What are the main contents of a report on proposal for issuance of the environmental license with respect to the investment project to which the decision on approval of EIAR appraisal result has been issued before its trial operation in Vietnam?

What are the main contents of a report on proposal for issuance of the environmental license with respect to the investment project to which the decision on approval of EIAR appraisal result has been issued before its trial operation in Vietnam? - asked Mr. Tai (Hue, Vietnam)

What is the form of a report on proposal for issuance of the environmental license with respect to the investment project to which the decision on approval of EIAR appraisal result has been issued before its trial operation in Vietnam?

Currently, the form of a report on proposal for issuance of the environmental license with respect to the investment project to which the decision on approval of EIAR appraisal result has been issued before its trial operation is specified in Appendix VIII issued with the Decree 08/2022/ND-CP, specifically as follows:

Download the form of a report on proposal for issuance of the environmental license with respect to the investment project to which the decision on approval of EIAR appraisal result has been issued before its trial operation here

What are the main contents of a report on proposal for issuance of the environmental license with respect to the investment project to which the decision on approval of EIAR appraisal result has been issued before its trial operation in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the main contents of a report on proposal for issuance of the environmental license with respect to the investment project to which the decision on approval of EIAR appraisal result has been issued before its trial operation in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 28 of Decree 08/2022/ND-CP, the main contents of a report on proposal for issuance of the environmental license with respect to the investment project to which the decision on approval of EIAR appraisal result has been issued before its trial operation include:

- General information about the investment project: names of the project and project owner; location of the project; authorities appraising the construction design, issuing environment-related licenses and approving the project; decision on approval of result of appraisal of the project’s EIAR; document about changes (if any); project execution process; scale (classified according to the criteria prescribed by regulations of law on public investment), capacity, technology, products manufactured, amount of electricity, source and amount of water used, receiving body of wastewater, raw materials, fuels, materials, scrap and chemicals used and other information relating to the project;

- Conformity of the investment project with the national environmental protection planning, provincial planning, environmental zoning and environmental carrying capacity (if any);

- Results of completion of environmental protection works and measures (works transferred and accepted between the investor, contractor and construction supervision unit in accordance with regulations of law on construction): works and equipment for collecting and treating wastewater, dust and emissions; works for storing and treating normal industrial solid waste, domestic solid waste and hazardous waste; works and measures for minimizing noise and vibration; works for environmental emergency prevention and response and other environmental protection works. Primary information, including: scale, capacity and operation process; chemicals and biological preparations used for waste treatment; chemicals and catalysts used to treat dust and exhaust gases; equipment for synchronous and packaged waste treatment, automatic and continuous monitoring equipment (if installation thereof is required) and other treatment equipment (accompanied by its CO/CQ); basic specifications; applicable standards and regulations.

For a project on centralized solid waste treatment and hazardous waste treatment, specify the works, equipment and vehicle for collecting and treating waste.

For an investment project that uses scrap imported from a foreign country as raw materials for production, specify the production technology; warehouses and yards for scrap storage; recycling equipment; impurity treatment scheme; scrap re-export scheme in conformity with the decision on approval of the EIAR appraisal result.

For an investment project that discharges wastewater into hydraulic structures, specify the satisfaction of requirements for environmental protection of hydraulic structures;

- Plan, schedule and result of implementation of the environmental remediation and improvement, biodiversity offsets scheme (if any);

- Proposal for change(s) to the decision on approval of EIAR appraisal result (if any) enclosed with environmental impacts of such change(s);

- Items to be licensed as specified in clause 2 Article 40 of the LEP;

- Plan and expected time for trial operation enclosed with a waste monitoring plan intended to evaluate efficiency of the waste treatment work (aggregate and single sampling); if a packaged waste treatment work/equipment or waste treatment work belongs to a project with small capacity as prescribed in Appendix II enclosed herewith, only take single samples for monitoring purpose; plan to prevent and respond to environmental emergencies during trial operation and when the project is put into operation;

- Proposed contents of waste monitoring (automatic, continuous and periodic) prescribed by law and other environmental protection contents (if any).

What is the regulation on the disclosure of environmental information in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 5, Article 102 of Decree 08/2022/ND-CP stipulates:

Disclosure of environmental information
5. Every licensing authority shall disclose reports on proposal for issuance of environmental license as prescribed by the LEP as follows:
a) Such reports shall be disclosed on the website of the appraising authority;
b) The disclosure shall be made within 05 days after a valid application is received until the environmental license is issued.

Accordingly, the report of the proposal for an environmental license will be published on the website of the appraisal agency.


Environmental license
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