What are the newly updated and selected sample proposals on solutions for the development of the Capital associated with implementing one of the criteria of Constitution - Civilization - Modernity?

“What are the newly updated and selected sample proposals on solutions for the development of the Capital associated with implementing one of the criteria of Constitution - Civilization - Modernity?” - asked Ms. N.L.T (Dong Nai)

What are the newly updated and selected sample proposals on solutions for the development of the Capital associated with implementing one of the criteria of Constitution - Civilization - Modernity?

The below contents of the newly updated and selected sample proposals on solutions for the development of the Capital associated with implementing one of the criteria of Constitution - Civilization - Modernity:

Sample No. 01: Development of a "Civilized" Capital

Developing a "Civilized" Capital: A Joint Effort of Each Individual

To turn Hanoi into a "Civilized" Capital requires the cooperation of each individual, each family, and each organization.

Raising civilized consciousness and behavior is an important foundation. It is necessary to promote propaganda, and education and raise awareness of the importance of building urban civilization. At the same time, tightens management and handles violations of urban order, environmental sanitation, and behavioral culture.

Green - clean - beautiful urban development is an essential goal. It is necessary to expand the green area, protect water sources, and minimize environmental pollution. At the same time, improving the quality of cultural, sports, and tourism services, contributes to improving the spiritual life of people.

Improving the quality of human resources is a key factor. It is necessary to invest in the development of education and training of high-quality human resources to meet the needs of socio-economic development.

The application of science and technology is an effective solution. Using information technology in urban management, and environmental protection, contributes to developing a civilized and modern Capital.

"Civilized" Hanoi is not only a spacious and clean urban appearance but also a culture of polite behavior and a sense of community responsibility for each citizen. Let's join hands to build an increasingly civilized and modern Capital, worthy of its position as the center of the whole country.

Sample No. 02: Development of the "Constitutional" Capital

Hanoi - “Constitutional" Capital: A place to preserve identity, reach out to modernity

Constitution - a noble quality, is the soul of the Hanoi Capital for thousands of years of civilization. This place not only preserves the values of cultural heritage and long-standing history but also is a fire that inspires modern development.

Preserving its constitutional identity, Hanoi respectfully protects tangible and intangible heritages, from historical relics, traditional festivals, and folk songs. Traditional education for the younger generation, arousing pride in national roots.

Towards modernity, Hanoi is constantly innovating and developing. This place applies science and technology and heritage preservation, builds cultural infrastructure, improves the quality of education, and trains human resources.

“Constitution” Hanoi is a harmonious combination of tradition and modernity. This place is not only an attractive tourist destination but also a shining example of preserving national cultural identity, contributing to developing a stronger and more civilized country.

Each Hanoi citizen should join hands to preserve and promote the fine cultural tradition of the Capital, developing Hanoi more and more civilized and modern, worthy of its position as the center of the whole country.

Sample No. 03: Development of a "Modern" Capital

"Modern" Capital is not only an abstract concept but also a common goal and aspiration of our Party and people. To realize this goal, it is necessary to join the hands of the whole society, from leaders to each citizen.

Infrastructure: The capital needs to be invested in synchronous development in transport, energy, telecommunications, environment ... The transport system must be modernized, ventilated, and effectively connected with neighboring areas and regions. Energy must be used efficiently in which priority must be given to use renewable energy. Telecommunications need widespread, high-speed coverage to meet the information connectivity needs of people and businesses. The environment needs to be protected, and improve air and water quality.

Economy: The capital needs to develop the knowledge economy, and apply science and technology to production, business, and life; support the development of high-value-added industries, and attract domestic and foreign investment; create a favorable business environment for businesses to develop; improve the quality of human resources, and train methodically to meet the needs of economic development.

Socio-cultural: The capital needs to promote traditional cultural identity and absorb the quintessence of human culture; develop a civilized and modern living environment; improve the quality of education, health care, and health care for people; ensure security social order, and safety.

About people: People are the leading decisive factor in developing a modern Capital. Every citizen needs a sense of responsibility, and improve their education, life skills, moral training, and civilized lifestyle. Join hands to build an increasingly civilized and modern Capital, worthy of its position as the political, cultural, and economic center of the whole country.

Development of modern Capital is a long-term process, requiring the efforts of the whole society. With the determination and joint efforts of our Party and people, Hanoi capital will definitely become a modern and civilized city, comparable to developed capitals in the world.

What are the contents of the contest to learn about the theme of the 70th anniversary of Capital Liberation Day in 2024?

The multiple-choice contest to learn about the theme of the 70th anniversary of Capital Liberation Day in 2024 (October 10, 1954 - October 10, 2024) has the following main contents:

- Learn about the importance and historical significance of the Capital Liberation Day, the glorious tradition of revolutionary struggle, and the great contributions of the Party, the armed forces, and the people of Hanoi in the cause of national liberation, development, and defense of the Fatherland.

- Learn about the millennial tradition of Thang Long - Hanoi, the achievements of the Capital during 70 years of construction and development; and after nearly 40 years of implementing the cause of innovation in various fields.

- Learn about the basic and core contents of the Resolution of the XVII National Congress of the CPV Committee of Hanoi, Resolution 15-NQ/TW 2022 of the Politburo on orientations and tasks for the development of Hanoi Capital to 2030, vision to 2045 (such as viewpoints, objectives, tasks, implementation solutions, basic targets; the performance of the City in the past time...).

- Contribute ideas, give solutions, detect and replicate good and effective ways of protecting and developing the Capital.

What is the time for taking the Contest to learn about the theme of the 70th anniversary of Capital Liberation Day in 2024?

In the rules of the Contest to learn about the theme of the 70th anniversary of Capital Liberation Day in 2024, the time and format of the Contest to learn about the theme of the 70th anniversary of Capital Liberation Day in 2024 are specified as follows:

Organization schedule

From March 20, 2024 to April 5, 2024

- Promulgate the Contest Plan; establish the Contest Organizing Committee;

- Develop and design the Contest software;

- Develop a multiple-choice question bank for the Preliminary Round, develop plans and question systems for parts of the Final Round.

From April 5, 2024 to April 15, 2024

- Organize propaganda about the Contest on the mass media and the system of grassroots-level units;

- Put the set of questions on the software, and test the Contest software.

From April 15, 2024 to August 31, 2024

* Launch the Contest: April 22, 2024

* Organize the Rounds:

- Preliminary round: taking place in 12 weeks from May 1, 2024, to July 31, 2024 on the online exam platform www.tuyengiaothudo.com.vn:

+ Phase 1: Theme "Tiến về Hà Nội (From the establishment date of the CPV Committee of Hanoi to the liberation day of the Capital): Starting from 8h00 A.M. on May 1, 2024 to 11h00 P.M. on May 31, 2024

+ Phase 2: Theme "Hà Nội - Thủ đô ta đó" (After the liberation day of the Capital until now): Starting from 8h00 A.M. on June 1, 2024 to 11h00 P.M. on June 30, 2024

+ Phase 3: Theme "Thênh thang đường mới" (Associated with the implementation of Resolution 15 of the Politburo and other relevant directives and resolutions): Starting from 8h00 A.M. on July 1, 2024 to 11h00 P.M. on July 31, 2024.

- Final round: 16 candidates with excellent results in the preliminary round shall participate in the final round to be held in August 2024 in the form of "theatricalization" as scheduled.

- Summary and awarding of the contest shall be held immediately after the end of the final round.

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