What are the goods sold in duty free shops in Vietnam? What currency is used in duty-free sales transactions?

What are the goods sold in duty free shops in Vietnam? What currency is used in duty-free sales transactions? - Question of Ms. Huong (Binh Thuan)

Is it mandatory to use foreign currencies when making duty-free sales transactions?

According to the provisions of Article 7 of Decree No. 100/2020/ND-CP on the currency used in duty-free sales transactions as follows:

Currencies used in duty-free sales transactions
1. Vietnam Dong.
2. United States Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR).
3. Currency of the country sharing land border with the place where a duty-free shop is located in a border area.
4. Currency of the country where an international flight of an airline established and operating under Vietnamese law enters or transits through.

Thus, according to the above regulations, there are 04 types of currencies used in transactions at duty-free shops, including:

+ Vietnam Dong.

+ United States Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR).

+ Currency of the country sharing land border with the place where a duty-free shop is located in a border area.

+ Currency of the country where an international flight of an airline established and operating under Vietnamese law enters or transits through.

What are the goods sold in duty free shops in Vietnam? What currency is used in duty-free sales transactions?

What are the goods sold in duty free shops in Vietnam? What currency is used in duty-free sales transactions?

What are the goods sold in duty free shops in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Article 6 of Decree No. 100/2020/ND-CP, goods sold in duty-free shops in Vietnam are regulated as follows:

- Goods that may be sold in duty-free shops include goods temporarily imported, goods from free trade zones and bonded warehouses; and domestically manufactured goods permitted to be traded in accordance with regulations of Vietnamese law.

In which:

+ Goods temporarily imported and goods from free trade zones and bonded warehouses that are sold in duty-free shops shall not be included in list of goods prohibited from import and list of goods subject to suspension of temporary import according to regulations of laws on foreign trade management.

+ Goods from domestic market permitted for sale under Vietnamese law and sold in duty-free shops shall not be included in list of goods prohibited from import and list of goods subject to suspension of temporary import. Goods subject to conditional export shall be sold in duty-free shops in compliance with conditions prescribed by law.

- Goods from domestic market permitted for sale under Vietnamese law and sold in duty-free shops shall be subject to management and supervision by customs authorities based on list of goods delivered to duty-free shops/duty-free goods warehouses notified by the duty-free business.

- Goods sold in duty-free shops shall be stored in duty-free shops/duty-free goods warehouses of duty-free businesses.

- Tobacco, cigarettes and alcohol sold in duty-free shops must bear the “VIET NAM DUTY NOT PAID” stamp issued by the Ministry of Finance. This stamp shall be affixed at locations provided for in Appendix I enclosed therewith. The stamp must be affixed to a product before it is sold in the duty-free shop or before it is delivered to the buyer in case it is delivered directly from the duty-free goods warehouse to the buyer.

- For broken, damaged, degraded, poor quality or expired goods that cannot be sold, the duty-free business shall make a record of the condition of the goods to be disposed of (with confirmation from the customs sub-department managing the duty-free shop/duty-free goods warehouse) and dispose of the goods as per the law. Before disposal, the business must submit a detailed disposal plan to the customs sub-department managing the duty-free shop/duty-free goods warehouse for supervision of the disposal as per the law.

- For sample products, product samples (perfume test strips, alcohol, cosmetics, perfumes, etc.), and bags and packaging imported to hold duty-free products purchased, duty-free businesses shall manage these types of goods separately, ensure that they are used for the intended purpose and submit final accounts to customs authorities according to regulations in Article 24 of Decree No. 100/2020/ND-CP.

Who may buy duty-free goods without any restriction in terms of quantity and value?

According to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 8 of Decree No. 100/2020/ND-CP on this content as follows:

Duty-free allowances
1. Persons exiting/transiting through Vietnam, passengers on international flights departing from Vietnam or persons waiting to exit Vietnam provided for in Clause 1 Article 3 herein may buy duty-free goods without any restriction in terms of quantity and value but they shall take responsibility for procedures and allowance imposed by the arriving country.

Thus, subjects who may buy duty-free goods without any restriction in terms of quantity and value include:

- After completing exit/transit procedures, persons exiting/transiting through Vietnam, passengers on international flights departing from Vietnam or persons waiting to exit Vietnam may buy duty-free goods.

+ Persons exiting/transiting through Vietnam via international land border checkpoints; and border checkpoints at international railway stations, class 1 seaports and international civil airports may buy duty-free goods;

+ Any person waiting to exit Vietnam;

+ Foreign tourists travelling in groups by sea and holding a passport or document enabling international travel.


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