What are the latest regulations on the responsibilities, duties and standards of a market controller in 2022?

I would like to ask about the responsibilities, duties and standards of the market controller according to the latest regulations?

What are the responsibilities of the market controller?

According to the guidance in Clause 1 Article 7 of Circular 02/2022/TT-BCT of Vietnam on the responsibilities of the market controller as follows:

"Article 7. Market controller
1. Responsibilities:
Being a civil servant with professional qualifications and basic skills of the market surveillance force, responsible for advising, formulating and organizing the implementation of policies and laws on market surveillance; directly carry out specialized inspection activities, examine and handle administrative violations in accordance with law."

What are the duties of a market controller?

According to the guidance in Clause 2 Article 7 of Circular 02/2022/TT-BCT of Vietnam on the duties of the market controller as follows:

"Article 7. Market controller
2. Mission:
a) Participating in the formulation and implementation of regulations on contents, order and procedures for inspection and handling of administrative violations and implementation of professional measures by the market surveillance force; propose amendments and supplements to mechanisms, policies, laws and administrative measures to strengthen state management, ensure compliance with the law and improve the efficiency of market inspection and control.;
b) Formulate specific plans to carry out management tasks within the functions, tasks and powers of the market surveillance force; formulating plans and plans for inspection and examination in the assigned domains;
c) Directly carry out specialized inspection and inspection activities and handle administrative violations in accordance with law;
d) To settle according to its competence or advise and submit to competent authorities to decide on handling of specific issues in the performance of official duties; propose to competent authorities administrative measures to prevent and stop violations;
dd) Establish, store and transfer case files for inspection and handling of administrative violations and take professional measures of the market surveillance force; preserving material evidences and means of administrative violations which are temporarily seized or confiscated and their licenses and practice certificates temporarily seized according to regulations;
e) To make statistics, sum up the situation, and promptly report on the implementation of specialized inspection and inspection activities and handle violations according to regulations;
g) Directly perform official duties and other tasks assigned by superiors."

What is the latest regulation in 2022 on the responsibilities, duties and standards of a market controller?

What are the latest regulations on the responsibilities, duties and standards of a market controller in 2022?

What are the standards of a market controller?

According to the guidance in Clauses 3 and 4, Article 7 of Circular 02/2022/TT-BCT of Vietnam on standards of professional competence and training and fostering qualifications of market controllers as follows:

"Article 7. Market controller
3. Standards of professional competence:
a) Firmly grasp the guidelines and guidelines of the Party, the State's policies and laws, regulations of the industry and locality on market surveillance and related fields;
b) Mastering professional knowledge of Market Managers; firmly grasp the objectives, management objects, working regulations, working relationships of the market surveillance force with relevant organizations and individuals;
c) Capable of participating in formulating and guiding the implementation of regimes, policies and regulations on state management of the market surveillance force; capable of synthesizing, participating in research for management and processing management information;
d) Capable of formulating plans, plans and types of administrative documents, using forms in inspection and handling of administrative violations and taking professional measures of the market surveillance force;
dd) Ability to carry out inspection, examination and control of the market, organize and coordinate with relevant units and individuals; Ability to organize independent or group work; have skills in drafting documents and presenting issues assigned to advise and propose;
e) Having basic information technology skills, using foreign languages or using ethnic minority languages for civil servants working in ethnic minority areas as required by the job position.
4. Standards of training and fostering qualifications:
a) Possessing a university degree or higher with a major relevant to the field of operation of the market surveillance force;
b) Possessing a certificate of state management knowledge training for civil servants holding the grade of specialist and equivalent."

What are the requirements for a market surveillance civil servant to take the exam to raise the grade to the grade of market controller?

According to the guidance in Clause 5 Article 7 of Circular 02/2022/TT-BCT of Vietnam, the market surveillance civil servants competing for promotion to the grade of market controller must meet the following requirements:

"Article 7. Market controller
5. The period for holding the grade of a market manager civil servant participating in the competition for promotion to the grade of market controller must satisfy one of the following circumstances:
a) Market management civil servants who have held the grade of intermediate market controller for full 03 years or more (excluding the probationary period) by the end of the deadline for submitting the application for registration for the promotion exam) ;
b) The market surveillance civil servant has a total time of holding the grade equivalent to the grade of intermediate market controller and the grade of intermediate market controller for full 03 years or more (excluding the probationary period), must have at least 01 year (full 12 months) to hold the grade of intermediate market controller."

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