What are the guidelines on the revocation of an ID card of a person who has his/her Vietnamese citizenship revoked, renounces Vietnamese citizenship, or has the naturalization decision invalidated from July 1, 2024?

What are the guidelines on the revocation of an ID card of a person who has his/her Vietnamese citizenship revoked, renounces Vietnamese citizenship, or has the naturalization decision invalidated from July 1, 2024?

What are the guidelines on the revocation of an ID card of a person who has his/her Vietnamese citizenship revoked, renounces Vietnamese citizenship, or has the naturalization decision invalidated from July 1, 2024?

Under Clause 1, Article 22 of Decree 70/2024/ND-CP, the procedures for revoking an ID card of a person who has his/her Vietnamese citizenship revoked, renounces Vietnamese citizenship, or has the naturalization decision invalidated shall be followed as follows:

Step 1: When following procedures for revocation or renunciation of Vietnamese citizenship or invalidation of the naturalization decision, the agency receiving applications and returning results shall take a record of revocation of the ID card of the person who has his/her Vietnamese citizenship revoked, renounces Vietnamese citizenship, or has the naturalization decision invalidated;

Step 2: Within 10 days from the date of issuance of a decision on revocation or renunciation of Vietnamese citizenship or invalidation of the naturalization decision, the Ministry of Justice shall give a written notification enclosed with the revoked ID card to the identification-managing agency affiliated to the Ministry of Public Security.

 When following procedures for revocation or renunciation of Vietnamese citizenship or invalidation of the naturalization decision, in case the agency receiving applications and returning results is not able to revoke the ID card of the person who has his/her Vietnamese citizenship revoked, renounces Vietnamese citizenship, or has the naturalization decision invalidated, it shall specify this in a written notification and give such notification to the identification-managing agency affiliated to the Ministry of Public Security for verification and revocation of the ID card according to regulations;

Step 3: Within 03 working days from the date of receipt of the written notification from the Ministry of Justice, the identification-managing agency affiliated to the Ministry of Public Security shall be responsible for invalidating the ID card and updating information about the person who has his/her Vietnamese citizenship revoked, renounces Vietnamese citizenship, or has the naturalization decision invalidated to the national population database, the identification database;

Step 4: In case the identification-managing agency detects a person whose ID card must be revoked according to regulations in point a Clause 1 Article 29 of the Identification Law 2023, it shall invalidate his/her ID card and update information about such person on the national population database, the identification database; take a record of revocation of the ID card if the person still holds his/her ID card and he/she shall return his/her ID card to the identification-managing agency that has taken the revocation record.


+ The identification-managing agency affiliated to the Ministry of Public Security shall update status and lock e-identification in case ID cards are revoked.

+ If it is unable to revoke ID cards, the identification-managing agency affiliated to the Ministry of Public Security shall provide updates according to regulations in point c Clause 1 and Clause 3, Article 22 of Decree 70/2024/ND-CP.

Guidelines on revoking identification cards for citizens deprived of Vietnamese nationality, renunciation of Vietnamese nationality, or cancellation of decisions on naturalization in Vietnam from July 1, 2024

What are the guidelines on the revocation of an ID card of a person who has his/her Vietnamese citizenship revoked, renounces Vietnamese citizenship, or has the naturalization decision invalidated from July 1, 2024? (Image from Internet)

What are the guidelines on the revocation of an ID card illegally issued or an ID card whose information has been erased or corrected from July 1, 2024 in Vietnam?

Under Clause 2, Article 22 of Decree 70/2024/ND-CP, the procedures for revoking an ID card illegally issued or an ID card whose information is erased or corrected shall be followed as follows:

When there is any ground that the ID card is illegally issued or the information on the ID card is erased or corrected, the agency/organization/individual shall

+ be responsible for notifying the identification-managing agency to carry out inspection and verification and

+ request the ID card holder to return his/her ID card;

Within 07 working days, the identification-managing agency shall be responsible for carrying out inspection and verification, revoking the ID card illegally issued or the ID card whose information is erased or corrected and notifying the identification-managing agency affiliated to the Ministry of Public Security.


+ The identification-managing agency affiliated to the Ministry of Public Security shall update status and lock e-identification in case ID cards are revoked.

+ If it is unable to revoke ID cards, the identification-managing agency affiliated to the Ministry of Public Security shall provide updates according to regulations in point c Clause 1 and Clause 3, Article 22 of Decree 70/2024/ND-CP.

Is it possible to apply for the replacement of ID certificates in case the information on the ID certificate is inaccurate in Vietnam?

Under Article 25 of Decree 70/2024/ND-CP:

Cases of replacement or re-issuance of ID certificates

1. An ID certificate shall be replaced in the following cases:

a) The ID certificate is damaged and unused;

b) The information on identification is changed;

c) The information on the ID certificate is inaccurate;

d) At the request of the Vietnamese resident of undetermined nationality;

dd) The ID certificate is expired.

2. If the identify certificate of a Vietnamese resident of undetermined nationality is lost, he/she may be re-issued with another ID certificate.

It is possible to apply for the replacement of ID certificates in case the information on the ID certificate is inaccurate in Vietnam.

In addition, if falling into any of the following cases, an ID certificate will be replaced:

- The ID certificate is damaged and unused;

- The information on identification is changed;

- At the request of the Vietnamese resident of undetermined nationality;

- The ID certificate is expired.


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