04:44 | 25/04/2022

What are the regulations on the land price list of all types of land in Quang Ngai province for the period 2020 - 2024?

I have a question about the land prices in Quang Ngai province. I would like to learn on this matter for calculating land use tax. What are the regulations on the land price list of all types of land in Quang Ngai province? Looking forward to be informed soon! Thanks a lot!

What are the regulations on the prices of agricultural land in Quang Ngai province?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 4 of the Regulation promulgated together with Decision 11/2020/QD-UBND on the land price list in Quang Ngai province for a period of 5 years (2020-2024), the regulations on the prices of agricultural land in Quang Ngai province:

(1) Land for annual plant, land for perennial plant, land for aquaculture, land for production forests (including land for protection forests), the land price is determined according to the land location of 2 types of communes according to administrative boundaries: plain and mountainous, each type of commune is divided into 3 locations.

The locations of agricultural land types are classified into locations with ordinal numbers from the 1st onwards. The determination of the location of agricultural land is mainly based on crop productivity, the distance from the place of residence of the land user, the market for consuming agricultural products, the proximity and convenience of traffic are the factors creating advantages for producers reduce travel costs, circulation costs (buying materials, selling products), product consumption costs, but combined with factors creating advantages for production . The rules for determining each location are as follows:

a) Location 1: Includes land area with the same socio-economic conditions, infrastructure, land use purpose and must simultaneously satisfy the following 02 conditions:

a1) There are from 1 to 3 factors of adjacent or closest distance from:

- The place of residence of the land user, the place of residence is determined to be the center of the village (the hamlet or village where the land is located).

- The markets for consuming agricultural products (rural markets, urban markets, places where agricultural products are concentrated).

- Roads (road traffic includes national highways, provincial roads, inter-district roads. For places without national highways, provincial and district roads, the basis of inter-communal roads and waterway traffic is based on traffic routes (places where water transport is mainly used) including: rivers, streams, canals).

a2) There are the best advantages for agricultural production includes: flat terrain, active irrigation conditions, high soil fertility, favorable weather and climate for production and business.

b) Location 2: There are conditions worse than location 1 above.

c) Location 3: There are worse conditions than location 2 above.

(2) Land for salt production is divided into 02 locations according to commune administrative boundaries.

The location of l and for salt production is determined by the distance from the salt field to the concentrated salt warehouse in the production area or the distance from the salt field to the inter-district road (in case there is no inter-district road, the based on the distance from the inter-commune road), according to the principle: Location 1 applies to the salt field closest to the salt storage or near the road; Location 2 is farther from the salt storage, farther from the road.

(3) The prices of agricultural land in the province are listed in the attached Price List No. 1.

(4) The prices of other agricultural land shall be based on the price of all kinds of agricultural land in the vicinity specified in Clause 3 of this Article to determine the price.

(5) Pursuant to the principles of classification of agricultural land locations specified in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article; characteristics of each type of agricultural land and specific conditions of each region, each area of ​​land in the locality, the People's Committees of districts, towns and cities must determine to prescribe each specific agricultural land location according to the administrative boundaries of the commune to apply in the area of ​​​​districts, towns and cities.

The decision stipulating each agricultural land location of the People's Committee of the district and city must be submit to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment for monitoring and reporting to the Provincial People's Committee.

(6) The prices of agricultural land in the province in the attached Price List No. 1 are calculated corresponding to the land use term of 70 years in case the land is leased by the State in the form of one-time payment of land use levy for the entire lease period. In case the land is leased by the State for a term of less than 70 years, the land price for calculation and collection of land use levy shall be determined by the ratio between the land lease term and the 70 year term.

What are the regulations on the prices of non-agricultural land in Quang Ngai province?

According to Article 5 of the Regulation promulgated together with Decision 11/2020/QD-UBND on the land price list in Quang Ngai province for 5 years period (2020-2024), the regulations on non-agricultural land prices are:

(1) Non-agricultural land in the area of ​​08 wards: Nguyen Nghiem, Tran Hung Dao, Tran Phu, Le Hong Phong, Nghia Lo, Chanh Lo, Quang Phu, Nghia Chanh in Quang Ngai city

Residential land and non-agricultural production and business land in the area of ​​08 wards: Nguyen Nghiem, Tran Hung Dao, Tran Phu, Le Hong Phong, Nghia Lo, Chanh Lo, Quang Phu, Nghia Chanh in Quang Ngai city are ranked by location and is divided into 6 types of roads of urban grade II.

a) Road classification: Roads of 08 wards in the city are classified into 6 types of roads (grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) by profitability, infrastructure conditions, production and business services, and distance to the city center.

b) Land classification: The land location of each type of road in 08 wards is divided into 3 locations with ordinal numbers from 1 onwards on the basis of the principle that: Location 1 applies to the mainland next to the road (front) has the highest profitability, the most favorable infrastructural conditions. The remaining locations apply to land adjacent to the road with the lower profitability and favorable infrastructural conditions than location 1.

(2) Non-agricultural land Truong Quang Trong ward of Quang Ngai city, 08 wards of Duc Pho town and townships of districts

Residential land and non-agricultural production and business land in Truong Quang Trong ward of Quang Ngai city are classified by location and divided into 3 types of roads of grade II urban areas; Residential land and non-agricultural production and business land in 08 wards of Duc Pho town are sorted by location and divided into 3 types of roads of grade IV urban areas; Residential land and non-agricultural production and business land in towns of the remaining districts are classified by location and divided into 3 types of roads of grade V urban areas.

a) Road classification: Roads are classified into 3 types of roads (classes 1, 2, 3) by profitability, infrastructure conditions, production, business and services, and distance to the center of ward and town.

b) Land classification: Land locations in each type of road are classified into locations with ordinal numbers from 1 onwards by profitability, distance to frontage of traffic roads and favorable infrastructure conditions for living, doing business and providing services. According to the principle, location 1 has the highest profitability, the most favorable infrastructure conditions and closest to the main traffic road and the commercial and service area...; Subsequent locations in order 2 onwards have less favorable profitability and infrastructure conditions than the previous location.

(3) Non-agricultural land in rural areas (including communes of Quang Ngai city and Duc Pho town)

Rural residential land and non-agricultural production and business land in the rural areas are classified according to the location of each type of land in each region and divided into two types of communes according to administrative boundaries: plains and mountains.

a) Zoning: Divided into 3 areas, as follows:

- Area 1: Frontal land adjacent to traffic hubs, main roads located in the center of communes or commune clusters (near the Commune People's Committee, schools, markets, medical stations), near commercial areas and services, tourist areas, industrial parks; or not located in the center of the commune but near the traffic hub or near the rural market.

- Area 2: Frontal land along inter-village roads, adjacent to the commune center or commune cluster, commercial area, tourist area or not located in the commune center but near the intersection. through or near: market, commune People's Committee, school, medical station.

- Area 3: The remaining locations in the district and city.

The classification of areas to determine land prices is carried out according to the following principles: area 1 has the highest profitability and the most favorable infrastructural conditions; Subsequent areas in order from 2nd onwards have less profitable and less favorable infrastructure.

b) Location classification: In each area, there are maximum 8 locations.

The principle of determining each land location in each area is determined by the profitability, the distance to the frontage of the traffic roads and the favorable infrastructure conditions for living, doing business and providing services on the principle that location 1 has the highest profitability, the most favorable infrastructure conditions and is closest to the main traffic road; Subsequent locations in order from 2nd onwards have less favorable profitability and infrastructure conditions than the previous location.

Land at location 1 in area 1 has the highest price in area 1, the following locations in order from 2nd onwards correspond to lower prices. Similarly, the land at location 1 in area 2 has the highest price in area 2, the following locations in order from 2nd onwards correspond to lower prices; The land in location 1 in area 3 has the highest price in area 3, the following locations in order from 2nd onwards correspond to lower prices.

(4) The price of residential land in the province is shown in the attached Price List No. 2.

(5) The price of non-agricultural production and business land in the province is listed in the attached Price List No. 3.

What are the regulations on the prices of other non-agricultural land in Quang Ngai province?

Other non-agricultural land prices are specified in Article 6 of the Regulation promulgated together with Decision 11/2020/QD-UBND on the land price list in Quang Ngai province for a period of 5 years (2020-2024):

(1) For land for offices and land for non-business works, it shall base on the price list of adjacent residential land or the price of residential land in the nearest neighborhood (in case there is no adjacent land) to pricing.

(2) For land used for public purposes for business purposes, the price list of adjacent non-agricultural production and business land or the price of non-agricultural production and business land in the vicinity (in case there is no adjacent land) shall be based on to determine the price.

(3) For land with rivers, streams, canals, springs and special-use water surface used for aquaculture purposes, the price of aquaculture land shall be applied; used for non-agricultural purposes or used for non-agricultural purposes in combination with aquaculture, the price of adjacent non-agricultural land or the price of non-agricultural land in the nearest vicinity (in case there is no adjacent land) shall be applied to determine the price.

(4) For land for religious and belief establishments; land for cemeteries and graveyards; Other non-agricultural land shall be based on the price of non-agricultural production and business land other than adjacent commercial or service land or the price of non-agricultural production and business land other than commercial or service land in the nearest neighborhood (in case there is no adjacent land) to determine the price.

Here is some information about the land prices of common types of land in Quang Ngai province.

See the detailed land price list in Quang Ngai province here.


Quang Ngai province
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