What are the changes on time limit for design appraisal and issuance of motor vehicle design certificate in Vietnam from August 15, 2022?
- Circular 30/2011/TT-BGTVT: What are the regulations on appraisal of motor vehicle design dossiers in Vietnam?
- What are the changes on time limit for design appraisal and issuance of motor vehicle design certificate in Vietnam?
- Circular 16/2022/TT-BGTVT: What are the changes on the appraisal of motor vehicle design dossiers in Vietnam?
Circular 30/2011/TT-BGTVT: What are the regulations on appraisal of motor vehicle design dossiers in Vietnam?
According to the provisions of Article 5 of Circular 30/2011/TT-BGTVT, specifying the appraisal of motor vehicle design dossiers, specifically as follows:
(1) Motor vehicle design dossiers must be appraised by quality control agencies.
(2) Design appraisal is the examination, inspection and comparison of the product design dossier contents to the technical standards, regulation and current provisions of the Ministry of Transport on motor vehicles in order to ensure that all the products are produced and assembled consistently with the requirements for technical safety quality and environment protection.
(3) For qualified design dossiers, quality control agencies shall issue the design appraisal certificate under the form prescribed in Annex III promulgated together with this Circular.
(4) After being issued with the design appraisal certificate, one (01) design dossier shall be transferred to each of the following agencies and organizations: designing facilities , producing facilities and shall be archived in quality control agencies.
(5) Amending and supplementing design dossiers
- In case of amending and supplementing the appraised design dossiers, facilities producing or designing such products must send the supplemented and amended design dossiers and the written request to quality control agencies for appraising those amendments and supplements.
- Designing facilities must make new design dossiers if the amendment and supplement fail to satisfy the requirements for products of the same type prescribed in Annex I promulgated together with this Circular.
(6) Procedures for design appraisal
- Order of implementation:
+ Designing facilities , producing facilities (qualified for designing the products themselves) shall make 01 dossier on requesting design appraisal as prescribed and send to the Vietnam Register directly or through the postal system.
+ The Vietnam Register shall receive, inspect the dossier composition, guiding the facilities to complete the incomplete dossiers and issue the appointment note for the time of giving design appraisal results.
+ The Vietnam Register shall appraise the design dossiers, notify of the supplements and amendments for unqualified dossiers and issue the design appraisal certificates for qualified dossiers
- Method of implementation:
Facilities shall submit the application dossiers on design appraisal and receive the results directly at the Vietnam Register or through the postal system.
- The application dossier on design appraisal includes:
+ 01 written request for design appraisal (original copy);
+ 03 design dossiers (as prescribed in clause 1 Article 4);
+ 01 Business registration certificate of the designing facility (for the first design appraisal of the designing facility) specifying that the enterprise is functioning motor vehicle design practice (the authenticated copy or the photocopy verified by the designing facility).
- Time limit for handling:
The time limit for appraising design dossiers and issuing design appraisal certificates: within 15 days as from fully receiving the dossiers as prescribed.
What are the changes on time limit for design appraisal and issuance of motor vehicle design certificate in Vietnam from August 15, 2022?
What are the changes on time limit for design appraisal and issuance of motor vehicle design certificate in Vietnam?
Regarding the regulations on appraisal of motor vehicle design dossiers in Circular 16/2022/TT-BGTVT, Clauses 2, 3 and 4, Article 1 of Circular 16/2022/TT-BGTVT are amended as follows:
(1) Motor vehicle design dossiers must be appraised by quality control agencies.
(2) Design appraisal is the examination, inspection and comparison of the product design dossier contents to the technical standards, regulation and current provisions of the Ministry of Transport on motor vehicles in order to ensure that all the products are produced and assembled consistently with the requirements for technical safety quality and environment protection.
(3) For qualified design dossiers, quality control agencies shall issue the design appraisal certificate under the form prescribed in Annex III promulgated together with this Circular.
(4) Design establishments receiving design appraisal results include:
- In case of receiving directly at the head office of the quality control agencies or via the postal system: 01 Certificate of design appraisal; technical design explanation and technical drawing (01 copy in case the design establishment is also a manufacturing establishment or 02 copies in case the design establishment is different from the production establishment) of the application file. design.
- In case of receiving through the online public service system: the electronic version of the Certificate of Design Appraisal; electronic version of technical design explanations and technical drawings of design dossiers.
(5) Amending and supplementing design dossiers
- In case of amending and supplementing the appraised design dossiers, facilities producing or designing such products must send the supplemented and amended design dossiers and the written request to quality control agencies for appraising those amendments and supplements.
- Designing facilities must make new design dossiers if the amendment and supplement fail to satisfy the requirements for products of the same type prescribed in Annex I promulgated together with this Circular.
(6) Procedures for design appraisal
- Order of implementation:
+ Designing facilities , producing facilities (qualified for designing the products themselves) shall make 01 dossier on requesting design appraisal as prescribed and send to the Vietnam Register directly or through the postal system.
+ The Vietnam Register shall receive, inspect the dossier composition, guiding the facilities to complete the incomplete dossiers and issue the appointment note for the time of giving design appraisal results.
+ The Vietnam Register shall appraise the design dossiers, notify of the supplements and amendments for unqualified dossiers and issue the design appraisal certificates for qualified dossiers
- Method of implementation: Facilities shall submit the application dossiers on design appraisal and receive the results directly at the Vietnam Register or through the postal system.
- The application dossier on design appraisal includes:
+ 01 written request for design appraisal (original copy);
+ 01 design dossiers (as prescribed in clause 1 Article 4) when submitting the application through the online public service system;
+ In case of direct submission or by post: 01 set of design dossiers as prescribed in Clause 1, Article 4 of this Circular, 01 set of dossiers specified at Points a and b, Clause 1 shall be submitted (or 02 sets in case the design establishment is different from the production facility)
d) Time limit for handling:
The time limit for appraising design dossiers and issuing design appraisal certificates: within 08 days as from fully receiving the dossiers as prescribed. In case the design dossiers have satisfactory appraisal results (satisfactory design dossiers), the Vietnam Register shall issue a Design Appraisal Certificate according to the form specified in Appendix III issued with this Circular within 03 working days from the date of receiving the satisfactory results of the evaluation of design dossiers.
Thus, from August 15, 2022, the time limit for appraisal of design content is changed from 15 days to 8 days.
Circular 16/2022/TT-BGTVT: What are the changes on the appraisal of motor vehicle design dossiers in Vietnam?
Regarding the regulations on appraisal of motor vehicle design dossiers, Circular 16/2022/TT-BGTVT has amended the following provisions:
- Design establishments receive design appraisal results
- Design facility or production facility, for cases eligible for self-designing products
- How to do the submission of design dossiers
- Dossier to request design appraisal
- Time limit for processing the application for design appraisal.
Circular 16/2022/TT-BGTVT takes effect from August 15, 2022.