What are the conditions for participating in primary political theory training? What are the regulation on responsibilities of institutions training in primary political theory in Vietnam?

I have a question on primary political theory training. I am a member of the Women's Union. I was assigned to participate in the primary political theory training class. Since it was my first time participating in political theory training, I was also quite confused and worried. What are the conditions for participating in primary political theory training? What are the regulation on responsibilities of institutions training in primary political theory in Vietnam?

What is political theory training in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 3 of Regulation 57/QD-TW of 2022, the specific concept of political theory training is as follows:

"Article 3. Interpretation of terms

In these Regulations, the following terms are construed as follows:

1. Political theory training is the process of transmitting and absorbing the political theory knowledge system; consolidate the worldview, human outlook, scientific and revolutionary methodology of Marxism - Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's thought, viewpoints and policies of the Party, policies and laws of the State; raise political awareness and bravery, strengthen confidence in the Party, State and the socialist regime; improve the vision, thinking, methods, leadership skills, management skills and practical application for the staff. Political theory training consists of three levels: primary, intermediate and advanced."

What are primary political theory training in Vietnam?

Primary political theory training, also known as elementary political theory, is specified in Clause 2, Article 3 of Regulation 57/QD-TW in 2022 on subjects, standards and decentralization ofpolitical theory training as follows:

"Article 3. Interpretation of terms

In these Regulations, the following terms are construed as follows:


2. Primary political theory is the basic level of political theory training for cadres, party members, union members, members... at grassroots level; equip with basic principles of Marxism - Leninism, Ho Chi Minh thought; viewpoints, policies of the Party, policies and laws of the State and practical application skills."

What are the conditions for participating in primary political theory training in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 4 of Regulation 57/QD-TW in 2022, the political primary is as follows:

"Article 4. Primary political theory

1. Objects

a) Party members; union members and members of grassroots socio-political organizations.

b) Commune-level civil servants (except commune-level police chiefs and military commanders).

c) Part-time workers at commune, village, residential groups and a number of other subjects who have aspirations in accordance with the general requirements.

2. Standard

Graduated from junior high school or higher.

Based on the above regulations, in order to participate in elementary political theory training, you must first be a party member, union member, member of grassroots socio-political organizations or civil servants at grassroots level. communes or part-time workers at commune level, in villages, residential groups and some other subjects who have aspirations in accordance with the general requirements.

The next condition you need to ensure after you have ensured that you are one of the subjects participating in the elementary political theory training is that you must have graduated from junior high school or higher."

What are the regulation on institutions training primary political theory in Vietnam?

According to Clause 1, Article 7 of Regulation 57/QD-TW in 2022, institutions training primary political theory is the district-level political center as follows:

"Article 7. Decentralization of training tasks

1. The district-level political center provides primary training in political theory."

What are the regulation on responsibilities of institutions training in primary political theory in Vietnam?

According to Article 8 of Regulation 57/QD-TW in 2022 on the authority and responsibilities of primary training institutions, specifically as follows:

1. The district-level Party Committees shall lead and direct the full and serious implementation of the regulations of the Central Government and the training plans of the provincial-level Party Committees; inspect and supervise the implementation of political theory training under decentralized authority.

2. The district-level organizing committee of the party committee reviews the contingent of staff, determines the training needs, and advises the standing committee of the district-level party committee to issue the training plan; inspect and supervise the training; periodically review and summarize the implementation and report to standing committees of district level committees.

3. The district-level Propaganda and Training Committee shall monitor, guide and examine the political and ideological orientations in the training contents and report to the district-level standing committee.

4. Provincial political schools provide professional guidance, organize fostering and train lecturers for district-level political centers.

5. The district-level political center implements the training plan of the party committee; training organization and management; periodically report training results to the standing committee of the Party Committee and relevant competent agencies.

6. Standing committees of grassroots Party committees and competent agencies shall send cadres to attend elementary school of political theory to ensure the right subjects and standards.

The above information is on the conditions for participating in the primary political theory training and the responsibilities of primary political theory training institutions. We hope the information we provide answers your questions. Best regards!

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