What are the forms for supplemental declaration and supplementary declaration explanation for the tax return in Vietnam? How to handle late tax payment in Vietnam?

I want to apply for the supplemental declaration form of the tax return in Vietnam? What is the settlement of late tax payment in Vietnam? Thank you!

What is the latest supplemental declaration form for the tax return in Vietnam?

According to Appendix II issued together with Circular 80/2021/TT-BTC guiding the Law on Tax Administration and Decree 126/2020/ND-CP guiding the Law on Tax Administration promulgating the form of additional declaration of tax declaration as follows:

Download the form: Here.

What is the supplemental declaration form and supplementary declaration explanation for the tax return? How to handle late tax payment in Vietnam?

What is the latest form for supplementary declaration explanation for the tax return in Vietnam?

According to Appendix II issued together with Circular 80/2021/TT-BTC guiding the Law on Tax Administration and Decree 126/2020/ND-CP guiding the Law on Tax Administration promulgating latest form for supplementary declaration explanation for the tax return are as follows:

Download the form: Here.

What is the settlement of late tax payment in Vietnam?

According to Article 21 of Circular 80/2021/TT-BTC stipulating:

"Article 21. Settlement of late tax payment
1. Determination of late payment interest
Late payment interest shall be determined according to the tax arrears, the number of days of late payment, and the interest rate specified in Article 59 of the Law on Tax Administration. Late payment period begins on the day succeeding the day on which late payment interest is charged and ends on the day preceding the day on which tax arrears are paid to state budget.
2. Notification of late payment interest
The tax authority shall notify the late payment interest and tax debt (according to Form No. 01/TTN in Appendix I hereof) to the taxpayer whose tax debt is overdue for at least 30 days. For non-agricultural land use tax, the tax authority shall inform the tax debt and late payment interest of taxpayers that are individuals and households via the authorized collectors.
In order to complete administrative procedures for taxpayers or at the request of competent authorities, the tax authority shall determine and notify tax debt that accumulates by the time the tax authority issues the notification (according to Form No. 02/TTN in Appendix I hereof).
3. Decreasing late payment interest
a) In case the taxpayer makes a supplementary declaration that decreases tax obligations, the taxpayer shall determine the decreased late payment interest on the supplementary declaration. The tax authority shall determine the decreased late payment interest on the basis of information about the taxpayer's obligations and send a notification to the taxpayer according to Form No. 03/TTN in Appendix I hereof.
b) In case the tax authority or a competent authority, upon inspection, discovers that the tax payable is decreased or issues a decision on or notification of decrease in tax payable, the tax authority shall decrease the late payment interest in proportion to the decrease in tax payable and send a notification to the taxpayer according to Form No. 03/TTN in Appendix I hereof."

Above is the form of additional declaration and the form of explanation for the supplementary declaration of the latest tax return and the handling measures for late payment of tax.


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