What are the expected conditions to retire at an older age in Vietnam for public employees in public non-business units?

I am a teacher who has reached retirement age this year, however I still want to work and retire at an older age. I would like to ask if I am offered to retire at an older age? What are the conditions to retire at an older age in Vietnam? Hoping to get your questions answered as soon as possible!

Who is expected to retire at an older age in Vietnam for public employees?

According to Article 2 of the Draft Decree on retirement at a higher age for public employees in public non-business units (Draft 3), the subjects of application are as follows:

- This Decree applies to public non-business units, agencies, organizations and units according to management decentralization competence and public employees with high professional and technical qualifications in public non-business units in Vietnam. business units-public.

- Public employees with high professional and technical qualifications in public non-business units, including:

+ Officials with the titles of Professor, Associate Professor

b) Officials holding a class I professional title with a doctorate degree or a specialization II;

+ Officials working in a number of specific career fields of the medical industry: Forensic examiners, forensic psychiatrists.

Therefore, if you are an employee of the above subjects, you will be able to retire at an older age in Vietnam.

What are the expected conditions to retire at an older age in Vietnam for public employees in public non-business units?

What are the expected conditions to retire at an older age in Vietnam for public employees in public non-business units?

Principles of implementing retire at an older age in Vietnam for public employees in public non-business units?

According to Article 3 of the Draft Decree on retirement at a higher age for public employees in non-business units (Draft 3), the following is established:

- Ensure objectivity, fairness, publicity and compliance with regulations.

- The retirement age for public employees must not exceed 5 years (60 months), counting from the time the public employee reaches the retirement age as prescribed in Article 4 of Decree 135/2020/ND-CP of the Government. retirement age determination.

- Public employees who retire at an older age only perform professional tasks, do not hold managerial positions and are not entitled to reserve management position allowances from the date the competent authority decides to extend their working time from the date of their retirement. when it is time to retire for public employees.

- During the period of retirement at an older age, if the public employee wishes to retire from work or retire, he/she shall report it to a competent authority for consideration and settlement of the regime in accordance with law.

Conditions and conditions for retirement at an older age in Vietnam for public employees in public non-business units

According to Clause 1, Article 4 of the Draft Decree regulating the retirement at an older age for public employees in public non-business units (Draft 3), it stipulates that public employees have high professional and technical qualifications in the unit. When reaching the retirement age, public employees may not have their working hours extended to perform professional tasks, may not hold managerial positions, and may not reserve managerial position allowances if they fully meet the following conditions:

- Having good health, not being considered for disciplinary action, being investigated, prosecuted, tried or disciplined in relation to the party or government and has an application for extension of working time. ;

- Public non-business units in need;

- To be approved and decided by the competent authority.

Therefore, you need to carefully consider whether you meet the above conditions to retire at an older age in Vietnam.

Estimated order and procedures for considering and extending working time upon retire at an older age in Vietnam for public employees in public non-business units?

According to Clause 2, Article 4 of the Draft Decree on retirement at an older age for public employees in public non-business units (Draft 3), it prescribes the order and procedures for considering and extending the working period. as follows:

- Annually, the public non-business unit, based on the development orientation, human resource situation of the organization and the requirements of the job position, announces the policy and the need to extend the working time;

- Public employees who satisfy the prescribed conditions, submit a written request to extend their working time, and send them to the competent authorities according to their management decentralization for a decision on extension at least 06 months before the time of retirement;

- Competent authorities according to management decentralization consider and evaluate conditions of public employees who wish to extend working time for consideration and decision;

- The decision to extend the working time of public employees shall be sent to relevant organizations and individuals at least 03 months before the time of retirement.

Regimes and policies for public employees who retire at an older age

- Being identified as an official in the total number of employees of the non-business unit assigned by the competent authority.

- To be entitled to a salary regime according to the class of professional titles currently held and other regimes and policies as prescribed by law.

Details of the Draft Decree regulating retirement at a higher age for public employees in public non-business units (Draft 3): here.


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