07:30 | 09/11/2023

What are the amendments to the disclosure of information on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam?

What are the amendments to the disclosure of information on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam? T.Q - Hanoi.

What are the amendments to the disclosure of information on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam?

According to Article 14 of Circular 09/2017/TT-BCT amended and supplemented by Clause 7, Article 1 of Circular 18/2023/TT-BCT regulating disclosure of information on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam as follows:

Disclosure of information on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam
1. Disclosed information on an organization with an issued certificate of eligibility for inspection operations includes:
a) Name, address, and code of the inspection organization.
b) List of inspected objects.
c) Validity period of the certificate of eligibility.
d) Administrative violations committed by the inspection organization (if any).
2. Disclosed information at the request of a professional inspection training and advanced training organization meeting the requirements prescribed Clause 1 Article 12 of this Circular includes:
a) Name and address of the professional inspection training and advanced training organization.
b) Inspected objects included in the training or advanced training course

Accordingly, the regulations on disclosure of information on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam will have the following amendments:

- For information disclosed on organizations that have been granted a Certificate of eligibility for inspection activities, the list of inspectors will no longer be disclosed.

-Additional conditions for units conducting training and advanced training course.

What are the amendments to the disclosure of information on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam?

What types of information must be posted on portals and websites in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 19 of the Law on Access to Information 2016, the following types of information must be posted on portals and websites:

- Legislative documents; international treaties of which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a member or international agreements to which Vietnam is a signatory; administrative procedures and working procedures of state agencies;

- Information regarding the dissemination and guidance on the implementation of laws and policies in sectors under the state management;

- National and local socio-economic development strategies, programs, projects, schemes and plans; sector/field planning, methods and results thereof; annual working programs and plans of state agencies;

- Information about lists of public investment and public procurement projects/programs, results of public investment and procurement execution, the management and use of public investment funding and sources of loan capital;

- Information about functions, tasks, powers and organization structure of state agencies and their affiliated units; address, telephone number, fax number and email address of the state agency or the official in charge of receiving information requests;

- Annual financial statements; information about the statistics on sectors under the state management; information about lists of scientific programs/topics and results thereof;

- List of types of information subject to mandatory disclosure which includes address, methods, time and period of disclosure for each type of information;

- Information which is considered as necessary for public interests and community health;

- Other information that must be posted on portals and websites as regulated by law.

What are the methods of information disclosure in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 18 of the Law on Access to Information 2016, it is stipulated as follows:

Methods and time of information disclosure
1. Methods of information disclosure consist of:
a) Post information on portals and websites of state agencies;
b) Provide information via the mass media;
c) Post information on Official Gazettes;
d) Post information in the notice form at head offices of state agencies and other locations;
dd) Disclose information through the reception of citizens, press conference, press release, activities of spokespersons of state agencies as regulated by the law;
e) Other methods that are convenient for citizens and determined by agencies in charge of disclosing information.
2. If a specific method of disclosure for a given type of information is regulated by the law, such regulations of the law shall apply.
In the other hand, if a specific method of disclosure for a given type of information is not regulated by the law, the state agency in charge of providing information shall, depending on its actual conditions, select one or a certain methods of information disclosure prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article to ensure that citizens are able to access such information.
3. Apart from the methods of information disclosure regulated in Clause 1 of this Article, stage agencies must determine methods of information disclosure in conformity with access to information capacity and conditions of citizens who are the disabled and residents in border regions, islands, mountainous regions, and areas faced to extremely difficult social and economic conditions.
4. Time of disclosing information in each sector shall comply with relevant law. If the time of information disclosure is not regulated by the law, competent state agencies must disclose information within 05 days from the date on which it is generated.

Thus, methods of information disclosure consist of:

- Post information on portals and websites of state agencies;

- Provide information via the mass media;

- Post information on Official Gazettes;

- Post information in the notice form at head offices of state agencies and other locations;

- Disclose information through the reception of citizens, press conference, press release, activities of spokespersons of state agencies as regulated by the law;

- Other methods that are convenient for citizens and determined by agencies in charge of disclosing information.


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