07:35 | 21/06/2023

What are the procedures for and methods of issuance of a certificate of eligibility for motor vehicle inspection in Vietnam?

What are the procedures for and methods of issuance of a certificate of eligibility for motor vehicle inspection in Vietnam? - Question of Ms. An in Hue.

What is included in the application for a certificate of eligibility for motor vehicle inspection in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 8 of Decree No. 139/2018/ND-CP (amended by Clause 8 Article 1 of Decree No. 30/2023/ND-CP), the application for a certificate of eligibility for motor vehicle inspection in Vietnam includes:

- A written request;

- List of personnel working in the registration unit accompanied by:

+ Appointment decision (in case of leaders of staff in charge of inspection divisions or heads of registration units);

+ Certified true copy of employment contract as prescribed, employment hiring or recruitment decision (in case of inspectors, inspection staff) and certified diplomas and certificates of each individual;

- Inspection of whether facilities and inspection line in reality comply with National Technical Regulation;

- Layout of overall ground and buildings with inspection lines and equipment;

- Written approval for the investment policy of the local competent authority (certified copy or authentic copy for comparison).

What are the procedures for issuance of a certificate of eligibility for motor vehicle inspection in Vietnam?

What are the procedures for issuance of a certificate of eligibility for motor vehicle inspection in Vietnam?

What are the procedures for and methods of issuance of a certificate of eligibility for motor vehicle inspection in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 8 of Decree No. 139/2018/ND-CP (amended by Clause 8 Article 1 of Decree No. 30/2023/ND-CP) stipulating the procedures for and methods of issuance of a certificate of eligibility for motor vehicle inspection as follows:

- Step 1: After completing investment and construction according to regulations of law, the registration unit-establishing organization shall make 01 application for the certificate of eligibility and send it to the Department of Transport and the Department of Transport – Construction (herein referred to as “the Department of Transport”).

- Step 2: Within 03 working days after receiving the complete and valid application, the Department of Transport shall notify the registration unit-establishing organization of time of inspection at the premises.

If the application is not complete and valid, the Department of Transport shall notify the registration-unit establishing unit in writing and provide explanation;

- Step 3: Within 05 working days from the date of notification of inspection, the Department of Transport shall undertake an inspection visit.

The inspection result shall be recorded in writting.

In case of satisfaction, within 05 working days, the certificate of eligibility and code of vehicle inspection unit shall be issued;

In case of dissatisfaction, within 05 working days, the Department of Transport shall notify the registration unit-establishing organization in writing for remedy and re-inspection.

Note: The receipt of applications and the provision of processing result shall be carried out in person at the Department of Transport, by post or by online form.

How long does it take to stop performing inspection before the certificate of eligibility for motor vehicle inspection will be revoked?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 11 of Decree No. 139/2018/ND-CP (Clause 5 is annulled by Clause 1, Article 2 of Decree No. 30/2023/ND-CP) as follows:

Revocation of certificates of eligibility
The registration unit shall have its certificate of eligibility revoked in one of following cases:
1. Falsify applications, documents to be eligible for issue of certificates of eligibility.
2. Intentionally erase and falsify contents of the issued certificate of eligibility;
3. Stop performing inspection for more than 12 consecutive months.
4. Be suspended from inspection activities more than two times in 12 consecutive months.
6. The registration unit is dissolved.

Thus, the certificate of eligibility for motor vehicle inspection will be revoked when the motor vehicle inspection is stopped for more than 12 consecutive months. In addition, when falling into one of the following cases, the certificate of eligibility for registration activities will also be revoked:

- Falsify applications, documents to be eligible for issue of certificates of eligibility.

- Intentionally erase and falsify contents of the issued certificate of eligibility;

- Be suspended from inspection activities more than two times in 12 consecutive months.

- The registration unit is dissolved.

Decree No. 30/2023/ND-CP takes effect from June 08, 2023.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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