What are the criteria for evaluating and ranking the quality of public employees in Vietnam who successfully complete their tasks? When is an employee being evaluated or graded for failing to fulfill his or her duties?

What are the criteria for evaluating and ranking the quality of public employees who successfully complete their tasks? When is an employee being evaluated or graded for failing to fulfill his or her duties? - Question of Mr. Hau (Lam Dong)

What are the principles for evaluating and ranking the quality of public employees in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 2 of Decree 90/2020/ND-CP of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

Principles of evaluating and ranking the quality of cadres, civil servants, and public employees in Vietnam
1. Ensuring objectivity, fairness, and accuracy; no respect, oppression, favoritism, or formality; and ensuring the right competence to manage and evaluate cadres, civil servants, and public employees.
2. The evaluation and classification of quality must be based on the assigned responsibilities and tasks and the results of task performance, expressed through specific jobs and products. For cadres, civil servants, and public employees, leading and managing must be associated with the results of task performance of agencies, organizations, and units they are assigned to manage and take charge of.
3. Cadres, civil servants, and public employees who have worked in the year for less than 6 months are not eligible for quality assessment and classification, but they still have to review their working time in the year, except in the case of the maternity level.
Cadres, civil servants, and public employees who are absent from work as prescribed by law in the year for 3 months to less than 6 months will still conduct the assessment but will not rate the quality at the level of successfully completing the task or higher.
Cadres, civil servants, and public employees taking maternity leave as prescribed by law; the results of the quality classification for the year are the results of the quality classification of the actual working time of that year.
4. The results of the assessment and classification of the quality of cadres, civil servants, and public employees as prescribed in this decree shall be used as a basis for the joint assessment and classification of the quality of party members.

Thus, the evaluation and classification of public employees' quality is carried out according to the above principles.

What are the criteria for evaluating and ranking the quality of public employees in Vietnam who successfully complete their tasks? When is an employee being evaluated or graded for failing to fulfill his or her duties?

What are the criteria for evaluating and ranking the quality of public employees in Vietnam who successfully complete their tasks? When is an employee being evaluated or graded for failing to fulfill his or her duties?

What are the criteria for evaluating and ranking the quality of public employees who successfully complete their tasks?

Pursuant to Article 12 of Decree 90/2020/ND-CP of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

Criteria for classifying the quality of public employees at the level of excellent completion of tasks
1. A public employee who does not hold a managerial position and meets all of the following criteria shall be graded at the level of excellent completion of the task:
a) Adherence to the provisions of Clauses 1, 2, 3, and 4 of this Decree;
b) Complete 100% of the tasks according to the signed working contract, according to the set plan, or according to the specific tasks assigned to ensure on-schedule completion with high quality and efficiency, in which at least 50% of the tasks are overcompleted.
2. Managers who meet all of the following criteria shall be classified as having excellently completed tasks:
a) Carefully follow the provisions of this Decree's Clauses 1, 2, 3, 4, and Point a, Clause 5, Article 3;
b) The criteria for the results of the performance of tasks according to the signed working contract, according to the set plan, or according to the specific tasks assigned are completed on schedule with high quality and efficiency assurance;
c) A unit or field of work assigned to complete all expenditures and tasks, at least 50% of which are met;
d) 100% of units under their direct management authority are assessed to have completed their tasks or more, of which at least 70% have successfully completed their tasks.

According to the above regulations, in order for public employees who do not hold managerial positions to be evaluated and classified as completing tasks excellently, it is necessary to ensure the following criteria:

Implement well the general criteria on politics, ideology, ethics, lifestyle, working style, sense of organization, and discipline.

Complete 100% of the tasks according to the signed working contract, according to the set plan, or according to the specific tasks assigned to ensure on-schedule delivery, high quality, and high efficiency, of which at least 50% exceeded completion.

In addition, officials holding managerial positions who meet the following criteria will be evaluated and classified as having excellently completed their tasks:

Implement the general criteria on ideological politics, ethics, lifestyle, working style, manners, organizational sense, discipline, and the results of managerial duties and responsibilities well.

- Completing tasks on time, ensuring quality and high efficiency in accordance with the signed working contract, the set plan, or the specific work

- A unit or field of work tasked with completing all expenditures and tasks, with at least 50% of targets and tasks met;

100% of units under their respective competence and direct management are assessed to have completed their tasks or more, of which at least 70% have completed their tasks well and excellently.

When is an employee being evaluated or graded for failing to fulfill his or her duties?

Pursuant to Article 15 of Decree 90/2020/ND-CP of Vietnam, the criteria for evaluation and classification of the quality of non-completion of tasks are as follows:

For public employees who do not hold managerial positions

There are signs of deterioration in political ideology, morality, lifestyle, self-evolution, and self-transformation as assessed by competent authorities;

- Having more than 50% of the criteria on the results of task performance according to the signed working contract, proposed plan, or specific assigned tasks that have not yet ensured progress, quality, and efficiency;

Violations in the course of task performance will be disciplined in the evaluation year.

For administrative officers

There are signs of deterioration in political ideology, morality, lifestyle, self-evolution, and self-transformation as assessed by competent authorities;

- More than half of the criteria on the results of task performance according to the signed working contract, the set plan, or the specific assigned work fail to ensure progress, quality, and efficiency;

The unit or field of work assigned to complete less than 50% of the targets and tasks

- Units under their command and management that are directly related to embezzlement, corruption, and waste and are handled in accordance with the law.

Violations in the course of task performance will be disciplined in the evaluation year.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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