07:18 | 22/11/2022

What are the forms of quarterly and annual report on investment project execution in Vietnam?

What are the forms of quarterly and annual report on investment project execution in Vietnam? – Ms. Hanh (Long An, Vietnam)

What are the reports on investment activities in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 72 of the Law on Investment 2020 has the following provisions:

Reports on investment activities in Vietnam
1. Reporting entities:
a) Ministries, ministerial agencies and provincial People’s Committees;
b) Investment registration authorities;
c) Investors and business organizations executing investment projects as prescribed in this Law.
2. Periodic reporting:
a) Investors and business organizations executing investment projects shall submit quarterly and annual reports to investment registration authorities and local statistical agencies on the investment project execution, which specify: investment capital, investment results, employees, payment to government budget, investment in R&D, environmental protection, and other professional indicators;
b) Investment shall submit quarterly and annual reports to the Ministry of Planning and Investment and provincial People’s Committees on receipt of applications, issuance, adjustment and revocation of investment registration certificates and the operation of investment projects under their management;
c) Provincial People’s Committees shall submit quarterly and annual consolidated reports on local investment to the Ministry of Planning and Investment;
d) Ministries and ministerial agencies shall submit quarterly and annual reports on issuance, adjustment and revocation of investment registration certificates and equivalent papers (if any) under their management; and on investment activities under their management to the Ministry of Planning and Investment, which submit a consolidated report to the Prime Minister;
dd) The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall submit an annual report to the Prime Minister on investment nationwide and adherence to regulations on investment reporting by the entities mentioned in Clause 1 of this Article.
3. Agencies, investors and business organizations shall make reports in writing via the National Investment Information System.
4. Agencies, investors and business organizations mentioned in Clause 1 of this Article shall make ad hoc reports at the request of competent authorities.
5. If a project is exempt from the investment registration certificate, the investor shall submit a report to the investment registration authority before commencement of the project execution.

Accordingly, investors implementing investment projects must comply with the regime of quarterly and annual reports.

What are the forms of quarterly and annual report on investment project execution in Vietnam?

What are the contents of reports and reporting period of business organizations executing investment projects in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 102 of Decree 31/2021/ND-CP has the following provisions:

Contents of reports and reporting period of business organizations executing investment projects
1. Business organizations executing investment projects shall submit reports to local investment registration authorities and statistics authorities.
2. Quarterly reports shall be submitted by the 10th of the first month of the quarter succeeding the reporting quarter, which specify: capital, net revenue, export, import, workers, taxes, amounts payable to state budget, use of land and water surface.
3. Each annual report shall be submitted by March 31 of the next year, which specifies: information on the quarterly reports, profit, income of workers, expenditures on and investment in scientific research and technology development, environmental protection, environmental issues resolution, and origins of technologies used.


Quarterly reports shall be submitted by the 10th of the first month of the quarter succeeding the reporting quarter, which specify: capital, net revenue, export, import, workers, taxes, amounts payable to state budget, use of land and water surface.

Annual report shall be submitted by March 31 of the next year, which specifies: information on the quarterly reports, profit, income of workers, expenditures on and investment in scientific research and technology development, environmental protection, environmental issues resolution, and origins of technologies used.

What is the form of quarterly report on investment project execution in Vietnam?

Currently, the form of quarterly report on investment project execution is specified in Form A.III.1 issued together with Circular 03/2021/TT-BKHDT as follows:

Download form of quarterly report on investment project execution: here.

What is the form of annual report on investment project execution in Vietnam?

Currently, the form of annual report on investment project execution is specified in Form A.III.2 issued together with Circular 03/2021/TT-BKHDT as follows:

Download the form of annual report on investment project execution: Click here.


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