What are the current regulations on evaluation and classification of public employees in Vietnam? What kind of public officials do teachers who have given birth to the third child?

I am a teacher in the city. Ho Chi Minh. April 2022 I gave birth to my third child, I am not a Party member. I want to ask when giving birth to such a third child, what type of official in Vietnam will be classified? Hoping to get your questions answered as soon as possible!

What are the general criteria for assessing and classification of public employees in Vietnam in 2022?

Pursuant to Article 3 of Decree 90/2020/ND-CP stipulating the general criteria for assessing and classification of public employees in Vietnam today are as follows:

- Ideological politics

+ To abide by the Party's guidelines, lines and regulations, the State's policies and laws and the Party's principles of organization and discipline, especially the principle of democratic centralism, self-criticism and criticism;

+ Having a strong political opinion and bravery; steadfast stance; not wavering before all difficulties and challenges;

+ Putting the interests of the Party, the nation - the nation, the people and the collective above personal interests;

+ Consciously research, study and apply Marxism - Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's thought, resolutions, directives, decisions and documents of the Party.

- Ethics, lifestyle

+ No embezzlement, corruption, negativity, wastefulness, bureaucracy, opportunism, self-seeking, bossy, authoritarianism; no signs of deterioration in morality, lifestyle, self-evolution, self-transformation;

+ Having an honest, humble, sincere, pure and simple lifestyle;

+ Having a spirit of solidarity, building a clean and strong agency, organization and unit;

+ Do not let relatives and acquaintances abuse their positions and powers for personal gain.

- Working style and manners

+ Responsible for work; dynamic, creative, dare to think, dare to do, flexible in performing tasks;

+ Scientific, democratic and principled working method;

+ Have a sense of responsibility and coordination in performing tasks;

+ Having the right attitude and behavior, standard working style, meeting the requirements of the civil service culture.

- Sense of organization and discipline

+ Comply with the assignment of the organization;

+ Comply with regulations, rules and regulations of agencies, organizations and units where they work;

+ To declare and publicize assets and income according to regulations;

+ Report fully, honestly, provide accurate and objective information on contents related to the performance of assigned responsibilities and tasks and activities of agencies, organizations and units with superiors. when requested.

- Performance of assigned duties and responsibilities

+ For officials, civil servants, leading and managerial officials:

Thoroughly grasp, institutionalize and implement the guidelines and guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State at agencies, organizations and units;

Maintain discipline and discipline in agencies, organizations and units; do not allow cases, violations of discipline, violations of the law to be handled, the status of complaints and denunciations persists; preventing and combating corruption and waste within agencies, organizations and units;

To lead, direct and organize the examination, inspection, supervision, settlement of complaints and denunciations according to competence; directing and implementing administrative reform, civil service and civil servant reform at agencies, organizations and units;

Formulate annual programs and plans of activities of agencies, organizations and units assigned to manage and take charge of them, which clearly define results of implementation of targets, tasks and quantification by specific products. body.

+ For civil servants and public employees who do not hold leadership or management positions:

Results of performing tasks as prescribed by law, according to the set plan or according to specific assigned tasks; volume, progress and quality of task performance;

Attitudes to serve people and businesses for positions that directly or directly deal with people and businesses.

What are the current regulations on evaluation and classification of public employees in Vietnam?

What are the current regulations on evaluation and classification of public employees in Vietnam?

What are the criteria for assessing and classification of public employees in Vietnam in 2022?

Pursuant to Articles in Section 3 of Decree 90/2020/ND-CP stipulating the criteria for classification of public employees in Vietnam according to the following levels:

*Criteria for grading the quality of civil servants in Vietnam at the level of excellent completion of tasks

(1) An employee who does not hold a managerial position who meets all of the following criteria shall be classified as having excellent completion of the task:

- Comply well with the provisions of Clauses 1, 2, 3 and 4, Article 3 of this Decree;

- Complete 100% of the tasks according to the signed working contract, according to the set plan or according to the specific assigned work, ensuring on schedule, quality and high efficiency, of which at least 50% of the tasks over-completion.

(2) Managers who meet all of the following criteria shall be classified as having excellently completed their tasks:

- Comply well with the provisions of Clauses 1, 2, 3, 4 and Point a, Clause 5, Article 3 of this Decree;

- The criteria for the results of the performance of tasks according to the signed working contract, according to the set plan or according to the assigned specific tasks, are completed on schedule, with quality assurance and high efficiency;

- Unit or field of work assigned to complete all expenditures and tasks, of which at least 50% of targets and tasks are exceeded;

- 100% of units under their direct management competence are assessed to have completed their tasks or more, of which at least 70% have completed their tasks well and excellently.

*Criteria for classifying the quality of public employees in Vietnam at the level of successfully completing tasks

(1) An employee who does not hold a managerial position who meets all of the following criteria shall be classified as having a good job completion level:

- Meeting the criteria specified in Clauses 1, 2, 3 and 4, Article 3 of this Decree;

- Complete 100% of the tasks according to the signed working contract, according to the set plan or according to the specific work assigned, ensuring on schedule, quality and efficiency.

(2) Managers who meet all of the following criteria shall be classified as having good job performance:

- Meeting the criteria specified in Clauses 1, 2, 3, 4 and Point a, Clause 5, Article 3 of this Decree;

- The criteria for the performance of tasks according to the signed working contract, according to the set plan or according to the specific tasks assigned, are completed on schedule, ensuring quality and efficiency;

- The unit or field of work assigned to complete all targets and tasks, of which at least 80% will be completed on schedule, ensuring quality;

- 100% of units under their respective competence or direct management are assessed to have completed their tasks or more, of which at least 70% have completed their tasks well or excellently.

*Criteria for grading the quality of public servants in Vietnam at the level of task completion

(1) An officer who does not hold a managerial position who meets all of the following criteria shall be classified at the level of task completion:

- Meeting the criteria specified in Clauses 1, 2, 3 and 4, Article 3 of this Decree;

- The criteria for the results of task performance according to the signed working contract, according to the set plan or according to the specific assigned work, have been completed, of which not more than 20% of the criteria have not yet met the quality requirements. low quality, progress or efficiency.

(2) Managers who meet the following criteria shall be graded at the level of task completion:

- Meeting the criteria specified in Clauses 1, 2, 3, 4 and Point a, Clause 5, Article 3 of this Decree;

- The criteria for the results of task performance according to the signed working contract, according to the set plan or according to the specific assigned work, have been completed, of which not more than 20% of the criteria have not yet met the quality requirements. low quality, progress or efficiency;

- The unit or field of work assigned to complete over 70% of the targets and tasks;

- At least 70% of units under their direct management competence are assessed to have completed their tasks or more.

*Criteria for ranking the quality of civil servants in Vietnam at the level of not completing the task

(1) An employee who does not hold a managerial position with one of the following criteria shall be classified as failing to fulfill his/her duties:

- There are signs of deterioration in political ideology, morality, lifestyle, self-evolution and self-transformation as assessed by competent authorities;

- Having more than 50% of criteria on performance results according to the signed working contract, according to the proposed plan or according to the specific assigned tasks, which have not yet ensured the progress, quality and efficiency;

- Violations in the course of task performance will be disciplined in the evaluation year.

(2) Managers who have one of the following criteria shall be classified as failing to fulfill their duties:

- There are signs of deterioration in political ideology, morality, lifestyle, self-evolution and self-transformation as assessed by competent authorities;

- Having more than 50% of criteria on performance results according to the signed working contract, according to the proposed plan or according to the specific assigned tasks, which have not yet ensured the progress, quality and efficiency;

- Unit or field

What is the teacher's rating of the third child?

Pursuant to Article 16 of Decree 112/2020/ND-CP stipulating the application of the form of discipline and reprimand to public employees as follows:

The form of disciplinary reprimand shall be applied to first-time violations, causing less serious consequences, except for the violations specified in Clause 3, Article 17 of this Decree, in one of the following cases:

- Failure to comply with professional procedures, regulations, professional ethics and codes of conduct while performing professional activities, which have been warned in writing by competent authorities;

- Violation of the law on: performing the duties and responsibilities of public employees; labor discipline; regulations, internal rules and working regulations of public non-business units which have been reminded in writing by competent authorities;

- Taking advantage of the working position for self-seeking purposes; having a bossy, authoritarian attitude or causing difficulties or troubles to people in the course of performing assigned tasks and tasks; certify or issue legal documents to ineligible persons; offend the honor, dignity and reputation of others while performing professional activities;

- Failure to comply with the decision on assignment of work of the competent authority; failure to perform assigned duties without a valid reason; causing disunity in the unit;

- Violation of the law on: crime prevention and combat; Prevention of social evils; safety and order of society; Anti-corruption; practice thrift, fight waste;

- Violation of the law on protection of state secrets;

- Violating the law on complaints and denunciations;

- Violation of regulations of law on: investment, construction; land, natural resources and environment; finance, accounting, banking; management and use of public property in the course of professional activities;

- Violation of the law on: domestic violence prevention and control; population, marriage and family; gender equality; Social Security; other provisions of law related to public employees.

Accordingly, there is a regulation that officials who violate the law on population will be disciplined and reprimanded. Once an officer is disciplined in the course of performing his/her duties, he/she will be graded at the level of failure to fulfill the duties specified in Article 15 of Decree 90/2020/ND-CP.

As such, if you are a teacher (official) who is not a Party member who has given birth to a third child but is not in the circumstances that are allowed to give birth to a third child, you will be classification of public employees in Vietnam as an official at the level of not fulfilling your duties.

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