What are the functions and duties of the National Library of Vietnam? What are the prohibited acts in library operations?

"What are the functions and duties of the National Library of Vietnam?" - asked Ms. Linh (Lam Ha)

What are the functions and duties of the National Library of Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 4 of the Law on Libraries 2019 as follows:

Functions and duties of libraries
1. Develop, process, store, preserve, connect and enrich information resources as appropriate to the needs of library users.
2. Organize shared use of information resources, information products and library services; promote knowledge and cultural values of the country and humankind; support research, learning and recreation; and contribute to the formation and development of knowledge, skills, virtues and capacity of library users.
3. Apply scientific and technological advancements, and modernize libraries.
4. Promote reading culture and provide an environment for life-long learning, build a learning society, heighten people’s intellectual standards, and shape comprehensively capable Vietnamese citizens.

At the same time, based on Clause 2, Article 10 of the Law on Libraries 2019, the functions and duties of the National Library of Vietnam are as follows:

- Develop, process, store, preserve, connect and enrich information resources as appropriate to the needs of library users.

- Organize shared use of information resources, information products and library services; promote knowledge and cultural values of the country and humankind; support research, learning and recreation; and contribute to the formation and development of knowledge, skills, virtues and capacity of library users.

- Apply scientific and technological advancements, and modernize libraries.

- Promote reading culture and provide an environment for life-long learning, build a learning society, heighten people’s intellectual standards, and shape comprehensively capable Vietnamese citizens

- Receive, preserve and permanently store publications and journalistic publications published in Vietnam as prescribed by law; doctoral theses of Vietnamese citizens defended domestically and overseas; and doctoral theses of foreigners defended in Vietnam;

- Supplement and popularize documents on Vietnam and notable foreign documents;

- Develop the national bibliographic information system; take charge and cooperate with libraries of Ministries and regulatory bodies and other domestic libraries in formulating the Vietnam Master Catalogue; publish and share national bibliographic information and digital information resources per request, excluding the restricted information resources prescribed by this Law and laws on state secrets protection, information access and archives;

- Conduct research on library and information science;

- Catalogue in a centralized manner; take charge and cooperate with libraries in establishing and developing databases of unabridged texts and digital libraries;

- Cooperate and exchange information resources with domestic and foreign libraries; participate in library-related forums and socio-professional organizations according to regulations of laws;

- Provide specialized guidance for libraries across the country as assigned and fulfill other duties given by the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

What are the prohibited acts in library operations in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 8 of the Law on Libraries 2019, the prohibited acts in library operations in Vietnam are as follows:

- Taking advantage of library operations to distort State guidelines, policies and legislation; to oppose the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; to separate the block of great national solidarity; to incite violence or hatred between ethnicities or religions; to propagate invasion war; to erode the good traditions and customs; to spread superstitious beliefs; or to attract library users to social evils.

- Provision of information resources within the scope of state secrets, unless otherwise provided for by law.

- Impeding access to and use of information resources of library users against regulations of laws.

- Provision of information on library users, unless requested by competent authorities.

- Appropriating, swapping, destroying or causing damage to information resources.

- Unauthorized access to library information systems or library databases; modification, disruption or destruction of library information systems or library databases.

What are the rules for library operations in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 24 of the Law on Libraries 2019, the rules for library operations in Vietnam are as follows:

- Employ the user-centered design; create an environment of friendliness and equality; ensure the rights to access and use libraries of organizations and individuals.

- Information resources must be collected, processed, stored, preserved and disseminated in compliance with national technical regulations, national standards and relevant library standards.

- Frequently innovate procedures, information products and library services on the basis of application of scientific and technological advancements.

- Carry out library cooperation.

- Comply with regulations of laws on intellectual property, science and technology, information technology, cyber security and other relevant regulations of laws.


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