08:41 | 02/03/2023

What are the regulations on the request form to supplement the content of providing electronic customs declaration information currently in Vietnam?

What are the regulations on the request form to supplement the content of providing electronic customs declaration information currently regulated in Vietnam? - Ms. Diep from Dong Thap.

What are the regulations on the request form to supplement the content of providing electronic customs declaration information currently in Vietnam?

The current form of request for supplementing the content of providing electronic customs declaration information is Form No. 01 of Appendix II issued together with the Regulation on provision and use of electronic customs declaration information in Decision 33/2016/QD-TTg dated August 19, 8 of the Prime Minister of Vietnam.

Download the Request Form to supplement the content of providing electronic customs declaration information here.

What are the regulations on the request form to supplement the content of providing electronic customs declaration information currently in Vietnam?

What are the regulations on the request form to supplement the content of providing electronic customs declaration information currently in Vietnam?

What are the regulations on the procedure for supplementing the content of providing electronic customs declaration information in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 3, Article 9 of the Regulation on provision and use of electronic customs declaration information issued together with Decision 33/2016/QD-TTg as follows:

Article 9. Registration of use of e-customs declaration information
3. Procedures for requesting additional contents of provided e-customs declaration information:
a) The applicant of an information user must send 01 original request to the General Department of Customs in Vietnam by using the Form No. 01 stated in Annex II enclosed to this Statute to request for additional contents of provided e-customs declaration information;
b) Within 02 working days from the receipt of request, General Department of Customs in Vietnam shall provide additional contents of e-customs declaration information as requested and inform the applicant of the information user in writing, including reasons of rejected information items.

Thus, the procedure for supplementing the contents of providing electronic customs declaration information is carried out as follows:

- The applicant of an information user must send 01 original request to the General Department of Customs in Vietnam by using the Form No. 01 stated in Annex II enclosed to this Statute to request for additional contents of provided e-customs declaration information;

- Within 02 working days from the receipt of request, the General Department of Customs in Vietnam shall provide additional contents of e-customs declaration information as requested and inform the applicant of the information user in writing, including reasons of rejected information items.

In case there are additional unacceptable information indicators, the reasons must be clearly stated.

What is the responsibility of the party using electronic customs declaration information in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 11 of the Regulation on provision and use of electronic customs declaration information issued together with Decision 33/2016/QD-TTg with the following contents:

Article 11. Responsibilities of information users
1. Prepare appropriate technical facilities and equipment to receive and use e-customs declaration information.
2. Use e-customs declaration information according to the principles mentioned in Clause 2 Article 4 of this Statute and other relevant laws.
3. Manage and keep secret of information about granted accounts for accessing to the customs information portal.
4. Build, develop and operate systems for receiving e-customs declaration information which must meet requirements mentioned in Clause 2 Article 8 of this Statute.

According to the above provisions, the party using electronic customs declaration information has the following 04 responsibilities:

- Prepare appropriate technical facilities and equipment to receive and use e-customs declaration information.

- Use e-customs declaration information according to the principles mentioned in Clause 2 Article 4 of this statute and other relevant laws.

- Manage and keep secret of information about granted accounts for accessing to the customs information portal.

- Build, develop and operate systems for receiving e-customs declaration information which must meet requirements mentioned in prescribed requirements.

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Customs declaration
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