What are the documents and procedures for the issuance of Film Rating Licenses in Vietnam? Which agencies issue Film Rating Licenses in Vietnam?

What are the documents and procedures for the issuance of Film Rating Licenses in Vietnam? - Question from Mr. Sang (Dong Thap)

What is included in the application for Film Rating Licenses in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Clause 3, Article 27 of the 2022 Law on Cinematography of Vietnam, the application for Film Rating Licenses is as follows:

Issuance of Film Rating Licenses in Vietnam
3. Applications for the issuance of Film Rating Licenses include:
a) A written request for the issuance of the Film Rating License according to the form stipulated by the Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam;
b) A copy of the document proving the legal ownership or rights to use the film;
c) The completed film;
d) The Vietnamese-dub version of the film for foreign films.

Thus, applications for the issuance of Film Rating Licenses include:

- A written request for the issuance of the Film Rating License according to the form stipulated by the Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam;

- A copy of the document proving the legal ownership or rights to use the film;

- The completed film;

- The Vietnamese-dub version of the film for foreign films.

What are the documents and procedures for the issuance of Film Rating Licenses in Vietnam? Which agencies issue Film Rating Licenses in Vietnam?

What are the documents and procedures for the issuance of Film Rating Licenses in Vietnam? Which agencies issue Film Rating Licenses in Vietnam?

What are the procedures for the issuance of Film Rating Licenses in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Clause 4, Article 27 of the 2022 Law on Cinematography of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

Issuance of Film Rating Licenses
4. Procedures for the issuance of Film Rating Licenses:
a) Organizations and individuals shall submit a dossier of applications via the National Public Service Portal, by post, or directly to the competent state agency prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article;
b) Within 15 days after receiving the valid applications, competent state agencies shall issue Film Rating Licenses according to the form stipulated by the Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam; in case of refusal, notify and provide written explanations.
In case the film is subject to content adjustment or the application is subject to amendments or supplements of information at the request of competent state agencies prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article, within 15 days after receiving the adjusted film or 10 days after receiving the amended and supplemented application, competent state agencies shall issue the License.

Thus, the procedures for the issuance of Film Rating Licenses:

Step 1:

Organizations and individuals shall submit a dossier of applications via the National Public Service Portal, by post, or directly to the competent state agency prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article;

Step 2:

Within 15 days after receiving the valid applications, competent state agencies shall issue Film Rating Licenses according to the form stipulated by the Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam; in case of refusal, notify and provide written explanations.

In case the film is subject to content adjustment or the application is subject to amendments or supplements of information at the request of competent state agencies prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article, within 15 days after receiving the adjusted film or 10 days after receiving the amended and supplemented application, competent state agencies shall issue the License.

Which agencies issue Film Rating Licenses in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 27 of the 2022 Law on Cinematography of Vietnam on issuance of Film Rating Licenses as follows:

Issuance of Film Rating Licenses
1. Regulations on competency in issuing Film Rating Licenses:
a) The Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam shall issue Film Rating Licenses for the dissemination of films in cinemas; at public screening venues; on the internet for cases prescribed in Point b Clause 2 Article 21 of this Law; at diplomatic missions and foreign facilities of culture established in Vietnam as prescribed in Article 24 of this Law;
b) People’s Committees of provinces may issue Film Rating Licenses if they satisfy the requirements promulgated by the Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam.

Thus, the competency in issuing Film Rating Licenses is specified as follows:

- The Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam shall issue Film Rating Licenses for the dissemination of films in cinemas; at public screening venues; on the internet for cases prescribed in Point b Clause 2 Article 21 of the 2022 Law on Cinematography of Vietnam; at diplomatic missions and foreign facilities of culture established in Vietnam as prescribed in Article 24 of the 2022 Law on Cinematography of Vietnam;

- People’s Committees of provinces may issue Film Rating Licenses if they satisfy the requirements promulgated by the Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam.

- Film Rating Licenses issued by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam and People’s Committees of provinces are valid nationwide.


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