What are the professional standards of Vietnamese preschool teachers under Circular 26/2018/TT-BGDDT? What is the implementation guidance by Official Dispatch 5569?

“Under Circular 26/2018/TT-BGDDT, how many criteria do professional standards of Vietnamese preschool teachers include?” - asked Mr. A.L (Binh Duong)

Under Circular 26/2018/TT-BGDDT, how many criteria do professional standards of Vietnamese preschool teachers include?

Under Chapter II Circular 26/2018/TT-BGDDT on professional standards, Vietnamese preschool teachers must meet 5 standards corresponding to 15 criteria as follows:

Standard 1. Quality

Comply with regulations and practice teacher’s ethics; share experience, support colleagues in practice of ethics and making of virtues

Criterion 1: Teacher ethics

- Qualified: The teacher complies with regulations on ethics

- Good: The teacher has the spirit of self-study, and self-training and attempts to improve moral qualities;

- Excellent: The teacher is a role model in terms of ethics, shares experience, supports colleagues in the practice of ethics

Criterion 2: Working style

- Qualified: The teacher has a manner and method of working in conformity with the works of preschool teachers;

- Good: The teacher has an awareness of self-training to create exemplary virtue, is respect and closeness to children and their parents;

- Excellent: The teacher is a role model in terms of a scientific working style, respect, and closeness to children and their parents; has great influence and supports colleagues in making virtues.

Standard 2. Development of professional skills

Master preschool pedagogical skills; regularly update and improve professional and professional pedagogical capacity to meet the requirements of educational renewal, organize activities of nurturing, caring for, and educating children for comprehensive development under the Preschool Education Program.

Criterion 3: Development of professional skills of teacher

- Good: The teacher implements study and retraining plans suitable to their own conditions; updates professional knowledge, requests to innovate methods and forms of organization of child care and education to improve the quality of child care and education;

- Excellent: The teacher shares experiences, guides and supports colleagues in the development of professional skills.

Criterion 4: Development of the plans for nurturing, care and education toward the comprehensive development of children

- Qualified: The teacher develops plans for child care and education according to the Preschool Education Program, suitable to the development needs of children in groups and classes;

- Good: The teacher proactively and flexibly adjusts care and education plans towards the comprehensive development of children under practical conditions of schools, classes, and local cultures;

- Excellent: The teacher participates in the development of school education programs; and supports colleagues in developing care and education plans for the comprehensive development of children, under practical conditions of schools, classes, and local cultures.

Criterion 5: Nurturing and healthcare for children

- Qualified: The teacher implements the plan to nurture and care for children in groups and classes; ensures living regimes, nutrition, hygiene, safety, and disease prevention for children according to the Preschool Education Program;

- Good: The teacher proactively and flexibly innovates nurturing and health care activities, meeting different developmental needs of children and practical conditions of schools and classes;

- Excellent: The teacher shares experiences and supports colleagues in carrying out nurturing and caring activities to improve the physical and mental health status of children.

Criterion 6: Education for comprehensive development of children

- Qualified: The teacher implements the education plan in groups and classes, ensuring support for children's comprehensive development according to the Preschool Education Program;

- Good: The teacher actively innovates children's education methods, flexibly implements educational activities, and adjusts accordingly, meeting different needs and abilities of children and practical conditions of schools and classes;

- Excellent: The teacher guides and supports colleagues to implement, adjust, and innovate educational activities to improve the quality of comprehensive child development.

Criterion 7. Observation and evaluation of children's development

- Qualified: The teacher can use child observation and assessment methods to adjust child care and education activities promptly;

- Good: The teacher proactively and flexibly applies assessment methods, forms, and tools to objectively assess children's development, thereby adjusting appropriate care and education plans;

- Excellent: The teacher shares and supports colleagues about experiences in applying methods of observing and assessing children's development; participates in external assessment activities at preschool institutions.

Criterion 8: Group and class management

- Qualified: The teacher complies with the requirements of child management, facilities management, and management of records of groups and classes as prescribed;

- Good: The teacher gives initiatives in group and class management activities suitable to the practical conditions of the school or class;

- Excellent: The teacher shares good experiences and supports colleagues in group and class management under regulations and practical conditions.

Standard 3. Development of educational environment

Develop a safe, healthy, and friendly educational environment; exercise democratic rights in schools.

Criterion 9: Development of a safe, healthy, and friendly educational environment

- Qualified: The teacher strictly complies with regulations on a safe and healthy educational environment without violence against children; implements rules and codes of conduct in schools;

- Good: The teacher proactively detects, promptly reflects, proposes, and implements measures to prevent risks to children, prevent and combat school violence, and correct violations of rules and codes of conduct in schools;

- Excellent: The teacher shares and supports colleagues in organizing the development of a material environment and cultural and social environment to ensure safety, health, and friendliness for children.

Criterion 10: Exercise of democratic rights in schools

- Qualified: The teacher implements regulations on children's rights; provisions on the democratic rights of themselves, their colleagues, and their parents or guardians by democratic regulations in schools;

- Good: The teacher proposes measures to protect children's rights; promotes the democratic rights of themselves, their parents or guardians of children and colleagues in schools; detects, prevents, and proposes measures to promptly handle cases of violations of democratic regulations in schools (if any);

- Excellent: The teacher guides, supports, and coordinates with colleagues in implementing regulations on children's rights; promotes the democratic rights of themselves, their colleagues, and their parents or guardians under democratic regulations in schools.

Standard 4. Development of family-school-community partnerships

Participate in organizing and developing cooperative relationships with parents or guardians of children and the community to improve the quality of child nurturing, care, and education and protect children's rights.

Criterion 11: Coordination with parents or guardians of children and the community to improve the quality of nurturing, care, and education of children

- Qualified: The teacher develops close, respectful, and cooperative relationships with parents or guardians of children and the community in nurturing, caring for, and educating children;

- Good: The teacher coordinates promptly with parents or guardians of children and the community to improve the quality of nurturing, health care and education activities for children's comprehensive development;

- Excellent: The teacher shares and supports knowledge and skills in nurturing, caring for, and educating children for parents or guardians of children and the community. Propose solutions to strengthen coordination between schools, families, and communities.

Criterion 12: Coordination with parents or guardians of children and communities to protect children's rights

- Qualified: The teacher develops close, respectful and cooperative relationships with parents or guardians of children and the community in implementing regulations on children's rights;

- Good: The teacher proactively coordinates with parents or guardians of children and the community to protect children's rights;

- Excellent: The teacher shares and supports knowledge and skills to implement regulations on children's rights for parents or guardians of children and the community; proposes solutions to strengthen coordination with parents or guardians of children and communities to protect children's rights; promptly handles information from parents or guardians of children related to children's rights.

Standard 5. Use of foreign languages (or ethnic minority languages), application of information technology, demonstration of artistic abilities in child nurturing, care, and education activities

Use foreign languages (preferably English) or ethnic minority languages for ethnic minority areas, apply information technology, and demonstrate artistic abilities in child nurturing, care, and education activities.

Criterion 13: Use of foreign languages (preferably English) or children's ethnic minority languages

- Qualified: The teacher can use simple words and sentences in communicating in a foreign language (preferably English); or communicate casually in ethnic minority languages;

- Good: The teacher exchanges simple information in a foreign language (preferably English) with contents related to child nurturing, care and education activities; or communicates fluently in ethnic minority languages;

- Excellent: The teacher writes and presents simple paragraphs on familiar topics in a foreign language (preferably English) in professional activities on child nurturing, care and education; or proficiency in ethnic minority languages.

Criterion 14: Application of information technology

- Qualified: The teacher Can use basic application software in child care and education and group and class management;

- Good: The teacher can develop some electronic lectures; and use simple technological equipment for child care and education activities;

- Excellent: The teacher shares and supports colleagues to improve their capacity to apply information technology in child care and education activities and group and class management.

Criterion 15: Demonstration of artistic ability in nurturing, care and education of children

- Qualified: The teacher demonstrates the capabilities in shaping, music, dance, simple literature, and art in care and education of children in groups and classes;

- Good: The teacher creatively applies plastic arts, music, dance, simple literature and arts to care and education activities suitable for children in preschools; organizes festivals, ceremonies and art activities for children in preschools;

- Excellent: The teacher develops an educational environment for children rich in art in groups, classes and preschools; shares and supports colleagues to demonstrate their artistic abilities in nurturing, caring for, and educating children and developing an artistic children's education environment in groups, classes, and preschools.

Thus, the professional standards of Vietnamese preschool teachers include 15 criteria.

What are the requirements for assessing Vietnamese preschool teachers under professional standards?

Under Article 9 of Circular 26/2018/TT-BGDDT, the assessment of Vietnamese preschool teachers under professional standards must meet the following requirements:

- Be objective, comprehensive, fair, and democratic.

- Be on the basis of the quality, capacity, and working process of teachers in specific conditions of preschool and local education institutions.

- Be on the basis of the level of qualification for each of the above eligible criteria and have authentic and appropriate evidence.

What is the evidence used for assessment of Vietnamese preschool teachers under professional standards?

Under Clause 7 Article 3 of Circular 26/2018/TT-BGDDT, the evidence includes documents, things, phenomena, and witnesses cited to objectively confirm the level of achievement in each criterion.

In Appendix I of Official Dispatch 5569/BGDDT-NGCBQLGD in 2018 on elaboration of Circular 26/2018/TT-BGDDT, the evidence used for assessment of Vietnamese preschool teachers under professional standards is specified as follows:

Download the evidence used for assessment of Vietnamese preschool teachers under professional standards: here

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