13:35 | 22/05/2023

What are the instructions to write Vietnamese proper names and foreign proper names according to the educational program?

What are the instructions to write Vietnamese proper names and foreign proper names according to the educational program? - Ms. Chi (Hanoi)

What are the instructions to write Vietnamese proper names according to the educational program?

According to the provisions of Article 4 of Decision 1989/QD-BGDDT in 2018, there are instructions on how to write Vietnamese proper names as follows:

For names of persons, and geographical names:

- For names of people, geographical names in Vietnamese and other monosyllabic languages: Capitalize the first letter of each syllable forming the name.

For example: Triệu Thị Trinh, Trần Quốc Tuấn, Hưng Đạo Vương, Trần Hưng Đạo, Thân Nhân Trung, Hoàng Văn Thụ, Vừ A Dính; Cửu Long, Nam Định, Trường Sa, Hoàng Liên Sơn,...

For names of persons, geographical names in polysyllabic languages:

Capitalize the first letter of each part that makes up the name; If that part consists of many syllables, write down the syllables in that part. For example: N’Trang Lơng, Y Bih Alêô, Y Blôk Êban; Sêrêpôk,...

For people's names, geographical names are formed by combining proper nouns with parts that are not proper nouns (common nouns, word numbers, direction words):

Depending on whether the proper name is in a monosyllabic or multi-syllable language, it shall be written according to the rules stated at point a or point b, clause 1 of this article. For example: Đồ Chiểu, Đề Thám, Đội Cấn, Ama Thuột, Mười Cúc; Biển Đông, Hồ Gươm, Đèo Ngang; (district) Chợ Mới, (district) Bù Đốp, (district) Krông Ana, (city) Vũng Tàu; (region) Tây Bắc, (region) Đông Bắc, (region) Nam Trung Bộ,...

For celestial bodies (used in scientific terms):

Capitalize the first letter of each syllable that makes up the name. For example: Mặt Trời, Trái Đất, Mặt Trăng, Sao Hỏa,.

For writing other proper names:

Names of historical periods and historical events; lunar years; weather holidays, days of the week, months of the year; organizations and units; branches, majors and subjects; Orders, medals, awards, honorary titles: Written in accordance with the provisions of Circular 01/2011/TT-BNV.

What are the instructions to write Vietnamese proper names and foreign proper names according to the educational program?

Vietnam: What are the instructions to write foreign proper names according to the educational program?

According to the provisions of Article 5 of Decision 1989/QD-BGDDT in 2018, there are instructions on how to write Vietnamese proper names as follows:

For names of persons, and geographical names:

- In case the name is translated or transliterated into Vietnamese with commonly used Sino-Vietnamese words, capitalize the first letter of each syllable. For the names of countries and territories transliterated by Sino-Vietnamese words, the common spellings that have been accepted by those countries and territories are kept.

For example: Đỗ Phủ, Lỗ Tấn; Hắc Hải, Đại Tây Dương; Ba Lan, Hy Lạp, Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ;...

Other cases:

- In case the name is written in Latin letters, write the original Latin letters, for example: Victor Hugo, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Paris, New York,... In case the original form has diacritics, the diacritics should be omitted, for example. For example, write the poet Petõfi's name as Petofi (remove the diacritics on the letter o).

- In case the name is not written in Latin, write it as it is written in English, for example: Aleksandr Pushkin, Moscow, Tokyo, Fuzhou, Zhejiang, Nile, Cleopatra,...

- In case the name is used in a common international form, the common spelling should be kept, not written in the original language, for example: write the name of the country whose capital Budapest is Hungary, not Magyarország.

- Where the name involves more than one country or territory, the appropriate name should be used when referring to the country or territory with that name. For example, depending on the context, use the name Danube (English, French) to refer to this river together, or use the name of each country calling the river when referring to the section of river that flows through that country or territory: Donau (German), Dunaj (Slovak), Duna (Hungarian), Dunav (Croatian, Serbian, Bulgarian), Dunărea (Romanian), Dunai (Ukrainian).

- For textbooks and materials for primary school students, use the transliteration form with hyphenation to connect the syllables in the same part to form a name, for example: Tô-mát Ê-đi-xơn, Mát-xcơ-va, Pa-ri, Tô-ky-ô,...Particularly for textbooks and other materials for students in grades 4 and 5, in addition to transcription, annotations are required. intact (or annotated English spelling) when the proper name first appears in phonetic form in the book, e.g. Tô-mát Ê-đi-xơn (Thomas Edison), Mát-xcơ-va (Moscow), Pa-ri (Paris), Tô-ky-ô (Tokyo),... In addition to placing comments in parentheses, comments can be made in the footer or in the margins of the book.

For other proper names

- In case the proper name is translated into Vietnamese, capitalize the first letter of each part forming that name, as the rule for writing Vietnamese proper names, for example: Hội đồng Bảo an Liên hợp quốc (United Nations Security Council), Ngân hàng Thế giới (World Bank), Đại học Quốc gia Lomonosov (Lomonosov State University), Giải thưởng Sư tử Vàng (Golden Lion Award),...

- Where the proper name is abbreviated

+ Write in its original form, if it is a Latin name, for example: UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), WB (World Bank), ADB (Asian Development Bank),...

+ In case the original form is not written in Latin, it should be written in the same way as in English, for example: JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency),...

What is the general rule of spelling in the educational curriculum in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Article 3 of Decision 1989/QD-BGDDT in 2018 as follows:

General principles
1. Agree on how to write proper names on the basis of respecting the proper names of organizations and individuals.
2. Unify the way of writing terms on the basis of harmonious combination between ethnicity and internationality, creating favorable conditions for learners to look up documents and conduct transactions in foreign languages; harmonious combination between science and pedagogy, ensuring that it is suitable for the development level of learners.

Accordingly, the spelling must comply with the above principles.


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