What are the regulation on allocating expenses for union members and grassroots trade unions propaganda and development operations of the trade union agency in Vietnam?

I would like to learn on what are the regulation on allocating expenses for union members and grassroots trade unions propaganda and development operations of the trade union agency in Vietnam?

Whay are the regulation on allocating expenses for propaganda activities?

According to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 5 of Decision 4291/QD-TLD in 2022 on expenses for propaganda activities as follows:

"Article 5. Expenses for propaganda for union members and employees

1. Propaganda

- Expenses for organizing talks on news and policies; organizing conferences to disseminate and guide political, ideological and legal education for union members and employees; organizing exhibitions, composing literature, poetry and paintings on the topic of workers and workers; propaganda, propaganda, billboards, posters, spending on club activities, buying books, newspapers, trade union magazines, propaganda on mass media: radio, newspapers, magazines, television.

- Expenses for press conferences, conferences, seminars, contests on propaganda activities.

- Expenses for purchasing books, newspapers, magazines and publications of trade union organizations such as: Labor Newspaper, Labor and Trade Union Magazine, Labor Protection Magazine and books and publications of Labor Publishing House, newspapers network ... for propaganda and education.

- Expenses for papers, pens for propaganda activities on bulletin boards, radio, wall newspapers, information and communication networks.

- Expenses for fostering press conferences and meetings with press reporters, with a maximum spending of 500,000 VND/person/call. In case of spending at a higher rate than decided by the head of the cost estimation unit."

What are the regulation on allocating expenses for union members and grassroots unions development activities in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 5 of Decision 4291/QD-TLD in 2022 on expenses for union members and grassroots unions development activities as follows:

"Article 5. Expenses for propaganda for union members and employees


2. Developing union members, establishing grassroots trade unions, building strong grassroots trade unions

2.1. Spending content, spending norms

2.1.1. Expenses for full-time trade union officials, collaborators and volunteers directly performing the task of developing union members and establishing grassroots trade unions, including:

a) Expenses for full-time trade union officials who directly perform the task of developing union members and establishing grassroots trade unions.

- Expenses for overtime training for full-time trade union officials who directly perform the task of developing union members and establishing grassroots trade unions (apply Article 55 of Decree 145/2020/ND-CP dated December 14th) 2020 of the Government).

- Expenses for full-time trade union official who directly performs the task of developing union members and establishing a grassroots trade union if the task duration is 2 days or more, the accommodation allowance shall be paid at the rate of 200,000 VND/person/day. Circular 40/2017/TT-BTC). In case of going home during the day, spend 100,000 VND/person/day.

- Expenses for supporting fuel and vehicles for people directly engaged in propaganda and mobilization to develop union members and establish grassroots trade unions if they go on a business trip with a distance of 10 km or more, for commune level administrative units (hereinafter referred to as commune) is located in an area of ​​socio-economic difficulties, especially difficult according to the Decisions of the Prime Minister and from 15 km or more for the remaining communes that are self-sufficient by means of transportation. If they own personal vehicles, they are entitled to a lump sum payment of 0.2 liters of petrol/km based on the administrative boundary distance and gas price at the time of business trip (apply Point b, Clause 2, Article 5 of Circular No.40/2017/TT-BTC).

b) Expenses for remuneration and fostering collaborators and volunteers directly performing the task of developing union members and establishing grassroots trade unions.

- The trade union level shall carry out the work of developing union members, establishing the grassroots trade union according to the plan and estimate approved by the superior trade union based on the actual situation at the unit inviting collaborators and volunteers. staff to carry out the above content to ensure the assigned target in the condition of unsecured personnel. Collaborators and volunteers must be knowledgeable about trade union activities, have skills suitable to the requirements of their tasks, have political courage, a sense of law observance and commitment to performing assigned tasks.

- Units performing the work of developing union members and establishing grassroots trade unions can assign tasks to individuals or groups of collaborators and volunteers based on specific results and targets of developing union members. , established the grassroots trade union. The payment of remuneration and training for collaborators and volunteers must be based on the achieved results. Collaborators and volunteers must commit themselves to be responsible for personal property and ensure traffic safety during the performance of assigned tasks.

- The payment of remuneration and fostering of collaborators and volunteers can only be made in the non-state sector and the maximum limit is as follows:

+ In units that already have a trade union, the maximum expenditure for developing more union members is: 20,000 VND/member.

+ In units that do not have a trade union, only the contents of the establishment of grassroots trade unions are paid (no support for the development of union members for the number of trade union members at the time of establishment):

* Establishment units with less than 50 union members spend a maximum of 2,000,000 VND/unit;

* Established units with from 50 to less than 100 members spend a maximum of 3,000,000 VND/unit;

* Established units with from 100 members to less than 500 union members spend a maximum of 5,000,000 VND/unit;

* Established units with more than 500 union members spend a maximum of VND 10,000,000/unit;

c) Other expenses incurred by trade union officials, collaborators and volunteers when performing the task of mobilizing and developing union members or establishing grassroots trade unions, the unit shall pay according to internal spending regulations. unit set.

2.1.2. Expenses for campaigning for the development of union members and establishment of grassroots trade unions include:

a) Expenses for propaganda activities, including: Propaganda materials, rental of equipment to support propaganda and mobilization (sound, lights, etc.) payment according to actual arising;

b) Expenses for fostering the reporter with the maximum expenditure of 500,000 VND/person/session;

c) Expenses for drinking water for employees with a maximum cost of 20,000 VND/person/person.

2.1.3. Expenses for supporting the congress to establish grassroots trade unions, initial support expenses for newly established grassroots trade unions:

a) Expenses for the congress, the ceremony to announce the decision to establish and launch the newly established grassroots trade union, including: Opening ceremony; stationery... spending according to actual and internal spending regulations of the unit;

In addition to the above-mentioned contents, other expenditures shall be made only when there is funding for socialization or support from enterprises or units.

b) Expenses for supporting for newly established grassroots trade unions include:

- Expenses for updating member information and issuing membership cards up to 50,000 VND/member.

- Expenses for making the local trade union's seal shall be paid according to the actual arising.

- Expenses for training and fostering newly established grassroots trade union officials according to the conference regime.

The payment regimes comply with regulations of the State, the General Confederation and Regulations on standards and norms of spending regimes in trade union agencies.

2.1.4. Expenses for rewarding and rewarding the development of union members and establishment of grassroots trade unions include:

- Periodic and irregular rewards and rewards for individuals and organizations with outstanding achievements in the development of union members and establishment of grassroots trade unions;

- Expenses for rewards for exceeding the plan on development of union members and establishment of grassroots trade unions assigned by the organizing unit;

- Assigned the task of implementing the form of reward and the level of reward applied by the unit and not higher than the regulations on reward decided by the General Confederation."

What are the regulation on expenses estimation and settlement for union members and grassroots trade unions development?

According to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 5 of Decision 4291/QD-TLD in 2022 on the expenses for propaganda activities as follows:

"Article 5. Expenses for propaganda for union members and employees


2. Developing union members, establishing grassroots trade unions, building strong grassroots trade unions


2.3. Estimation, settlement

On the basis of the regulations of the State and the General Confederation, the units develop and promulgate the Regulations on internal expenditures detailing the contents of activities of developing union members, establishing the grassroots trade union to ensure safely funding source of the unit. Every year, the units must make and submit to the superior trade union for approval detailed plans and estimates for the work of developing union members and establishing grassroots trade unions.

The payment and settlement ensure publicity, transparency and compliance with the regulations of the State and the General Confederation."

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