03:22 | 21/08/2024

What are the procedures and required documents for registration of commercial fishing vessels and ships of fishery authority in Vietnam?

"What are the procedures and required documents for registration of commercial fishing vessels and ships of fishery authority in Vietnam?" - asked Ms. Nhi (Bao Loc)

Which authority has the power to register commercial fishing vessels and ships of fishery authority in Vietnam?

Under Clause 1, Article 21 of Circular 23/2018/TT-BNNPTNT stipulating the power to register commercial fishing vessels and ships of fishery authority in Vietnam:

- The power to register commercial fishing vessels and ships of fishery authority in Vietnam:

+ Provincial-level fishery management agencies issue registration for commercial fishing vessels within their jurisdiction;

+ The Directorate of Fisheries issues registration for ships of fishery authority.

What are the procedures and required documents for registration of commercial fishing vessels and ships of fishery authority in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the required documents for registration of commercial fishing vessels and ships of fishery authority in Vietnam?

Article 21 of Circular 23/2018/TT-BNNPTNT (amended by Clause 9, Article 5 of Circular 01/2022/TT-BNNPTNT) stipulates the registration of commercial fishing vessels and ships of fishery authority:

Registration of commercial fishing vessels and ships of fishery authority


2. Documents for newly built vessels include:

a) A registration form for commercial fishing vessels and ships of fishery authority following Form No. 02.DKT Appendix VII issued with this Circular;

b) The original Certificate of Origin issued by the shipbuilding entity following Form No. 03.DKT Appendix VII issued with this Circular;

c) The original approval document for newly built commercial fishing vessels or an approval document from the competent authority for ships of fishery authority;

d) The original receipt of pre-registration tax payment or the original tax payment declaration form verified by the tax authority;

đ) Color photos (9 x 12 cm, showing the entire vessel from both sides);

e) A photocopy of the Technical Safety Certificate for commercial fishing vessels with a maximum length of 12 meters or more.

3. Documents for modified vessels include:

a) Components of the documents as prescribed in points a, d, đ, e of Clause 2 of this Article;

b) The original Certificate of Modification and Repair following Form No. 04.DKT Appendix VII issued with this Circular;

c) The original old registration certificate;

d) The approval document for the modification of commercial fishing vessels or an approval document from the competent authority for ships of fishery authority.

4. Documents for vessels being purchased or donated include:

a) Components of the documents as prescribed in points a, d, đ, e of Clause 2 of this Article;

b) The original ownership transfer documents in accordance with regulations;

c) The approval document for the purchase of commercial fishing vessels, except for cases where commercial fishing vessels are purchased within the province or city directly under central authority;

d) The original old commercial fishing vessel registration certificate accompanied by the original registration dossier;

dd) The original Deletion of registration certificate.

5. Documents for imported vessels include:

a) Components of the documents as prescribed in points a, d, đ, e of Clause 2 of this Article;

b) Certified photocopy of the document permitting the import of commercial fishing vessels from the competent authority;

c) The original Deletion of registration certificate accompanied by a certified photocopy of the Vietnamese translation for used commercial fishing vessels and ships of fishery authority;

d) Certified photocopy of the customs declaration confirming completion of customs procedures;

dd) Certified photocopy of the receipt for tax payments as prescribed by Vietnamese law.

6. Documents for vessels under bareboat charter include:

a) Components of the documents as prescribed in points a, đ, e of Clause 2 and points c, d, dd of Clause 5 of this Article;

b) The original approval document for bareboat charter issued by the relevant Vietnamese state authority;

c) The original bareboat charter agreement.

Depending on the type of vessel in question, the application for registration will include various types of documents as prescribed above.

What are the procedures for registration of commercial fishing vessels and ships of fishery authority in Vietnam?

Clause 7, Article 21 of Circular 23/2018/TT-BNNPTNT stipulates the procedures for registration of commercial fishing vessels and ships of fishery authority in Vietnam as follows:

Registration of commercial fishing vessels and ships of fishery authority


7. Procedures:

a) Organizations and individuals submit 01 application directly to the competent authority stipulated in Clause 1 of this Article, or via postal service, or via electronic means (national single-window portal, online public service, electronic software, email, fax) if available;

b) In cases of direct submission: The competent authority stipulated in Clause 1 of this Article will check the document components and provide immediate feedback when the organization or individual submits the documents;

c) In cases of submission via postal service or electronic means: Within a maximum of 02 working days, the competent authority stipulated in Clause 1 of this Article will review the completeness of the documents. If the documents are incomplete as prescribed, the competent authority stipulated in Clause 1 of this Article will notify the organization or individual to supplement the documents;

d) Within 03 working days from the date of receipt of complete documents as prescribed, the competent authority stipulated in Clause 1 of this Article has the responsibility to process the registration, record in the Commercial Fishing Vessel Register, and issue the commercial fishing vessel registration certificate and the ship of fishery authority registration certificate following Form No. 05.DKT Appendix VII issued with this Circular, and issue the commercial fishing vessel Crew List following Form No. 06.DKT Appendix VII issued with this Circular. If the commercial fishing vessel registration certificate or the ship of fishery authority registration certificate is not issued, the competent authority must provide a written response specifying the reason;

dd) The competent authority stipulated in Clause 1 of this Article will provide results directly at the place of document receipt or send via postal service.


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