What are the procedures for reporting on public employee dossier management in public service providers in Vietnam?

May I ask: What are the procedures for reporting on public employee dossier management in public service providers in Vietnam? Question of Thuc from Dong Nai.

Procedures for reporting on public employee dossier management in public service providers in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 16 of Circular 07/2019/TT-BNV of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

Before June 30 of every year, central government authorities and provincial governments shall submit consolidated reports on public employee dossier management of regulatory bodies, organizations and units under their management to the Ministry of Home Affairs, which will submit a consolidated report to the Government and Prime Minister. Contents of and procedures for reporting on public employee dossier management are as follows:

- On an annual basis or at the request of public employee management authorities, management authorities shall inspect and assess public employee dossier management according to this Circular;

- Reports on public employee dossier quantity and quality and assessment of public employee dossier perusal for the purpose of public employee management shall include:

+ Number of new dossiers (new job applications, including new dossiers formulated due to damage, loss or amendment), dossiers of public employees having been appointed, transferred per consideration or seconded or switched to a new job title and dossiers of public employees having become officials or switched to a new post;

+ Number of dossiers of public employees having retired or terminated the employment contract or deceased;

+ Number of damaged or lost dossiers and applications for amendment to components of original dossiers.

- Reports on facilities and equipment for dossier management shall include:

+ Dossier preservation and retention areas and locations;

+ Area of dossier preservation and retention areas;

+ Dossier preservation equipment;

- Propositions of solutions for improving efficiency of public employee dossier management and modernizing public employee dossier management.

What are the procedures for reporting on public employee dossier management in public service providers in Vietnam?

What are the procedures for reporting on public employee dossier management in public service providers in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

How is refresher training in public employee dossier management in public service providers in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 17 of Circular 07/2019/TT-BNV of Vietnam stipulating refresher training in public employee dossier management in public service providers as follows:

Central government authorities and provincial governments shall proactively organize refresher classes for officials and public employees directly managing public employee dossiers of regulatory bodies, organizations and units under their management according to funding, contents and plans prepared and approved on an annual basis.

What are the rights and responsibilities of persons directly managing public employee dossiers in public service providers in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 20 of Circular 07/2019/TT-BNV of Vietnam, persons directly managing public employee dossiers has the following rights and responsibilities:

- Proactively propose plans and measures for management, use and perusal of public employee dossiers and electronic public employee dossiers (if any).

- Organize supplementation of documents to public employee dossiers in a timely and accurate manner.

- Organize dossier arrangement, preservation and retention.

- Provide data and documents in a timely and accurate manner.

- Review, detect and report unclear or conflicting issues in public employee dossiers and issues arising during public employee dossier management to heads of management authorities for consideration and resolution.

- Collect sufficient components of public employee dossiers under management of their regulatory bodies, organizations and units and expedite such collection.

- Support public employee dossier perusal and use according to regulations in Clause 3 Article 14 herein.

- Comply with confidentiality rules applicable to public employee dossiers, detect and propose issues arising during public employee dossier management to competent authorities for resolution.

- Regularly participate in refresher training in public employee dossier management.

- Receive commendation for innovative ideas concerning improvement of public employee dossier management that produce good results and are confirmed by competent authorities in compliance with regulations of law on emulation and commendation.

- Penalties imposed upon officials and public employees committing a violation against regulations on public employee dossier management of this Circular and other relevant regulations of law:

+ Violations committed by officials shall be handled according to regulations on penalties applicable to officials depending on the severity of each violation;

+ Violations committed by public employees shall be handled according to regulations on penalties applicable to public employees depending on the severity of each violation.


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