What are the contents of notarial apprenticeship examination in Vietnam? What are the cases where an apprentice may not register for an examination?

What are the contents of notarial apprenticeship examination in Vietnam? What are the cases where an apprentice may not register for an examination? T.Q - Hanoi.

Who can register for a notarial apprenticeship examination in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions in Clause 1, Article 17 of Circular 08/2023/TT-BTP stipulates as follows:

Registration for examination
1. An apprentice may register for an examination if:
a) He/she has received the recognition of apprenticeship completion as per Article 12 of this Circular;
b) He/she was qualified to take the previous examination but later applied to postpone participation and was approved by the Apprenticeship Examination Council;
c) He/she failed the previous examination, except that he/she failed three previous examinations but he/she has not taken another apprenticeship.

According to the above regulations, an apprentice may register for an examination if:

- He/she has received the recognition of apprenticeship completion;

- He/she was qualified to take the previous examination but later applied to postpone participation and was approved by the Apprenticeship Examination Council;

- He/she failed the previous examination, except that he/she failed three previous examinations but he/she has not taken another apprenticeship.

What are the contents of notarial apprenticeship examination in Vietnam? What are the cases where an apprentice may not register for an examination?

What are the contents of notarial apprenticeship examination in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions in Clause 1, Article 16 of Circular 08/2023/TT-BTP stipulates as follows:

Contents and formats of examination
1. Examination contents include:
a) Laws on notarization and authentication, Code of ethics of notarial practice and relevant regulations on notarization;
b) Performance of notarial skills and tasks as prescribed in Article 6 of this Circular.

Thus, based on the above regulations, the examination contents include:

- Laws on notarization and authentication, Code of ethics of notarial practice and relevant regulations on notarization;

- Performance of notarial skills and tasks as prescribed in Article 6 of this Circular.

+ Skills in receiving and classifying notarization requests; skills in checking the authenticity and legality of documents included in the documentation seeking notarial service; skills in reviewing and identifying entities and active legal capacity of participants signing contracts and transactions;

+ Skills in dealing with notarization petitioners, behaving according to the Code of Ethics for notary practice; skills in explaining to notarization petitioners their legal rights, obligations and interests, the meaning and legal consequences of notarization; skills in explaining reasons for refusing notarization requests;

+ Skills in studying and proposing solutions to documentation seeking notarial service;

+ Skills in drafting contracts and transactions at the request of a notarization petitioner; skills in checking the authenticity and legality of draft contracts and transactions prepared by a notarization petitioner; skills in verification;

+ Skills in notarizing translations; skills in authenticating copies and authenticating signatures in documents;

+ Skills in drafting testimonies;

+ Checking, arranging, and classifying notarized and authenticated documents for record-keeping;

+ Skills in utilizing and using notary databases and applying information technology in notary activities;

+ Skills in administrating notarial practice organizations;

+ Other skills and tasks related to notarization as assigned by the notary mentor.

What are the cases where an apprentice may not register for a notarial apprenticeship examination in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 17 of Circular 08/2023/TT-BTP stipulates as follows:

Registration for examination
1. An apprentice may register for an examination if:
a) He/she has received the recognition of apprenticeship completion as per Article 12 of this Circular;
b) He/she was qualified to take the previous examination but later applied to postpone participation and was approved by the Apprenticeship Examination Council;
c) He/she failed the previous examination, except that he/she failed three previous examinations but he/she has not taken another apprenticeship.
2. An apprentice may not register for an examination if:
a) He/she has not been recognized as completing the notarial apprenticeship;
b) He/she was recognized as completing notarial apprenticeship but the recognition was cancelled later;
c) He/she copied another person's apprenticeship performance report or committed fraudulent or dishonest acts to register for the examination.

Thus, based on the above regulations, an apprentice may not register for an examination if:

- He/she has not been recognized as completing the notarial apprenticeship;

- He/she was recognized as completing notarial apprenticeship but the recognition was cancelled later;

- He/she copied another person's apprenticeship performance report or committed fraudulent or dishonest acts to register for the examination.


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