What are the regulations on the forms of international cooperation in the field of army medicine in Vietnam applied from August 1, 2023?

What are the regulations on the forms of international cooperation in the field of army medicine in Vietnam applied from August 1, 2023? - Question of Ms. An in Hue.

How many forms of international cooperation are there in the field of army medicine in Vietnam from August 1, 2023 according to the latest regulations?

On June 13, 2023, the Ministry of National Defense of Vietnam issued Circular No. 37/2023/TT-BQP regulating international cooperation in the field of army medicine.

According to that, in Article 5 of Circular No. 37/2023/TT-BQP on the forms of cooperation as follows:

Forms of cooperation
1. Organizing an army medical team to go on a business trip abroad: Visiting and working with military doctors, civil medicine doctors of other countries, international organizations abroad; appoint experts and interns; Short and long term training.
2. Welcoming army medical and civil medical delegations from other countries and international organizations: Visiting and working with Vietnamese military doctors; inviting and receiving experts and interns; Short and long term training.
3. Organizing and participating in international conferences and seminars in Vietnam; Attending international conferences and seminars abroad.
4. Participating in the signing of international cooperation documents in the field of army medicine.
5. Training, observation, joint drills.
6. Exchange, twinning with army medical units, military hospitals, civil medicine countries, international organizations.
7. Giving and receiving medals, medals, commemorative medals and rewards in kind.
8. Support and aid; receive medical aid and support.
9. Exchange contents of cooperation with army medicine, civil medicine of other countries and international organizations by phone, email or other forms as prescribed by law.
10. Participating in medical examination and humanitarian treatment with military and civil medicine doctors of foreign countries; invite military and civilian medical doctors from other countries to participate in humanitarian medical examination and treatment in Vietnam.
11. Organizing training, training, and sending Vietnamese military medics to participate in UN peacekeeping operations.
12. Organizing medical examination and treatment in Vietnam for foreigners according to signed cooperation agreements.
13. Deployment of medical clinics in combination with military and civil medicine.
14. Cooperation, research, manufacture and application of products in the field of army medicine.
15. Technology transfer, clinical trial.
16. Other forms of cooperation in the field of army medicine as prescribed by law.

Thus, according to regulations, there are a total of 16 forms of international cooperation in the field of army medicine according to the above-cited content.What are the regulations on the forms of international cooperation in the field of army medicine in Vietnam applied from August 1, 2023?

What are the regulations on the forms of international cooperation in the field of army medicine in Vietnam applied from August 1, 2023? (Image from the Internet)

What are the principles of international cooperation in the field of army medicine in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 3 of Circular No. 37/2023/TT-BQP as follows:

Principles of international cooperation in the field of army medicine
1. Comply with the guidelines and lines of the Party, policies and laws of the State, regulations of the Ministry of National Defense of Vietnam on international integration and defense diplomacy, in accordance with international treaties signed by the Republic Socialist Vietnam is a member.
2. Strictly follow the order and procedures for conducting foreign affairs.
3. International cooperation in the spirit of international friendship and solidarity, ensuring state secrets and military secrets.

Thus, according to the above content, international cooperation activities in the field of army medicine shall comply with the following principles:

- Comply with the guidelines and lines of the Communist Party, policies and laws of the State, regulations of the Ministry of National Defense of Vietnam, and international treaties;

- Follow the correct order and procedures;

- Cooperate in the spirit of friendship and solidarity, ensuring state and military secrets.

What is the responsibility of the Army Medical Department in international cooperation in the field of army medicine?

Pursuant to Article 7 of Circular No. 37/2023/TT-BQP, the responsibilities of the Army Medical Department of Vietnam are prescribed as follows:

Responsibilities of the Army Medical Department of Vietnam
1. To assume the prime responsibility for advising and assisting competent authorities in managing contents of international cooperation in the field of army medicine.
2. To assume the prime responsibility for advising and proposing competent authorities to elaborate legal documents, international treaties and international agreements in the field of army medicine.
3. To assume the prime responsibility for, or coordinate with relevant agencies and units in, advising on the establishment of overseas business delegations according to the contents and forms of cooperation specified in this Circular, and report to competent authorities for consideration and decision.
4. To assume the prime responsibility for or coordinate with relevant agencies and units in proposing contents of working with military and civil medicine doctors of other countries.
5. To assume the prime responsibility for or coordinate with relevant agencies and units in proposing and reporting to competent authorities on the invitation of military and civil medicine delegations from other countries to visit and work in Vietnam; organize events, seminars, conferences, trainings, drills in Vietnam.
6. To assume the prime responsibility for or coordinate with relevant agencies and units in formulating international cooperation projects and schemes on research, manufacture and application of products in the field of army medicine.
7. To carry out other international cooperation activities in the field of army medicine according to its competence.

Thus, in international cooperation activities in the field of army medicine, the Army Medical Department of Vietnam has 07 main responsibilities mentioned above.

Circular No. 37/2023/TT-BQP takes effect from August 1, 2023.


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