures for issuance, reissuance and revocation of business license

1. Procedures for issuance of the business license:

a) The transport business shall submit an application for the business license to the issuing authority. If the application needs to be amended, the issuing authority shall inform the contents to be amended to the applicant directly or in writing or via the online public services system within 03 working days from the date of receipt of the application;

b) Within 05 working days from the date of receipt of the adequate application, the issuing authority shall appraise the application and issue the license made using the form in Appendix II of this Decree. If the application is rejected, the issuing authority shall explain the reason to the applicant in writing or via the online public services system.


The procedures for issuance of an auto transport business license are as follows:

Step 1: Submit the application for auto transport business licenses;

Step 2: The licensing authority appraises the application and issues an auto transport business license within 5 working days. If the business license is not issued, a written response must be provided.


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