What are the criteria for appointment to inspectors and principal inspectors in Vietnam? What are the duties of inspectors and principal inspectors?

I would like to ask what the criteria for appointment to inspectors and principal inspectors in Vietnam are. - Question from Mr. Hao (Dong Thap).

What are the criteria for appointment to inspectors in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 39 of the 2022 Law on Inspection in Vietnam as follows:

Criteria for appointment to inspectors
1. Be officials, officers of the People's Army or the People's Public Security, cipher workers, except for cases under other regulations of the Government with regard to inspectors of inspection authorities that have been established according to regulations of the law or international treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a signatory or as prescribed in Clause 3, Article 9 of this Law.
2. Be loyal to the Fatherland and the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; have good ethical qualities, good sense of responsibility; be incorruptible, honest, just and objective;
3. Have university degrees (or higher) and state management and legal knowledge. In particular, the specialized inspectors must also have relevant professional knowledge;
4. Have certificates of professional training for inspectors and other certificates as prescribed by the law on officials and public employees.
5. Have been at least 2 years’ experience of inspection works (excluding probation period). The officials, public employees, officers of the People's Army and the People's Public Security, cipher workers at agencies, organizations or units who have been transferred to inspection agencies need to have at least 5 years’ experience of inspection works.

Thus, in order to be appointed as an inspector, the following conditions must be met:

- Be officials, officers of the People's Army or the People's Public Security, cipher workers.

- Be loyal to the Fatherland and the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; have good ethical qualities, good sense of responsibility; be incorruptible, honest, just and objective;

- Have university degrees (or higher) and state management and legal knowledge. In particular, the specialized inspectors must also have relevant professional knowledge;

- Have certificates of professional training for inspectors and other certificates as prescribed by the law on officials and public employees.

- Have been at least 2 years’ experience of inspection works (excluding probation period). The officials, public employees, officers of the People's Army and the People's Public Security, cipher workers at agencies, organizations or units who have been transferred to inspection agencies need to have at least 5 years’ experience of inspection works.

What are the criteria for appointment to inspectors and principal inspectors in Vietnam? What are the duties of inspectors and principal inspectors?

What are the criteria for appointment to inspectors and principal inspectors in Vietnam? What are the duties of inspectors and principal inspectors?

What are the duties of an inspector?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 9 of Decree No. 97/2011/ND-CP stipulating as follows:

Criteria for the rank of inspectors
1. Duties:
Inspectors are professional civil servants of state inspection agencies, perform inspection decisions and perform other tasks of state inspection agencies. Inspectors assigned to preside over the inspection of cases of medium size and complexity; When conducting an inspection, they must comply with the law, take responsibility before the law and the head of the direct management agency for the assigned tasks.

Thus, the inspector's responsibilities are:

- Carry out inspection decisions and other tasks of state inspection agencies

- Presiding over the inspection of cases of medium size and complexity

- When conducting the inspection, they must comply with the law, take responsibility before the law and the head of the direct management agency for the assigned tasks.

What are the criteria for appointment to principal inspectors in Vietnam?

According to the content of Article 40 of the 2022 Law on Inspection in Vietnam, the criteria for appointment to principal inspectors are as follows:

Criteria for appointment to principal inspectors
1. Meet standards specified in Article 39 of this Law;
2. Have certificates of professional training for principal inspectors and other certificates as prescribed by the law on officials and public employees.
3. Hold the rank of inspector or equivalent for at least 9 years.
4. Successfully pass exams for promotion; be considered for promotion from inspector to principal inspector; or be considered for same-rank reassignment in accordance with the regulations of the law on officials and public employees.

Thus, in addition to the criteria specified in Article 39 of the 2022 Law on Inspection in Vietnam mentioned above, the criteria for appointment to principal inspectors include:

- Have certificates of professional training for inspectors and other certificates as prescribed by the law on officials and public employees.

- Have been at least 2 years’ experience of inspection works (excluding probation period). The officials, public employees, officers of the People's Army and the People's Public Security, cipher workers at agencies, organizations or units who have been transferred to inspection agencies need to have at least 5 years’ experience of inspection works.

- Have certificates of professional training for principal inspectors and other certificates as prescribed by the law on officials and public employees.

- Hold the rank of inspector or equivalent for at least 9 years.

- Successfully pass exams for promotion; be considered for promotion from inspector to principal inspector; or be considered for same-rank reassignment in accordance with the regulations of the law on officials and public employees.

What are the duties of principal inspectors in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the contents of Clause 1, Article 7 of Decree No. 97/2011/ND-CP on inspectors and inspection workers, there are the following provisions:

Criteria for the rank of principal inspectors
1. Duties:
Principal inspectors are professional civil servants of state inspection agencies, performing inspection decisions and other tasks of state inspection agencies. Principal inspectors are assigned to preside over or participate in the inspection of large-scale, complicated cases involving many fields; When conducting an inspection, they must comply with the law, take responsibility before the law and the head of the direct management agency for the assigned tasks.

From the above provisions, the principal inspector has the following duties:

- Carry out inspection decisions and other tasks of state inspection agencies;

- To assume the prime responsibility for or participate in the inspection of large-scale, complicated cases involving many fields;

- When conducting the inspection, they must comply with the law, take responsibility before the law and the head of the direct management agency for the assigned tasks.

The 2022 Law on Inspection in Vietnam takes effect from July 1, 2023.


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