07:51 | 24/09/2024

What are regulations on using ferries and pontoons in road traffic in Vietnam from January 1, 2025?

What are regulations on using ferries and pontoons in road traffic in Vietnam from January 1, 2025?

What are regulations on using ferries and pontoons in road traffic in Vietnam from January 1, 2025?

Pursuant to Article 23 of the Road Traffic Order and Safety Law 2024 regulating using ferries and pontoons in Vietnam as follows:

(1) When arriving at the ferry, pontoon, vehicles must queue as required and not obstruct traffic.

(2) Vehicles cross the ferry, pontoon in the following priority order:

- Priority vehicles;

- Mail vehicles;

- Fresh food transport vehicles;

- Public passenger transport vehicles.

In case the vehicles with the same priority order arrive at the ferry, pontoon, the vehicle that arrives first goes first.

(3) When crossing the ferry, the following regulations must be complied with:

- When the vehicle descends onto the ferry, while on the ferry, and when disembarking, no one is allowed to stay in the vehicle except the driver, controller of special-use vehicles, children, pregnant women, elderly, disabled, and sick persons;- When descending from the ferry, motor vehicles, and special-use vehicles go first, followed by rudimentary vehicles and pedestrians; when disembarking, pedestrians go first, followed by road transport vehicles as directed by the traffic controller.

(4) When crossing the pontoon, the following regulations must be complied with:

- Motor vehicles and special-use vehicles must move in a single file in the direction of travel without obstructing opposite moving vehicles and people;- Rudimentary vehicles and pedestrians must keep to the right according to their direction, without obstructing motor vehicles and special-use vehicles;- Motor vehicles, special-use vehicles, rudimentary vehicles, and pedestrians must follow the instructions of the traffic controller.

Regulations on Ferry and Pontoon Bridge Crossing in Road Traffic Participation from January 1, 2025

What are regulations on using ferries and pontoons in road traffic from January 1, 2025? (Image from the Internet)

Regulations on Traffic in tunnels in Vietnam

Pursuant to Article 26 of the Road Traffic Order and Safety Law 2024 regulating traffic in tunnels as follows:

Traffic participants while driving in tunnels must comply with the following road traffic rules:

- Motor vehicles and special-use vehicles must turn on low beam lights; rudimentary vehicles must turn on lights or have a light-emitting signal;

- Not stopping or parking in tunnels.

In case of technical issues or other unavoidable circumstances forcing a stop or parking, the driver or special-use vehicle controller must:

+ Move the vehicle to an emergency stop or parking position,

+ If the vehicle cannot be moved, there must be an emergency light signal and a warning sign or light placed behind the vehicle at a safe distance, and promptly report to the Traffic Police for order and traffic safety assurance or to the road tunnel management agency;

(3) Comply with other road traffic rules.

Compliance with speed regulations and safety distance in Vietnam

Pursuant to Article 12 of the Road Traffic Order and Safety Law 2024 regulating Compliance with speed regulations and safety distance in Vietnam:

- Drivers and special-use vehicle controllers must comply with speed regulations and maintain a safe minimum distance from the vehicle in front on the same lane or road section.

- Traffic participants must ensure speed appropriate to the conditions of bridges, roads, traffic density, terrain, weather, and other affecting factors to ensure safety.

- Traffic participants must observe, reduce speed, or stop to ensure safety in the following cases:

+ At places with road markings or other signs for pedestrians or where pedestrians, disabled persons' wheelchairs are crossing;

+ When there are warning signals of danger or obstacles on the road;

+ When changing direction or vision is restricted;

+ Where roads intersect at the same level with roads or railways; narrow roads, curved roads, mountain roads, slopes;

+ Where bridges, narrow dykes, submerged roads, tunnels, tunnels;

+ Areas with schools, hospitals, bus stations, public work sites with many people, densely populated areas, markets, road construction sites, road accident scenes;

+ When there are animals on or near the road;

+ To avoid oncoming traffic or allow vehicles behind to overtake; when there are signals requesting road access or emergency signals from vehicles ahead in the same direction;

+ At stops where passengers are boarding or alighting;

+ When encountering oversized, overloaded, hazardous goods transport vehicles; pedestrian groups;

+ When encountering priority vehicles;

+ In conditions of rain, wind, fog, smoke, dust, slippery, muddy roads with many obstacles affecting road traffic safety;

+ In areas of traffic control activities.

Note: The Road Traffic Order and Safety Law 2024 takes effect in Vietnam from January 1, 2025. Clause 3, Article 10 of the Road Traffic Order and Safety Law 2024 takes effect in Vietnam from January 1, 2026.


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