09:48 | 12/01/2023

What are the general tasks of the inclusive education development support center in Vietnam?

What are the general tasks of the inclusive education development support center in Vietnam? - Question from Mr. Quang in Hanoi.

What are the regulations on the name of inclusive education development support center in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Article 4 of Circular No. 20/2022/TT-BGDDT as follows:

Naming Regulations of the Center
1. The naming of the Center is regulated as follows:
a) Name of Center: Inclusive education development support center + the Center's own name or place name (in Vietnamese);
b) The proper name of the Center must be clear, transparent and not misleading; not cause misunderstanding about the organization and operation of the Center; ensure the clarity of language; do not use words and symbols that are not in accordance with the historical, cultural, moral, fine traditions and customs of the nation.
2. The Center's name is written on the Center's establishment decision, the Center's seal, the Center's nameplate and transaction papers.
3. The Center's nameplate contains the following contents:
a) Upper left corner
The first line: The People's Committee of the province/city directly under the Central Government (hereinafter referred to as the People's Committee of the province) and the name of the province.
Second line: Department of Education and Training.
b) In the middle write the name of the Center as prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article;
c) Below is the address, phone number, email, website (if any) of the Center.

Thus, the name of the Inclusive education development support center must be set according to the above regulations, specifically:

- Name of Center: Inclusive education development support center + the Center's own name or place name;

- The Center's own name must be clear, transparent and not misleading; not cause misunderstanding about the organization and operation of the Center; ensure the clarity of language; do not use words and symbols that are not in accordance with the historical, cultural, moral, fine traditions and customs of the nation.

For example: Trung tâm hỗ trợ phát triển giáo dục hòa nhập tỉnh Điện Biên (inclusive education development support center of Dien Bien province), Trung tâm hỗ trợ phát triển giáo dục hòa nhập Trí Tâm (Tri Tam inclusive education development support center), ...

What are the general tasks of the inclusive education development support center in Vietnam?

What are the general tasks of the inclusive education development support center in Vietnam?

What are the general tasks of the inclusive education development support center in Vietnam?

Article 5 of Circular No. 20/2022/TT-BGDDT stipulates the general tasks of the inclusive education development support center as follows:

- Assess, determine the ability and classify educational needs for children with signs of disability or signs of functional decline, students with disabilities for early educational intervention or counseling on selection of educational methods suitable for each subject.

- Support inclusive education for students with disabilities.

- Organize teaching and education at preschool and general education levels for students with disabilities so that students with disabilities can participate in inclusive education or integrate into the community.

- Provide training and counseling for people with disabilities and organizations, units and individuals with needs in psychology, health, education and career guidance.

- Implement democratic regulations in the Center.

- Implement the information, reporting and accountability regime before competent authorities, students, trainees and society.

- Perform other duties as prescribed by law.

What rights can an inclusive education development support center exercise according to the law?

Pursuant to Article 6 of Circular No. 20/2022/TT-BGDDT stipulating this content as follows:

- The inclusive education development support center is entitled to exercise its autonomy according to the provisions of law and a number of specific regulations as follows:

+ Deciding the Center's goals, mission, strategy and development plan;

+ Deciding on the establishment of the organizational structure according to the Center's establishment project approved by the competent authority;

+ Planning, training, fostering and developing the management staff, teachers and employees of the Center;

+ Financial revenues and expenditures, investment in the development of conditions to ensure education quality as prescribed by law;

+ Recruiting and managing students and trainees; develop the Center's educational program; organize the compilation and selection of learning materials, tools, toys and learning materials according to the provisions of law;

+ Cooperating with domestic and foreign organizations and individuals to mobilize professional or financial resources to support the implementation of the Center's tasks in accordance with law.

- Using and managing a team of managers, teachers and employees; organize for teachers to update their knowledge and improve their professional capacity.

- Enjoying policies as prescribed by law on encouraging socialization to assist people with disabilities in the field of education.

- Other powers as prescribed by law.

What are the regulations on the organizational structure of the inclusive education development support center in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 7 of Circular No. 20/2022/TT-BGDDT stipulating the organizational structure of the Center as follows:

The organizational structure of the Center includes:

- Director, deputy director;

- Functional/specialist departments (or specialized groups, administrative groups/offices);

- Classes (if any);

- Communist Party organizations and mass organizations (if any);

- Emulation and commendation council, disciplinary council, advisory council (if any).

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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