What are the regulation on expenses for domestic business trips of the trade union agency in Vietnam?

Hello Lawnet, What are the regulation on expenses for domestic business trips of the trade union agency for cadres, civil servants, officials and employees travelling business trips?

What are the rgulation on allowance for plane ticket in the business trip expenses of trade union agency in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Point 5.1, Clause 5, Article 6 of Decision 4291/QD-TLD in 2022 on plane ticket allowance in business trip expenses of trade union agencies as follows:

"Article 6. Expense for administrative management


5. The business trip expenses

Agencies and service delivery units of the trade union shall implement the regime of working-trip allowances when going on domestic business trips and the mode of conference expenses according to the Circular No. 40/2017/TT-BTC dated April 28, 2017 of the Ministry of Finance. main. The General Confederation shall supplement and guide the implementation of some of the following contents:

5.1. Pay the plane ticket

- The trade union agencies have contracted administrative expenses according to the regulations of the State and the guidance of the General Confederation of Vietnam (including working-trip allowances), the head of the estimating unit assigns the business trip allowance to departments and divisions. Head clerk, heads of departments, based on the ability of the allocated funds and the nature of the business trip to arrange staff to go on business trips, approve the payment of plant ticket.

- Trade union agencies that have not contracted administrative expenses or have contracted administrative expenses but have not contracted work-trip expenses, the payment of airfares when going on a domestic business trip shall be made as follows:

+ Titles with a position allowance coefficient of 0.7 or more will be paid for airfares when going on a domestic business trip.

+ In case the unit needs to send a person other than the above to go on a business trip to deal with unexpected work, the head of the estimating unit shall consider and decide on the payment of airfare.

- Criteria for buying plant tickets when traveling on domestic and foreign business trips: Business class seats for Presidents, Vice Presidents of the General Confederation and leadership titles with a position allowance coefficient of 1.3 or higher; general broarding for the remaining objects."

What are the rgulation on allowance for vehicle self-sufficiency in the business trip expenses of trade union agency in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Point 5.2, Clause 5, Article 6 of Decision 4291/QD-TLD in 2022 on vehicle self-sufficiency allowance in business trips expenses of trade union agencies as follows:

"Article 6. Expense for administrative management


5. The business trip expenses

Agencies and service delivery units of the trade union shall implement the regime of working-trip allowances when going on domestic business trips and the mode of conference expenses according to the Circular No. 40/2017/TT-BTC dated April 28, 2017 of the Ministry of Finance. main. The General Confederation shall supplement and guide the implementation of some of the following contents:


5.2. Expenses of vehicle self-sufficiency

a) For cadres and civil servants with a position allowance coefficient of 0.7 or higher, who are eligible to arrange a car to take them on business trips, they voluntarily register for the implementation of a contract of funding for the use of cars when traveling on business trips : The flat payment rate for using a car when going on a business trip shall comply with the provisions of Circular No. 24/2019/TT-BTC dated April 22, 2019 of the Ministry of Finance guiding some content of Decree No. 04/2019/ND-CP dated January 11, 2019 of the Government stipulating standards and norms for using cars.

b) For cadres, civil servants and public employees in trade union agencies that do not have standards, they are allowed to arrange a car when they go on business trips, but if they go on a business trip from 10 km or more away from the office of the agency (for for communes in difficult socio-economic areas, especially difficult according to the Prime Minister's Decisions) and from 15 km or more (for the remaining communes) that are self-sufficient by their own means. If you are on a business trip, you are entitled to a lump sum payment of 0.2 liters of petrol/km based on the administrative boundary distance and petrol prices at the time of business trips and are specified in the regulations on financial management and trade union assets of the unit."

What are the rgulation on allowance for accommodation in the business trip expenses of trade union agency in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Point 5.3 Clause 5 Article 6 of Decision 4291/QD-TLD in 2022 on allowance for accommodation in the business trip expenses of trade union agency as follows:

"Article 6. Expense for administrative management


5. The business trip expenses

Agencies and service delivery units of the trade union shall implement the regime of working-trip allowances when going on domestic business trips and the mode of conference expenses according to the Circular No. 40/2017/TT-BTC dated April 28, 2017 of the Ministry of Finance. main. The General Confederation shall supplement and guide the implementation of some of the following contents:


5.3. Accommodation allowance

a) Accommodation allowance is an additional support for a person going on a business trip in addition to the salary paid by the agency or unit sending the person on a business trip, calculated from the date of starting the business trip to the end of the trip and return to the office or unit (including the time on the road, the time of stay at the place of work).

Accommodation allowance to pay for business travelers: 200,000 VND/day.

In case of going on a business trip during the day (going and returning during the day), the head of the agency or unit shall decide the level of accommodation allowance according to the following criteria: Based on the actual number of hours of business travel in the day, according to the time required to working outside office hours (including travel time), business travel distances and specified in the regulations on financial management and trade union assets of agencies and units.

b) Cadres, civil servants, public employees and laborers in trade union agencies in the mainland who are sent to work on missions at sea or islands are entitled to the accommodation allowance: 250,000 VND/person/day actual going to sea and islands (applicable to working days at sea, islands, days of going and returning at sea, islands). In case a number of specific industries have been regulated by the competent authority on the allowances regime when going on a business trip to the sea or islands, the highest prescribed regime (Accommodation allowance or fostering) may be selected to pay for the person travelling to business trip."

What are the rgulation on allocating expenses for monthly per diem payment in the business trip expenses of trade union agency in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Point 5.4, Clause 5, Article 6 of Decision 4291/QD-TLD in 2022 on on allowance for monthly per diem payment in the business trip expenses of trade union agency as follows:

"Article 6. Expense for administrative management


5. The business trip expenses

Agencies and service delivery units of the trade union shall implement the regime of working-trip allowances when going on domestic business trips and the mode of conference expenses according to the Circular No. 40/2017/TT-BTC dated April 28, 2017 of the Ministry of Finance. main. The General Confederation shall supplement and guide the implementation of some of the following contents:


5.4. Expenses for monthly per diem payment

- For cadres and civil servants, public employees in trade union agencies must regularly travel on business trips more than 10 days/month (such as: Letters; transaction accountants, cashiers, officials who often have to travel on other trips); then, depending on the subject, working characteristics and funding ability, the head of the agency or unit shall stipulate the monthly per diem allowance for the mobile business traveler to support the car and fuel deposit with 500,000 VND/person/month and must be regulated by regulations on financial management and trade union assets of the unit.

- Subjects entitled to monthly allowance, if they are sent by competent authorities to perform tasks according to specific missions, shall be paid the regime of per diem according to regulations; at the same time, they will still be entitled to a monthly per diem if they go on a mobile business trip for more than 10 days/month."

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