09:08 | 05/01/2023

What are the new regulations on organization of scientific and technological activities in higher education institutions in Vietnam from March 1, 2023?

May I ask, from March 1, 2023, what are the regulations on organization of scientific and technological activities in higher education institutions in Vietnam? Question from Mr. Tien (An Giang)

Regulations on organization of scientific and technological activities in higher education institutions in Vietnam from March 1, 2023?

Article 5 of Decree No. 109/2022/ND-CP stipulates the organization of scientific and technological activities in higher education institutions as follows:

Organization of scientific and technological activities in higher education institutions
1. The higher education institution shall stipulate the organization and operation of the affiliated science and technology institutions prescribed in the regulations on organization and operation of the higher education institution; decide on the establishment, merger, division and dissolution of science and technology organizations according to regulations.
2. Based on its operational efficiency and development orientation, the higher education institution shall decide on the transformation of its affiliated science and technology institutions into enterprises according to given regulations.

Thus, the organization of scientific and technological activities in higher education institutions shall be prescribed by the higher education institution in its regulations on organization and operation; decide on the establishment, merger, division and dissolution of science and technology organizations according to regulations.

What are the new regulations on organization of scientific and technological activities in higher education institutions in Vietnam from March 1, 2023?

What are the new regulations on organization of scientific and technological activities in higher education institutions in Vietnam from March 1, 2023? (Image from the Internet)

What are the contents of scientific and technological activities in higher education institutions in Vietnam?

According to Article 3 of Decree No. 109/2022/ND-CP, the contents of scientific and technological activities in a higher education institution include:

- Scientific and technological tasks at all levels, including programs, topics and pilot production projects, and other scientific and technological tasks;

- Intellectual property; application and transfer, and commercialization of scientific research and technological development results; science and technology services; manufacturing and business;

- Training and retraining to improve the qualifications of administrators and lecturers in scientific research;

- Development investment projects, research capacity strengthening projects, key laboratories, interdisciplinary and specialized laboratories, projects to improve scientific journals, projects to repair, procure, and maintain equipment, working facilities, digitize libraries and information infrastructure;

- Scientific researches of students, master’s students, postgraduate students (hereinafter referred to as students), researchers and public employees in public higher education institutions; full time staff and lecturers in private higher education institutions (hereinafter referred to as lecturers);

- National and international scientific and technological cooperation;

- Information and statistics on science and technology; standards, measurement, quality;

- Building an innovation startup ecosystem for lecturers, students, related organizations and individuals; establishing and promoting the operation of innovation and technology transfer centers;

- Finance for scientific and technological activities;

- Other relevant scientific and technological activities.

What are the principles of management of scientific and technological activities in higher education institutions in Vietnam?

Article 4 of Decree No. 109/2022/ND-CP stipulates the management of scientific and technological activities in higher education institutions as follows:

Management of scientific and technological activities in higher education institutions
1. Higher education institutions shall promulgate and organize the implementation of regulations on management of scientific and technological activities according to the following principles:
a) Scientific and technological activities and training activities are the main tasks of higher education institutions in order to improve the quality of training of highly qualified human resources, contributing to the promotion of science and technology development, and socio-economic of the country;
b) Clearly define roles, rights and responsibilities of units, lecturers and students in higher education institutions for scientific and technological activities;
c) The results and efficiency of scientific and technological activities of affiliated units, lecturers and students in higher education institutions are the basis for considering and evaluating the results of task performance, emulation classification and settlement of relevant regimes and policies.
2. A higher education institution has a division to manage scientific and technological activities in its organizational structure as prescribed. The higher education institution shall prescribe the functions and tasks of the department managing scientific and technological activities.
3. The department managing scientific and technological activities in the higher education institution has part-time lecturers, full-time staff and part-time experts from the affiliated units to provide consultation to carry out scientific and technological tasks of the unit.

Thus, principles of management of scientific and technological activities in higher education institutions include:

- Scientific and technological activities and training activities are the main tasks of higher education institutions in order to improve the quality of training of highly qualified human resources, contributing to the promotion of science and technology development, and socio-economic of the country;

- Clearly define roles, rights and responsibilities of units, lecturers and students in higher education institutions for scientific and technological activities;

- The results and efficiency of scientific and technological activities of affiliated units, lecturers and students in higher education institutions are the basis for considering and evaluating the results of task performance, emulation classification and settlement of relevant regimes and policies.

Decree No. 109/2022/ND-CP takes effect from March 1, 2023

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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